Will this affect my undergraduate science GPA?

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Apr 15, 2018
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Hello! I'm an incoming freshman and I was wondering how college placement tests work and do they affect your science GPA.
I scored 650+ on my SAT Math score. This allows me to skip Math 1B (Pre-Calc) and automatically places me Math 2A (Single Variable Calculus)
Now depending on my Calculus AB exam, if I score a 4 or a 5, I can enroll into Math 2B (Single Variable Calculus II)

How do these translate to your science GPA? Because Math 2A and 2B are required courses for my major, and I don't take them because I fulfilled them before even going to college. Are they even considered for my science GPA?

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That said, if you jump into an upper level math course and do poorly, it will have an impact on your GPA that could have been avoided by taking the more elementary classes for credit (and, one presumes, an excellent grade) before moving up to higher level classes.

Sadly, I see this every year with freshmen students who were funnelled into Organic Chemistry having already taken AP Chem.

If I were you I would not try and place out, I would take the class that everyone else in my year is taking and perfect the fundamentals instead of jumping head first into the deep end in higher level courses.

I am speaking from experience (graduated high school with over 90 college credits) and then suffered to keep up with the Juniors and Seniors in my upper level courses as a freshmen.

If I were you I would not try and place out, I would take the class that everyone else in my year is taking and perfect the fundamentals instead of jumping head first into the deep end in higher level courses.

I am speaking from experience (graduated high school with over 90 college credits) and then suffered to keep up with the Juniors and Seniors in my upper level courses as a freshmen.

Not too mention, many medical schools will not accept AP credit as fulfiilling prereqs

Best scam would be to take the AP course, and then do NOT take the exam.
Slide into college clean and collect those easy As.
Thanks everyone for the replies. I've decided to enroll into Math 2A. Regardless of what I get for my AP score for Calc.
I think it's best for me in terms of getting a good grade.