What makes a "solid" recommendation??

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5+ Year Member
Oct 9, 2017
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I am applying for admission in 2018 and I keep seeing people talking about a "solid" recommendation letter... but I am kind of curious what makes a "solid" recommendation.

I have 3 pharmacists who are doing my recommendations (2 are business partners/owners of a chain of independents, 1 from a large healthcare system). They all know me well and can talk about character, work ethic etc. as I was the only tech but is that all it takes for a "solid recommendation". Like does their actual writing style sway what makes the recommendation "solid"

Any thoughts?

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Those sound good. Pharmacy schools don't want letters that just say "He was a good student who made an A in the class." They want to hear about your character from someone else's mouth and if you think your pharmacists are able to say some good things about you, then you're fine.