Who's applying to Florida schools?

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I'm hoping this year will be my only year applying, but we're all in this to become physicians so an extra year or two of applications, spending $$$ won't matter...right? :eek: :laugh: :scared:

Yeah, seriously, I figure I'm going to be in debt anyways so wtf. Even this year, I figured, why make a lot of money when it will just count against me for loans...


Good luck lifetime!

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wow, I haven't been around forever...this last week killed me with class work! Thank heavens I'm officially done for the semester...yay!!! When are you guys finished?
Wow!!! :eek: I just got an email from UF saying that my file wasnt complete...I sent everything way back at the beginning of Nov. I called to see what the problem was and they admitted that they had just over looked one of my LOR's. Now I'm complete....1 MONTH LATER!!!!! That sucks!:(
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Have you called up the office? I called them about once every week and a half for about a month asking about the progress of my application. I think at a school like USF where they are really friendly and almost like a family in that admissions office, it's beneficial. Not all schools are like this, so take advantage, and try calling :)

PS - I hope you hear good news soon :luck:

Hi, do you know the phone number for them? The one they provide keeps going to an automated system where every option says "e-mail us at..." Thanks. :)
Hi, do you know the phone number for them? The one they provide keeps going to an automated system where every option says "e-mail us at..." Thanks. :)

Hey use that phone number hit 0. LOL, never listen to schools when their automated thing gives you options to "Check your status". Just hit 0. If you're still having a problem let me know.

Hi, do you know the phone number for them? The one they provide keeps going to an automated system where every option says "e-mail us at..." Thanks. :)

Let me know if you are successful. Id like to give them a ring as well. Thx
I think i am a thread killer. Whenever I ask a a question this thread dies! Anyways, I called USF today and they were as friendly and up-front as has been rumored. I definitely recommend calling and speaking with someone if you have any specific questions.
I think i am a thread killer. Whenever I ask a a question this thread dies! Anyways, I called USF today and they were as friendly and up-front as has been rumored. I definitely recommend calling and speaking with someone if you have any specific questions.

I am usually the thread killer. Thanks, I will call them next week if they aren't on break yet. I am going out of town tomorrow so can't do it then!
I think i am a thread killer. Whenever I ask a a question this thread dies! Anyways, I called USF today and they were as friendly and up-front as has been rumored. I definitely recommend calling and speaking with someone if you have any specific questions.

good :) See, I told you it's totally worth it to call. I'm so glad that you did. Just keep calling and you should get somewhere or at least they will be honest. They tell you like it is, REL is pretty awesome.
Wow!!! :eek: I just got an email from UF saying that my file wasnt complete...I sent everything way back at the beginning of Nov. I called to see what the problem was and they admitted that they had just over looked one of my LOR's. Now I'm complete....1 MONTH LATER!!!!! That sucks!:(

WOW!!!! I just got a call from UFCOM for an interview mid Feb!!! I'm super excited:D about the interview and shocked:eek: by the turn around time (complete to interview).
WOW!!!! I just got a call from UFCOM for an interview mid Feb!!! I'm super excited:D about the interview and shocked:eek: by the turn around time (complete to interview).


Might I ask what the turn around time - complete to interview - was? :D
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The turn around time was four days...complete this past Monday (12-11) and invited for interview (12-14). Go figure.
Wow!!! :eek: I just got an email from UF saying that my file wasnt complete...I sent everything way back at the beginning of Nov. I called to see what the problem was and they admitted that they had just over looked one of my LOR's. Now I'm complete....1 MONTH LATER!!!!! That sucks!:(

That has happened with me at FSU. What sucks is that now your file is at the bottom, to be reviewed! Maybe you can politely ask them if they could somehow compensate for their mistake by having your file expediated through the process (i.e. top of the pile). Good luck. Be sure to consider FSU equally. I am very happy here! :)
this is a great thread, this semester has been crazy so I haven't followed it as much I would have wanted to. I was hoping some of you could shed some light on a question for me.
I recently interviewed at UF and really enjoyed it. They talked a lot about their stratospheric USLME scores but never really mentioned where their students match. Does anyone have this data?

