What is "Good business Sense"?

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7+ Year Member
Jul 15, 2014
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I have just been accepted to podiatry school. I want to dedicate my life to helping people and that is why I want to be a physician, but I am leaving a career in which I made 100k a year to pursue podiatry, so it is important to me that I position myself for financial success in order to make this a worthwhile investment. I keep seeing that one can be successful in podiatry if you are a hard worker, have good people skills and good business sense. I think I have a good handle on the first two, but I don't know much about business. I don't feel I have great busines sense for lack of experience. Can some one point me in the right direction? What business related things should I be working on in order to have "good business sense" and position myself for finacial success as a podiatrist? Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

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Do you want to go into private practice for yourself? Or are you talking about good business sense for working for someone else? By the way, its gonna be really hard to recoup the lost $100k per year earnings while training to be a pod. It may take a long time to recoup that lost money once you are finished training.
Well I don't see myself opening my own practice for 2 reasons. One, I don't know much about business. And secondly, I already had a career for 10 years so I will be 41 when I finish, and for me I don't want to be building a business from the ground up at that point in my life, where it still might take years to turn a profit let alone do better than I was doing before I was a pod. As far as recouoping my lost wages, perhaps that is another example of my bad business sense, but the lost wages don't bother me. I will recoup them eventually. I am more concerned with having a better annual income and learning how to grow it. I capped out at 100k in my old career. I want to maintain a similar standard of living, and increase my disposable income. If I can do that to a significant extent, that would be sufficient for me to consider it financially worthwhile.
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