What to write on IA question for secondaries?

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The Deep

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5+ Year Member
Oct 15, 2018
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I described my IA, what I learned from it, and what I've done since then on my primary application. I noticed that a bunch of the secondaries ask the same question about IAs again. Since I'm assuming I can't just re-use the one I used for my primary, what do you all recommend I write on the secondary?

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Brief summarized version of the IA and what you learned from it/taking ownership. You can mention that you have not had any further actions since whatever the IA was.
I described my IA, what I learned from it, and what I've done since then on my primary application. I noticed that a bunch of the secondaries ask the same question about IAs again. Since I'm assuming I can't just re-use the one I used for my primary, what do you all recommend I write on the secondary?
Why can't you reuse it? If your IA statement was carefully vetted with your Student Conduct Office, you should copy/paste it IMO. Don't put yourself in a position where one minor deviation gets you in trouble.

If others have a different opinion, join in, especially if they are giving you more space for more details. Get it vetted.

As an adult/executive, you will learn how everything you say could be used against you.
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If they have a question in the secondary (knowing that there is already a prompt in the primary), they must want you to expand on your growth.

Or they restrict access to the AMCAS for some reason and give some reviewers/interviewers only the secondary. I'd vote for cutting and pasting.
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Yes, it seems to be a standard question from some schools to all applicants. Usually it asks about institutional actions and crimes, giving you some space to elaborate. I emailed one of the schools asking about whether I could copy and paste my response and they just linked me to AAMC's "institutional action" page, which refers to how to write it on your primary. So I'm assuming that means I could just recycle my primary application's response?
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