What should I do?... Grades? Graduate school? No choices?

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May 18, 2016
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I'm a senior undergrad, I was suppose to graduate May 2016 but my grades and not enough course hours are holding me till December)who has always been academically driven and and focused student,but things
changed when I got into college, I'm not a partier, I'm not even very social other than in church groups or African union club on campus. I speak to professors after exams and for advice, from study groups, and all I'm a commuter and I park off campus so I usually have to walk alone and try not to leave campus late. I've always done pretty well in biology courses but my downfall right now is Organic 1. I've taken this class 3 times so far and have gotten an F twice and just saw that I got a D this semester(Spring 2016). The first semester taking Orgo I got an F and because I was trying to focus on bring my grade up in that class made a D in cell bio. I retook cell and made a B(my school doesn't do +/-). I'm just so distraught that my medical aspirations are gone, I used to have a 3.5 cGPA that I hoped to keep pushing but these grades in orgo have brought me down to an overall 2.5 and I'm devastated. I honestly don't know what to do, should I quit? I feel like it's over, there's no possible way I can get into grad school(PA) or medical school like this, I feel like a disappointment because my parents have been paying out of pocket and I feel like I've wasted their hard earned cash. I just don't like feeling like my once bright future is diminished, is there any advice from those in professional fields? I'm ashamed to even post this but I've run out of options and I don't want to do something that I may regret, please help, below are my grades. I attend UNCC like I said there are no +/- most the C's I have can be 79.45% but it just shows a solid C or a teacher refuses to push it to the next letter grade. I know some people will see this and insult me further that's fine I'm sure you're doing better and can insult someone like me but to those who do care please what can/should I do? I'm to being shadowing soon, either a PA or MD, I want to look towards more things other than clinical hours such as volunteering, what type of volunteering can I do? If SOMEONE could help me I'd appreciate it, I've been battling depression because of all this and I really haven't told anyone how sad or how I've lost hope. I don't want to reach deep depression where I may need medication but I've started thinking "thoughts" because my future doesn't seem to be going anywhere so what is my purpose in this world?

Grades: T=transfer, TP=AP credit,GR=grade replacement
General Biology I TC
Gen Biol I Lab TC
General Biology II TA
Gen Biol II Lab TA
CHFD Elective TB
ENGL 1102 Writing in Academic Community TB
Physics Elective TC
Physics Elective TB
Religious Studies Elective TA
Intro to Sociology TC
English Composition TP
US History I TP
US History II TP
General Chemistry II TC
General Chemistry Lab II TC
Arts & Society: Film (GRNT) A
Precalc Math Science & Engr A
General Chemistry I W
General Chemistry Lab I C
Global Connections (POLS) (X) B
Introductory Physics I C
Introductory Physics I Lab B
Elements of Stat I (BIOL) C
Contemporary Africa A
General Chemistry I C
Intro to International Studies A
Calculus B
Cell Biology QD GR:B
Organic Chemistry I F
Organic Chemistry Lab I C
Cell Biology B
Cell Biology Lab B
Introductory Physics II C
Introductory Physics II Lab B
Genetics C
Genetics Lab B
Animal Physiology B
Animal Physiology Lab A
Organic Chemistry I F
General Zoology C
Parasitology C
Epidemics and Plagues C
Organic Chemistry I D

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  • AMCAS GPA Grid Good.jpg
    AMCAS GPA Grid Good.jpg
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Hello gonnif, thank you for your reply. I'm trying to calculate the GPA but what do I do the credit I got by taking AP classes?
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Hello gonnif, thank you for your reply. I'm trying to calculate the GPA but what do I do the credit I got by taking AP classes?

