Who's waitlisted at U. Pitt.?

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7+ Year Member
15+ Year Member
Feb 12, 2004
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I hope all is well! I just wanted to get an idea who is been waitlisted at U. Pitt.. Does anyone know what is U. Pitt. status on pulling students off the waitlist? Any information would be great!

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I am also on the waitlist/alternate list at Pitt. I spoke with Rose Mangold a while back and she said that the deadline for those offered a spot on the waitlist to send in their 'letters of intent' was March 10. After all of the letters are in the admissions committee would meet again and rank those from whom they'd received letters. Pitt, however, will not inform you of your position on the list and you must simply wait it out...
I got in today (3/16/04). Rose called me today with the news. That call made my morning!!!
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I am really happy for you MANI 430, I had a gut feeling that you were going to get in, congrats man. Looks like nice people dont come last. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Mini.....thats awesome bud!! CONGRATS!!!