Thanks for all your help, and good luck to my fellow floridians this cycle.
That has happened with me at FSU. What sucks is that now your file is at the bottom, to be reviewed! Maybe you can politely ask them if they could somehow compensate for their mistake by having your file expediated through the process (i.e. top of the pile). Good luck. Be sure to consider FSU equally. I am very happy here! :)

I liked FSU when I toured their facilities a year or so ago. I really liked the study rooms they provided for the students, and the ones I spoke to seemed to be happy. One bonus is that there is a possibility of doing the 3rd and 4th year in Orlando which would allow me to live at my home again after 2 years. I see FSU students at the ORMC ED sometimes, that'd be cool to be one of them! :D
I liked FSU when I toured their facilities a year or so ago. I really liked the study rooms they provided for the students, and the ones I spoke to seemed to be happy. One bonus is that there is a possibility of doing the 3rd and 4th year in Orlando which would allow me to live at my home again after 2 years. I see FSU students at the ORMC ED sometimes, that'd be cool to be one of them! :D

Go FSU...

Have you seen the posts about some of the negatives on FSU?

Maybe, it's not true, but not all experiences are nice facilities and happy study rooms...
Go FSU...

Have you seen the posts about some of the negatives on FSU?

Maybe, it's not true, but not all experiences are nice facilities and happy study rooms...

Is there a thread you have a link to or are the posts in this thread?
Is there a thread you have a link to or are the posts in this thread?

Hmmm...to be honest, I can't remember if it's on this thread from a while back or another one...let me go fishing around for it. :idea:
Here is the link...


You may also want to remember that these are the people who took Step 1 in 2004. I remember at the interview there was a pretty big increase in USMLE scores over the past few years.

this is a great thread, this semester has been crazy so I haven't followed it as much I would have wanted to. I was hoping some of you could shed some light on a question for me.
I recently interviewed at UF and really enjoyed it. They talked a lot about their stratospheric USLME scores but never really mentioned where their students match. Does anyone have this data?

Thanks for all your help, and good luck to my fellow floridians this cycle.
Any new news from UF? We were told to expect something in December sometime hopefully, just wondering when.
Will someone please update the earliest interview dates offered by the Florida schools right now? My friend just got a February one at UF. Thanks!
this is a great thread, this semester has been crazy so I haven't followed it as much I would have wanted to. I was hoping some of you could shed some light on a question for me.
I recently interviewed at UF and really enjoyed it. They talked a lot about their stratospheric USLME scores but never really mentioned where their students match. Does anyone have this data?

Thanks for all your help, and good luck to my fellow floridians this cycle.

Check this out: http://www.med.ufl.edu/oea/osa/matchday.shtml

It has the 2005 and 2006 results
hey guys... has anyone heard from Miami about the interviews around Dec 1st? I thought today was supposed to be the day we got the decision email. Thanks
any1 that interviewed at uf on 12/8 heartheir status yet? i thought we were supposed to hear like 5 days afterwards...
I interviewed at UF on 12/15 and got a letter in the mail today. :luck: to you!
Does anyone know what month FSU and USF are at as far as interviews go? I recently got an interview from UF for mid Feb. I wont be complete at FSU or USF until the new year:eek: . (I know thats hecka late but I didnt realize I was missing a LOR for both!!!!):scared:
Does anyone know what month FSU and USF are at as far as interviews go? I recently got an interview from UF for mid Feb. I wont be complete at FSU or USF until the new year:eek: . (I know thats hecka late but I didnt realize I was missing a LOR for both!!!!):scared:

Did you get the UF interview invite via email or mail?
I have been complete for over a months, and havent heard anything yet.
Good Luck to you all! :)
Did you get the UF interview invite via email or mail?
I have been complete for over a months, and havent heard anything yet.
Good Luck to you all! :)

They actually called me one morning and told me they were inviting me to interview.
Yea Robyn will call you from UF for interview. I have officially given up on UF, was considering but not anymore. I thought that I had a pretty strong shot there but have been on this hold nonsense for quite a while. Good stats, good experience, (see mdapps link below if you want), and I thought I did well in interviews. I may have been too nervous to do well, I don't know.

