will doing residency

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Sep 27, 2021
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I am currently in my 4th year of pharmacy school, and I'm aiming to get into a top residency program for PGY1.
Should I consider residency or directly apply to a post as a CP in hospitals?

Sometimes I think I'm trying too hard, trying to juggle academics and research work in order to stand out. I hope it's all worth it at the end.

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The truth is that almost all clinical pharmacist positions will require a PGY1 now. It isn't necessarily because the hospital views it as an absolute necessity, but that there will surely be PGY1 grads with whom you will have to compete for almost every job. The state of the job market is that there are currently a lot more applicants than there are jobs. We are hiring people into jobs with a PGY2 that a few years ago would have been filled by a new grad.

The second problem you have is that you have to make that residency decision soon but the Clinical Pharmacist jobs that you could apply for won't be posted till much later this year.
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