AP classes get counted if and only if they have been given both credit and grade by a college. If not, they are not part of the AP calculation
AP classes get counted if and only if they have been given both credit and grade by a college. If not, they are not part of the AP calculation

At my school doing well on an AP exam course gets you a "P" for pass in the college equivalent of that course fro example I got a 4 in AP US history so I have a pass for US history 1/2
At my school doing well on an AP exam course gets you a "P" for pass in the college equivalent of that course fro example I got a 4 in AP US history so I have a pass for US history 1/2

It will count as credit but since it has a "P" it will not be part of this GPA calculation so ignore it
First and foremost, go see a consouler now if you're starting to have suicidal thoughts. Medicine is a profession that is not meant for everyone. If it does not work out for you that doesn't mean you can't be successful and certainly doesn't mean you're a failure.

Regarding Orgo, what have you done differently between the first time you took it and this last time?
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First and foremost, go see a consouler now if you're starting to have suicidal thoughts. Medicine is a profession that is not meant for everyone. If it does not work out for you that doesn't mean you can't be successful and certainly doesn't mean you're a failure.

Regarding Orgo, what have you done differently between the first time you took it and this last time?
I've always had a passion for medicine since I was young I always wanted to help people especially back in my home country and other places, the thing about being a bio major is that my focus is maintaining a 2.0 bio GPA but when I take bio classes with Orgo it's hard to dedicate enough time to both, but since the first and last time I took the class I tried study groups, youtube vids, etc but sometimes people hear my accent and if I ask them for a study group they come up with excuses as to why they didn't see my text to calls. I just want to do well and get this class over with. I've met with professor's and all.My school is a research based school so most of them are running experiments and can't dedicate no more than 20 mins to a student before having to run and check results from an experiment. I'm so used to A's and B's and my college career has been so rocking and disheartening. I've never seen myself anywhere other than the medical field and since my GPA is so low I've been trying to pull it up for PA school(my plan B) but the chances of me being anything other than a middle-HS teacher is slim. It's embarrassing taking the same class 4 times I don't know how professional institutions will take it maybe see it as laziness or lack of ambition which is not true, if only they knew all that I've been through from being robbed in front of my home to losing family left and right. I've done everything except pay someone to take the class for me(not that I would even consider that option)
Ok, in that case the cGPA I told you is correct.

Rule 1: Take A Breath

as @JustAPhD indicated first we stop bleeding, both your personal stress and your academic. Next is figuring out why you have the issues with Ochem and other courses. Only then can you work out any plan to move forward.

my suggestion is to take a breath and lets work on JustAPhD suggested
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Seems like in general sciences have been tough for you and MD school an unlikely path. Many other options available and your degree certainly not a waste of your folks money. If your willing to persevere over a long road, figuring out how to do well in the sciences and repeating Cs or poorer, could eventually get into some provider profession. Are there other careers you Have considered? Keep your head up, if anything you are tenacious and resilient, many would have already quit!
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Have you considered podiatry, optometry, and other similar schools. If you can get a 3.0 after doing some postbacca, it could really work for you. I would strongly urge you to look into podiatry because you still do medicine and their cutoffs aren't as high as they are for medical. You could start fresh with your life if you shift your focus and you won't live with the regret of not becoming a doctor because essentially these fields still allow you to be one. Maybe if you aim a little closer to your current performance your outlook in life won't be so negative, it's very easy to be so when you're in college.
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May I suggest that this potential applicant is not ruled out yet. Lets stablize the patient here, see what the issue is, and then figure out the best course of action. With grade replacement for DO, Postbacc, and SMP, there are still paths. My assumption here, as with many students, it is more an emotional/psychological issue rather than a purely academic/intellectual issue. While, of course, I may be incorrect and the OP may not handle the rigors of the work, I would rather not reach that conclusion without understanding the student first.

PS: Dont be 'dissing them podiatrists! (defending my Bro on that one)
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Retake all the classes C and below then apply to some DO programs. I feel a pulse :poke:
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May I suggest that this potential applicant is not ruled out yet. Lets stablize the patient here, see what the issue is, and then figure out the best course of action. With grade replacement for DO, Postbacc, and SMP, there are still paths. My assumption here, as with many students, it is more an emotional/psychological issue rather than a purely academic/intellectual issue. While, of course, I may be incorrect and the OP may not handle the rigors of the work, I would rather not reach that conclusion without understanding the student first.

