White Coat Ceremony - Nametag or Engraved Name?

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2+ Year Member
Jun 18, 2018
Reaction score
Hey! I'm just curious; which one do you prefer? A nametag for your white coat, or your name engraved on the coat itself?

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.....(eeny, meeny, miny, moe).....


LOL! Same choice here. My mates are calling me weird for wanting a nametag, and caring about the placing of my name so much. 🙁 I think nametags look more official.
Don't be ridic go with what most people are doing

“Most people” at my school didn’t get ‘named’ anything because they didn’t care about their white coat ceremony. Lol, I do! It is a symbolic, memorable event!

Besides, “most people” won’t be living with my decision for the next four years. I will, so I’d much rather make a choice that I won’t regret. Haha!

Thank you for the advice, though! 🙂
“Most people” at my school didn’t get ‘named’ anything because they didn’t care about their white coat ceremony. Lol, I do! It is a symbolic, memorable event!

Besides, “most people” won’t be living with my decision for the next four years. I will, so I’d much rather make a choice that I won’t regret. Haha!

Thank you for the advice, though! 🙂

Fine, I'd go with the name tag then, which you can wear on your rotations, without standing out while you are in class