I'm actually glad though, USF is my top choice and that has made my decision even easier. I wouldn't want to get confused, you poor people with a lot of acceptances! I think the only thing that would pull me away from USF at this point is a strong scholarship elsewhere.
Yea Robyn will call you from UF for interview. I have officially given up on UF, was considering but not anymore. I thought that I had a pretty strong shot there but have been on this hold nonsense for quite a while. Good stats, good experience, (see mdapps link below if you want), and I thought I did well in interviews. I may have been too nervous to do well, I don't know.

I'm actually glad though, USF is my top choice and that has made my decision even easier. I wouldn't want to get confused, you poor people with a lot of acceptances! I think the only thing that would pull me away from USF at this point is a strong scholarship elsewhere.
TPR, if you're really serious about considering UF, then don't withdraw yet. I think the bulk of people don't come off hold until March.
TPR, if you're really serious about considering UF, then don't withdraw yet. I think the bulk of people don't come off hold until March.

I'm pretty sure about USF anyway, the environment seems more laid back, friendly, and more conducive to my type of learning.
TPR, if you're really serious about considering UF, then don't withdraw yet. I think the bulk of people don't come off hold until March.

BTW, middle of the waitlist at USF. I thought my interviews went well, but I guess I'll find out from REL the reason pretty soon. Whatever, I don't think interviews count for as much as the rest of your app. Seems like every school I go to, after they interview you, they still go over your entire application. If they decided based on my app that they should give me an interview in the first place then why do they need to look it all over again...

Eh...it's all a crapshoot :) I did things in my life that made me happy and if those ECs aren't "good enough", then oh well. :D
BTW, middle of the waitlist at USF. I thought my interviews went well, but I guess I'll find out from REL the reason pretty soon. Whatever, I don't think interviews count for as much as the rest of your app. Seems like every school I go to, after they interview you, they still go over your entire application. If they decided based on my app that they should give me an interview in the first place then why do they need to look it all over again...

Eh...it's all a crapshoot :) I did things in my life that made me happy and if those ECs aren't "good enough", then oh well. :D
Yeah, these things can be unpredictable for sure. If you're interested in USF, you should talk to him. Where's Guju? She always knows what each waitlist means in terms of when you'll get off. I think I would need a second PhD just to understand how USF's tiered waitlist works. :laugh:
Yeah, these things can be unpredictable for sure. If you're interested in USF, you should talk to him. Where's Guju? She always knows what each waitlist means in terms of when you'll get off. I think I would need a second PhD just to understand how USF's tiered waitlist works. :laugh:

Sorry been hanging out with my family and what not since I got back to my hometown on Friday. Shopping and things of that nature. So that's why I haven't been on SDN much.

Middle tier waitlist could go both ways. If it is in the top half of that waitlist you have a fighting chance if it is in the second half then there's a good chance that your chances may be low of getting in.

Ask REL specifically whether he thinks middle tier waitlist means you are somewhere in the top 50 or bottom 50 of the waitlist. If you are in the top 50 it means you could be hearing around Juneish.
I liked FSU when I toured their facilities a year or so ago. I really liked the study rooms they provided for the students, and the ones I spoke to seemed to be happy. One bonus is that there is a possibility of doing the 3rd and 4th year in Orlando which would allow me to live at my home again after 2 years. I see FSU students at the ORMC ED sometimes, that'd be cool to be one of them! :D

I unofficially toured the med school a few years ago when we went up for Deans Day. Anyhow, the learning community rooms you are speaking of were really awesome and very pimped out. Almost like a mini apartment on campus. however, I wonder how the lack of nearby teaching hospitals affects the school and that's a bigger concern to me.
Sorry been hanging out with my family and what not since I got back to my hometown on Friday. Shopping and things of that nature. So that's why I haven't been on SDN much.

Middle tier waitlist could go both ways. If it is in the top half of that waitlist you have a fighting chance if it is in the second half then there's a good chance that your chances may be low of getting in.

