Why are there so many unfilled Prelim positions in 2019 Match?

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May 29, 2019
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Hi, I'm a Non-US IMG, Step 1 265, CS first pass and waiting for my CK score to be released next week. General Surgery is my dream and I've been working towards this goal for the past 4 years. I was reviewing 2019 Match data and I've seen that there are only 581 out of 1158 Prelim positions filled this season. Does anyone know the reason behind this huge gap between filled and unfilled positions? I want to apply this year and I was thinking about applying to both Categorical and Prelim. Thank you for your help!

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Because no one wants a Prelim GS position. There are always tons of unfilled positions.

1) The positions are for 1 year. 1 year which may not fulfill future residency requirements.
2) Its a year of being "on audition" for those applying for Categorical positions. Mistakes are magnified with you work with someone every day.
3) The presumed competition for the "one or two" positions the following year given the Prelims within a certain program, may foster an "every man for themselves" situation between the interns.
4) Its a lot of work and in some cases, very little reward (as in going to the OR), if you don't end up with a job.
5) I recall data somewhere that about 40% of Prelims get a position as a Categorical, 10% don't end up with any residency and the rest get a job in a different specialty, so the odds aren't good.
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Because in general they suck. You’re just a pair of scrubs with a medical degree to be penciled into the call schedule without any real educational investment.
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Thank you for your answers but do you guys think it is a good way of getting 1 year of clinical experience and reapply next year for categorical position? I'm a Non-US IMG and it is very hard to land in a categorical spot
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Thank you for your answers but do you guys think it is a good way of getting 1 year of clinical experience and reapply next year for categorical position? I'm a Non-US IMG and it is very hard to land in a categorical spot

So this all depends on how much risk you're willing to take. Are you willing to drag your family across the pond on a 1-year rental w/ no guarantees? Are you willing to accept the very real possibility that you may be stuck in prelim limbo and never get a categorical spot? Are you and your family willing to move around the country in the hopes of getting a categorical spot? I've seen this work just fine for many and I've also seen some get absolutely burned. And it totally sucks for them, especially if their spoken American is poor. You gotta do you, but make sure you count the costs and only you can answer why US training is essential for your career and goals. Cheers.
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So since no one wants surgery prelims, is it "easier" to match into, even without a CV geared towards surgery and without surgery LOR?
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A lot of places also purposely don't fill their prelim spots thru the match, instead use it in the scramble...you can get some good candidates that didn't match subspecialties or a med school can fill out their 'match rate' with prelims...
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