PS: Dont be 'dissing them podiatrists! (defending my Bro on that one)
sorry, meant no dissing on them. Just wanted to point out that there are schools with less stringest policies and if the OP is cut for money, they may only be able to afford a couple of classes in order for gpa improvement. For that, if they still want to even be "eligible" it would be better if they apply to schools with flexible guidelines for consideration. Not going to make an assumption that they will get in but technically if OP starts right now shadowing podiatry or other similar schools and really attains a vested interest, it may be a lot easier for them then just going to a post-bacc where students are expected to take many science classes. With the way the OP is running with these courses, it is hard to say that they will make a near 1.0 increase (provided they make straight 4.0s in said post-baccs). If they take these classes one at a time and less amount of them, they won't be as flustered and perhaps their direction can become more resolved with better academic gait. Maybe if OP is motivated to reach a 3.0, they'll realize that they can do even better. Aiming for a 3.5 for DO and MD schools is still far-fetched of a goal and this may perpetuate whatever psychological/emotional state the OP may be going through. Atleast if they get a 3.0, they'll know that they are still eligible to go through the medical path still. Sometimes, I tend to see that refocusing your goals to realistic ones may be better in the long run for people. And don't get me wrong, I really think podiatry is cool and still wonder why more students don't see it that way.
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Rule 1: Take A Breath

as @JustAPhD indicated first we stop bleeding, both your personal stress and your academic. Next is figuring out why you have the issues with Ochem and other courses. Only then can you work out any plan to move forward.

my suggestion is to take a breath and lets work on JustAPhD suggested
I know. I've taken some time to reflect and see how I can get back on track its just disheartening that orgo will keep me back a year longer than expected, it's embarrassing as a foreign kid who did so well before. But what must be done will be done I guess, just hate spending my parent's hard earned money like this.
Seems like in general sciences have been tough for you and MD school an unlikely path. Many other options available and your degree certainly not a waste of your folks money. If your willing to persevere over a long road, figuring out how to do well in the sciences and repeating Cs or poorer, could eventually get into some provider profession. Are there other careers you Have considered? Keep your head up, if anything you are tenacious and resilient, many would have already quit!
When you we were told of biology degrees we were told that it was either graduate or medical school or to become teachers while in high school, I'm just learning of PA 2 years ago let alone other professions, I've just always wanted to help others. There's so much suffering that I've seen and I want the opportunity to help
Have you considered podiatry, optometry, and other similar schools. If you can get a 3.0 after doing some postbacca, it could really work for you. I would strongly urge you to look into podiatry because you still do medicine and their cutoffs aren't as high as they are for medical. You could start fresh with your life if you shift your focus and you won't live with the regret of not becoming a doctor because essentially these fields still allow you to be one. Maybe if you aim a little closer to your current performance your outlook in life won't be so negative, it's very easy to be so when you're in college.
Hello, I'm sorry I don't think I fully understand your comment, are you saying if I'd considered switching majors? If so, I have but not now that I'm a senior. Right now I'm taking it one step at a time(even though I wish it didn't have to be that way)
May I suggest that this potential applicant is not ruled out yet. Lets stablize the patient here, see what the issue is, and then figure out the best course of action. With grade replacement for DO, Postbacc, and SMP, there are still paths. My assumption here, as with many students, it is more an emotional/psychological issue rather than a purely academic/intellectual issue. While, of course, I may be incorrect and the OP may not handle the rigors of the work, I would rather not reach that conclusion without understanding the student first.