Ask REL specifically whether he thinks middle tier waitlist means you are somewhere in the top 50 or bottom 50 of the waitlist. If you are in the top 50 it means you could be hearing around Juneish.

He said it could go either way, but he wants me to keep calling, because he's hoping I get in. USF has great clinical opportunities. Bleh, at least I'm holding an acceptance...it's nice to know I'm not up **** creek without a paddle :laugh:
He said it could go either way, but he wants me to keep calling, because he's hoping I get in. USF has great clinical opportunities. Bleh, at least I'm holding an acceptance...it's nice to know I'm not up **** creek without a paddle :laugh:

Well that probably means you are in the borderline. So you are probably at that cutoff where if there are say 100 people on the waitlist then you would be like between 48-52 or something where you are right in the middle of the list. That's what it most likely means when they say something like that. That means you probably would hear around June or July if you got off the waitlist.

But on the bright side you are accepted somewhere. Good luck.
Well that probably means you are in the borderline. So you are probably at that cutoff where if there are say 100 people on the waitlist then you would be like between 48-52 or something where you are right in the middle of the list. That's what it most likely means when they say something like that. That means you probably would hear around June or July if you got off the waitlist.

But on the bright side you are accepted somewhere. Good luck.

Thanks. Merry Xmas Guju!
Thanks. Merry Xmas Guju!

No problema. Good luck and have a great Christmas and New Years!!!

On that note, to my fellow SDN Floridians.......

MERRY MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS, Happy Hanakuh, Happy Holidays, and a Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry been hanging out with my family and what not since I got back to my hometown on Friday. Shopping and things of that nature. So that's why I haven't been on SDN much.

Middle tier waitlist could go both ways. If it is in the top half of that waitlist you have a fighting chance if it is in the second half then there's a good chance that your chances may be low of getting in.

Ask REL specifically whether he thinks middle tier waitlist means you are somewhere in the top 50 or bottom 50 of the waitlist. If you are in the top 50 it means you could be hearing around Juneish.

I think this is correct. I was accepted off the waitlist. I was somewhere at the top since I was accepted a couple of days before the May 15 deadline. Good luck and don't give up hope especially if you are in the middle of the list.
good :) See, I told you it's totally worth it to call. I'm so glad that you did. Just keep calling and you should get somewhere or at least they will be honest. They tell you like it is, REL is pretty awesome.

They are all definitely very nice. I have helped with admissions stuff since I started at USF and can vouch that they are all genuinely interested in making your life as easy as possible. Rel surely made my life less stressful when I was applying.
Thanks for the help on the match list.
Re: UF. I interviewed on 12/8 and got the email on 12/15. However, I'm pretty sure from the emphasis of the orientation discussions that they accept the majority of their applicants in march. I mean they interview something like 350 and accept over 200.
Hi Folks:

For those of you with USF acceptances, have you received any communication from Admissions since you sent in the letter accepting the offer of admission? I thought we should have perhaps heard back from financial aid, student life, etc...

Happy holidays to all of you as well.
I'm pretty sure about USF anyway, the environment seems more laid back, friendly, and more conducive to my type of learning.

the only reason hes sure about USF is because he hasnt got into UF yet, your opinion only matters when you have been accepted to both, right now your fully biased because your acceptance is to USF not to both.
the only reason hes sure about USF is because he hasnt got into UF yet, your opinion only matters when you have been accepted to both, right now your fully biased because your acceptance is to USF not to both.

Agreed...my current opinions are probably entirely skewed, because of the fact that I only have one acceptance and 2 waitlists.
the only reason hes sure about USF is because he hasnt got into UF yet, your opinion only matters when you have been accepted to both, right now your fully biased because your acceptance is to USF not to both.
This is incorrect. The environment at USF is more to my liking. When I went into this process there were two schools I was hoping for, USF was one of them.

The other school I was hoping for has been pretty uncooperative in this process (ie not letting me in). Early in the process we corresponded and they said that I def. had an interview and it would be scheduled within the next couple days. Its no longer early in the process and no interview was ever scheduled, and when I called they said they were sorry and they would contact me... This is the only other school that could still give USF a run for its money but I do not see a difficult decision in my future.
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