When to start studying for DAT!!!

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Mar 9, 2016
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I am planning on taking the DAT next year and I want to as soon as possible so I can be an early applicant especially since I'm applying out of state to UCLA. When would be a good time to start studying or when should I take the DAT because school and finals end the last week of April and idk how much time to take to study for the DAT. I want to get a good chance at UCLA so what do you think?

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I think you should start studying (reviewing the material) now. I know it may not be necessary for some people but it really help if you relearn all the concepts and engrave them into your brain. So when the test comes around, you only do practice problems, and learn from those mistakes. You start obviously when you have time, but don't cram. WORST IDEA EVER

Good luck!