Which School... (AZCOM vs. Nova)

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May 2, 2009
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Hi everyone! I'm pretty excited that my cycle is basically over. I have acceptances from AZCOM, Nova, DMU, and LECOM-B and I'm struggling to make a decision.

LECOM-B was out right away; and, I think DMU is out too just because I did not like it very much during my interview. Which leaves AZCOM and Nova and I can can see advantages to each. I actually thought I had made this decision when I put down a deposit at AZCOM, but then one of my physician mentors called everything into question. Essentially what she said is that for AOA residencies, school really doesn't matter as much as your board scores, but if you want to go to a traditionally ACGME residency (especially ones with DOs on staff) then the reputation of your school matters. I take this to mean, since all residencies will fall under ACGME in 2020, then the best option is really to go to the "best" school. Which might be Nova? How well respected is AZCOM at this point?



Pros: more established, MSDEM program available, new research center, no mandatory attendance, recorded lectures, international opportunities, cheaper tuition ($54,806)

Cons: Florida (not my ideal place to live and humidity tends to make me ill while I adjust), required rural rotation in primary care, higher cost of living (8.8% above national average)


Pros: loved the location, opportunity to rotate in Chicago, no mandatory attendance, most lectures recorded, mission trip opportunity, no dress code, quarter curriculum (good or bad?), 1 required rural rotation but does not have to be primary care (could be emergency for example), lower cost of living (2.5% above national average)

Cons: tuition ($63,218), no masters programs (though I asked and Nova's is online so could still be done if I attended AZCOM -- I'd have to apply separately to this program but I got the feeling it was a formality), less established (=not as good of a reputation?)

Notes: I'm from the Midwest and would like to return for residency. Thinking that I'll want to do EM.

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For me I say AZCOM, they offer more elective time during 4th year as Nova has a few mandatory rotations that get in the way (what current students have said. Also no DO schools have enough of a "reputation" for MD programs, with the exception of regional residency programs. AZCOM has placed graduates in good programs in a lot of specialties, including Derm at Mayo, Gen surg at Montefiore, and gas at MGH. They also have a ton of EM matches every year.

Honestly go where you feel more comfortable though, you won't gain any advantage come residency time from school reputation between these two.
Can I ask what you didn't like about DMU? Everyone I know that interviewed there loved it. Was it just not your type of atmosphere?
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Can I ask what you didn't like about DMU? Everyone I know that interviewed there loved it. Was it just not your type of atmosphere?

Sure, but I'm not sure how to quite describe it. I think it was more a lot of little things that I didn't like. Their presentation had a weird emphasis on their tuition (which while important isn't the sole factor to making a decision). They really pushed their sim lab and ultrasound technology which overall feel like small factors though they were nice. I didn't like the cafeteria. It felt to me like they were putting on a show rather than giving you a realistic view of their school. Most of all, it's a small campus which while right next to downtown and part of the city is very isolated from the rest of Des Moines.

Mostly, I just didn't feel like I fit.

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I think both are about equal academically, so id go with the cheaper school. Do those prices include cost of living?
Sure, but I'm not sure how to quite describe it. I think it was more a lot of little things that I didn't like. Their presentation had a weird emphasis on their tuition (which while important isn't the sole factor to making a decision). They really pushed their sim lab and ultrasound technology which overall feel like small factors though they were nice. I didn't like the cafeteria. It felt to me like they were putting on a show rather than giving you a realistic view of their school. Most of all, it's a small campus which while right next to downtown and part of the city is very isolated from the rest of Des Moines.

Mostly, I just didn't feel like I fit.

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Thanks. Congrats on your acceptances either way!
Sure, but I'm not sure how to quite describe it. I think it was more a lot of little things that I didn't like. Their presentation had a weird emphasis on their tuition (which while important isn't the sole factor to making a decision). They really pushed their sim lab and ultrasound technology which overall feel like small factors though they were nice. I didn't like the cafeteria. It felt to me like they were putting on a show rather than giving you a realistic view of their school. Most of all, it's a small campus which while right next to downtown and part of the city is very isolated from the rest of Des Moines.

Mostly, I just didn't feel like I fit.

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Yeah I felt the same way. I actually liked WVSOM better than DMU. I mean I know they are a great school but I wasn't as impressed as I thought I was going to be. I did like how the clinical dean talked about how important it was to take the USMLE though. Not very many other schools are willing to acknowledge that fact, or share the belief.
I think both are about equal academically, so id go with the cheaper school. Do those prices include cost of living?

