Can anyone please explain what scutwork is?
Originally posted by AJM
Scutwork can depend on the eye of the beholder. I recently had a med student think I was scutting him out for making him write orders on a patient. By the way -- it was HIS PATIENT! 😱 And he was a SUB-I!! 😱 😱 I just wanted him to take some responsibility for his patient, and to think about what we were doing -- is that too much to ask? Besides, this student will be writing orders without any supervision in just 9 short months!
Okay, I'll stop my ranting... 🙂
Originally posted by Harrie
Going to the ATM for a resident
Originally posted by ckent
That's ridiculous ajm. It sounds like this student doesn't know what scut work really is. I would reccomend showing this student what *true* scut work is, for his own educational benefit of course 😉 .
Can anyone please explain what scutwork is?