PS: Dont be 'dissing them podiatrists! (defending my Bro on that one)
Yes I have considered ost-bacc but from the other forums concerning that topic it also seems quite expensive but I think it'll need to be done. I have a lot of upcoming volunteering and medical hours coming up, as well as volunteered in a top Cancer research team at my school by one of the nation's top cancer researchers it's just my GPA that I'm worried about and it's what worries me.
Retake all the classes C and below then apply to some DO programs. I feel a pulse :poke:

DO is homeopathic based correct, can someone explain the difference other than enrance standards? Can DO be international? I really want to be involved in Doctors without borders or involved in army medicine.
What about Orgo are you struggling with?
If I'm honest it's time dedication, it's hard to focus on my biology classes and also practice all orgo's mechanisms. For example I took parasitology spring 2016 and learned over 500 parasites(100 each exam and concerning everything from life cycle;e, disease caused, etc) and then tehre's orgo where I'd have to dedicated atleast 40 hours a week but my Bio GPA is important but without orgo I can't get my B.Sc. The thing is once I take time to review and watch videos I understand but by that time it's too late and behind what we're learning. Then to sum it up comes frustration and test anxiety because I know this class is so difficult to me the doubts overcome me all I hear when it's test/quiz time is "You can't do it"
sorry, meant no dissing on them. Just wanted to point out that there are schools with less stringest policies and if the OP is cut for money, they may only be able to afford a couple of classes in order for gpa improvement. For that, if they still want to even be "eligible" it would be better if they apply to schools with flexible guidelines for consideration. Not going to make an assumption that they will get in but technically if OP starts right now shadowing podiatry or other similar schools and really attains a vested interest, it may be a lot easier for them then just going to a post-bacc where students are expected to take many science classes. With the way the OP is running with these courses, it is hard to say that they will make a near 1.0 increase (provided they make straight 4.0s in said post-baccs). If they take these classes one at a time and less amount of them, they won't be as flustered and perhaps their direction can become more resolved with better academic gait. Maybe if OP is motivated to reach a 3.0, they'll realize that they can do even better. Aiming for a 3.5 for DO and MD schools is still far-fetched of a goal and this may perpetuate whatever psychological/emotional state the OP may be going through. Atleast if they get a 3.0, they'll know that they are still eligible to go through the medical path still. Sometimes, I tend to see that refocusing your goals to realistic ones may be better in the long run for people. And don't get me wrong, I really think podiatry is cool and still wonder why more students don't see it that way.
Thank you for your input, I'm motivated like I said the only time I've ever not done well in my bio class is when I've taken it with orgo, I understand that post-bacc will be my best option. It just feels uneasy knowing that my childhood dream and all this time is just a waste, my parents aren't getting younger. We're all foreign and I feel miserable.
Hello posters when it comes to Post-bacc is that me retaking the classes I didn't do so well in, just taking additional classes on top those I have, or something else? I don't think NC has a SMP program. Also I've gotten an offer from Loyola School of medicine for a SMP MA in medical sciences and I've heard good reviews of those who participated in the program and succeed on into the school's medical program. My thing with that is that it is in Chicago(I never hear anything good from that city on the news) and I'm sure that the out of state tuition and cost of living would be drastically different in Chicago than here in NC. My plan has always been to stay in NC till I finish my education or stay in the reasonable south till I'm done with my education. So should I stick with a reasonable post bacc in NC or consider SMP elsewhere?
Thank you for your input, I'm motivated like I said the only time I've ever not done well in my bio class is when I've taken it with orgo, I understand that post-bacc will be my best option. It just feels uneasy knowing that my childhood dream and all this time is just a waste, my parents aren't getting younger. We're all foreign and I feel miserable.
sorry but everyone of us is having no better of a time. I have no job, no idea if I will even attain one, seriously fretting about being an embarrassment to my parents even though they say it is fine (I know they are not). Now thinking about working at a local grocery store despite graduating with a decent gpa, awards, and many years of research. I would say that you are in a good position because you can apply to do post-bacca and still be surrounded by people moving forward. Stay the course, you will find lots of mentors and friends.
DO is homeopathic based correct, can someone explain the difference other than enrance standards? Can DO be international? I really want to be involved in Doctors without borders or involved in army medicine.
Requirements for Doctors without borders.
  • Must meet general requirements
  • Minimum commitment of 2 months
  • M.D. or D.O. and current license
  • At least 2 years work experience post residency
  • Current or recent practical experience
    (i.e. at least 6 months of clinical practice within the last 2 years
Just focus on what you need to do now.
sorry but everyone of us is having no better of a time. I have no job, no idea if I will even attain one, seriously fretting about being an embarrassment to my parents even though they say it is fine (I know they are not). Now thinking about working at a local grocery store despite graduating with a decent gpa, awards, and many years of research. I would say that you are in a good position because you can apply to do post-bacca and still be surrounded by people moving forward. Stay the course, you will find lots of mentors and friends.
Wow, I am so sorry to hear of your situation, is it ok if you PM me(I don't know how to do it on here) I'd like to discuss some things with you.
Requirements for Doctors without borders.
  • Must meet general requirements
  • Minimum commitment of 2 months
  • M.D. or D.O. and current license
  • At least 2 years work experience post residency
  • Current or recent practical experience
    (i.e. at least 6 months of clinical practice within the last 2 years
Just focus on what you need to do now.
Thank you for posting this, I had no idea DO could do DWB
If I'm honest it's time dedication, it's hard to focus on my biology classes and also practice all orgo's mechanisms. For example I took parasitology spring 2016 and learned over 500 parasites(100 each exam and concerning everything from life cycle;e, disease caused, etc) and then tehre's orgo where I'd have to dedicated atleast 40 hours a week but my Bio GPA is important but without orgo I can't get my B.Sc. The thing is once I take time to review and watch videos I understand but by that time it's too late and behind what we're learning. Then to sum it up comes frustration and test anxiety because I know this class is so difficult to me the doubts overcome me all I hear when it's test/quiz time is "You can't do it"
So basically you're just waiting too late to study?

