Which graduate program is best for Dental anesthesiologists?

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2+ Year Member
Oct 22, 2020
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Hi all!

I'm looking at a couple of options to enhance my application for future cycles. It looks like many suggest SMP with a dental track or high matriculation into a dental school, but what about other programs. In the future, I would like to become a dental anesthesiologist. Going to an SMP would leave me in the same pool of applicants.
Would a master's in pharmacology show my commitment to dental schools and residency programs?

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One step at a time.

Get into dental school. If you are doing an SMP to raise your GPA, do the easiest possible track to get the best possible GPA.

Respectfully you currently have very little idea of what a dental anesthesiologist or even a dentist does. You may likely change your plans. Treat it as irrelevant for now IMO. Getting in is your #1 priority
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One step at a time.

Get into dental school. If you are doing an SMP to raise your GPA, do the easiest possible track to get the best possible GPA.

Respectfully you currently have very little idea of what a dental anesthesiologist or even a dentist does. You may likely change your plans. Treat it as irrelevant for now IMO. Getting in is your #1 priority
I looked into the curriculum for masters of pharmaceutical science is very similar to SMP with empachasis on drug mechanisms. Would dental schools consider these courses the same as SMP?
I looked into the curriculum for masters of pharmaceutical science is very similar to SMP with empachasis on drug mechanisms. Would dental schools consider these courses the same as SMP?
I'm not sure.

What I do know is that I have never heard someone doing that degree instead of an SMP. Just do what others have done successfully and move on.

You can learn all the relevant pharmacology later.

Your goal needs to be to get the highest GPA possible, ideally with the easiest science classes. A masters in pharmaceutical stuff does not sound like the best way to get there.
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