They don't. The cost of living is significantly higher in Fort Lauderdale.

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Sounds like you like azcom more so go there. Honestly, if I was hellbent on the Midwest, I'd go dmu just so I wouldn't have to move across the country for auditions/interviews. That's just me though.

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I'd do cheaper school too if you enjoy them both and have no weather problems with either. Even though COL is cheaper at AZOM then NOVA, I'm not sure if the COL at Nova would be equivalent to the gap in tuitions at both school (about 9k per year?)

Edit - But it seems like you're really learning to AZCOM! I've heard AZCOM is an amazing school though, so if you don't mind going x dollars above, go somewhere you'll love 🙂
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I live 3 mins away from Nova and I pay ~1050 a month for rent. How's the comparison for AZ?

There is an apt complex right across the street from AZCOM that is about 850/mo (but keep in mind that this is the price for a 2 bed unit). From the looks of it, it's actually really nice..

I don't know the name of it bc my friend told me haha
I live 3 mins away from Nova and I pay ~1050 a month for rent. How's the comparison for AZ?

Not to take away from OP's original post, but holy crap, where do you live?! I was cross-comparing apartments in areas and the ones I found were all ~1200
It's an apartment complex at between Nova drive and College Court. Decent area and living space too.

I'm probably gonna move to one of the grad complex though if I get accepted to Nova.

Not to take away from OP's original post, but holy crap, where do you live?! I was cross-comparing apartments in areas and the ones I found were all ~1200
No brainer!

Conch chowder and Pernil Relleno de Moros y Cristianos vs Mexican food!

Or dry oven-like heat vs sauna-like heat.

Hi everyone! I'm pretty excited that my cycle is basically over. I have acceptances from AZCOM, Nova, DMU, and LECOM-B and I'm struggling to make a decision.

LECOM-B was out right away; and, I think DMU is out too just because I did not like it very much during my interview. Which leaves AZCOM and Nova and I can can see advantages to each. I actually thought I had made this decision when I put down a deposit at AZCOM, but then one of my physician mentors called everything into question. Essentially what she said is that for AOA residencies, school really doesn't matter as much as your board scores, but if you want to go to a traditionally ACGME residency (especially ones with DOs on staff) then the reputation of your school matters. I take this to mean, since all residencies will fall under ACGME in 2020, then the best option is really to go to the "best" school. Which might be Nova? How well respected is AZCOM at this point?



Pros: more established, MSDEM program available, new research center, no mandatory attendance, recorded lectures, international opportunities, cheaper tuition ($54,806)

Cons: Florida (not my ideal place to live and humidity tends to make me ill while I adjust), required rural rotation in primary care, higher cost of living (8.8% above national average)


Pros: loved the location, opportunity to rotate in Chicago, no mandatory attendance, most lectures recorded, mission trip opportunity, no dress code, quarter curriculum (good or bad?), 1 required rural rotation but does not have to be primary care (could be emergency for example), lower cost of living (2.5% above national average)

Cons: tuition ($63,218), no masters programs (though I asked and Nova's is online so could still be done if I attended AZCOM -- I'd have to apply separately to this program but I got the feeling it was a formality), less established (=not as good of a reputation?)

Notes: I'm from the Midwest and would like to return for residency. Thinking that I'll want to do EM.
I live 3 mins away from Nova and I pay ~1050 a month for rent. How's the comparison for AZ?

I just visited a current student at AZCOM. She lives in a more expensive two bedroom apartment (~1220) and pays half. This includes a small rec center and pool, though I'm sure pools are staples in Florida as well.
Hi everyone! I'm pretty excited that my cycle is basically over. I have acceptances from AZCOM, Nova, DMU, and LECOM-B and I'm struggling to make a decision.

LECOM-B was out right away.

What about LECOM-B turned you off? PBL?
I live 3 mins away from Nova and I pay ~1050 a month for rent. How's the comparison for AZ?

There is an apt complex right across the street from AZCOM that is about 850/mo (but keep in mind that this is the price for a 2 bed unit). From the looks of it, it's actually really nice..

I don't know the name of it bc my friend told me haha

Theres several apartments really close (5-10 min walking) to campus and you get a slight discount for being an AZCOM student. Most of us that live close to campus stay at San Lagos, San Prado, (both around 1000+ for a single br.) and Sagestone (a little further but cheaper).

Both san lagos and prado are really nice.