Sounds like there's an easy fix to your problem.

Edit: Just saw you said you need 40/week for orgo...what is your study method?
So basically you're just waiting too late to study?

Sounds like there's an easy fix to your problem.

Edit: Just saw you said you need 40/week for orgo...what is your study method?

My school's Ochem is quite complicated we do things other school in NC have removed from the Ochem curriculum, but yes an esitmated 40 hours/week is suggested. I know some who only need 3-4 because they like the class or chemistry comes easy to them, which is not the same for me. As for my methods, I read the chapter, review mechanism, and try to do the end of the chapter questions. We don't have homework so all practice is on your own. the only thing is that the end of section/chapter to problems have so much to it. We use Wade OChem 8th edition if that helps
My school's Ochem is quite complicated we do things other school in NC have removed from the Ochem curriculum, but yes an esitmated 40 hours/week is suggested. I know some who only need 3-4 because they like the class or chemistry comes easy to them, which is not the same for me. As for my methods, I read the chapter, review mechanism, and try to do the end of the chapter questions. We don't have homework so all practice is on your own. the only thing is that the end of section/chapter to problems have so much to it. We use Wade OChem 8th edition if that helps
Complicated things such as?

I'd talk to your professor or a TA for a more efficient method to learning the material, 8hrs/day seems like an inordinate amount of time to study.
Have you tried the book Organic chemistry as a second language? It made orgo a lot easier for me and other classmates and I have always heard great things about it on here!
I'm ashamed to even post this but I've run out of options and I don't want to do something that I may regret, please help, below are my grades.If SOMEONE could help me I'd appreciate it, I've been battling depression because of all this and I really haven't told anyone how sad or how I've lost hope. I don't want to reach deep depression where I may need medication but I've started thinking "thoughts" because my future doesn't seem to be going anywhere so what is my purpose in this world?
I strongly recommend that you seek professional help immediately. There is hope and there is treatment. Medication for depression is not a moral failing, it is a sign of maturity. The capacity to help others cannot be achieved by one who cannot help himself.
This thread has been reported by several users due to the comments about self-harm. SDN takes such statements seriously and we would like to remind the OP and all posters that SDN should not serve as a place to obtain counseling or other advice regarding significant psychological issues. Anyone who is contemplating harming themselves should immediately seek professional counseling advice, not rely on SDN or other non-professional resources.

Members who have serious concerns about their career and would like to post details more anonymously may do so in the Confidential Consult forum.

At this time, given the nature of the thread and the concerns expressed, the moderation staff of SDN will close this thread.
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