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New Member
Jan 10, 2019
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Took MCAT three times..but did not put much effort into below 490. Being motivated to take it again with my best effort put into it. Currently in the accelerated BSN program as back up plan to get into NP program, graduating May 2020 with hopefully a high gpa. If i get a MCAT score of 510+ and get more volunteering hours, should i apply for the next DO cycle? What are my chances?

Ethnicity: Asian
sGPA 3.180
cGPA 2.80
CNA: 500 hours
Volunteer: 100 hours
MD shadowing: 30 hours (have a LOR)

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Took MCAT three times..but did not put much effort into below 490. Being motivated to take it again with my best effort put into it. Currently in the accelerated BSN program as back up plan to get into NP program, graduating May 2020 with hopefully a high gpa. If i get a MCAT score of 510+ and get more volunteering hours, should i apply for the next DO cycle? What are my chances?

Ethnicity: Asian
sGPA 3.180
cGPA 2.80
CNA: 500 hours
Volunteer: 100 hours
MD shadowing: 30 hours (have a LOR)

A majority of DO schools will prescreen at the 3.0 c/sGPA, so even if you got a 510+ chances would be slim. Furthermore, it is generally looked down upon if you graduate with a BSN and do not work for a couple years as it indicates career uncertainty and possible poor decision making.
Chances are slim without years of work. And if you took it 3 times and got below a 490 it’s not just magic to get a 510 now. Try nursing a few years and see if you like it.
And med schools are encouraged by AMCAS to average multiple MCAT scores so a 510 might mean next to nothing if a school
averages. And your GPAs are abysmal for medical school. I’m surprised actually that your nursing program is okay with your grades. So you have serious grade repair to do. And you need ECs but I wouldn’t worry about it until you figure out your grades and MCAT issues! And like @jarednogeek said thinking your MCAT is going to shoot up 20+ points is magical thinking!