Working toward second degree while applying in 2024

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2+ Year Member
Aug 24, 2020
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So I withdrew my application last cycle after voiding my MCAT and plan to rework and improve my application for 2024. However at the end of last year I revisited my interest in computer programming that I've have since high school and enrolled in an intro course at my local cc and will be returning this fall to start working towards a second bachelors in computer science. I like that I'm able to continue working and progressing myself towards something that I like in the meantime while receiving tuition reimbursement at my clinical job, but will this raise questions when I apply as to why I'm taking courses towards a second bachelors in a different field? Ultimately, med school is the goal first and foremost, so If I am accepted I would move on with med school but if not I would continue studying and apply to med school again in the future.

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This is the first time that I have heard of someone going back to school for a second bachelors degree, but I don't think it'll hurt you as long as your sGPA and cGPA can be maintained well. Most medical schools don't really care about majors, as long as you fulfill the pre-requisites for the specific medical school. As long as you enjoy it, I'd say go ahead, but definitely put in the time and effort to do well on the MCAT without sacrificing your undergraduate GPA, clinical/non-clinical experiences, and community service! Best of luck, cheers.
This is the first time that I have heard of someone going back to school for a second bachelors degree, but I don't think it'll hurt you as long as your sGPA and cGPA can be maintained well. Most medical schools don't really care about majors, as long as you fulfill the pre-requisites for the specific medical school. As long as you enjoy it, I'd say go ahead, but definitely put in the time and effort to do well on the MCAT without sacrificing your undergraduate GPA, clinical/non-clinical experiences, and community service! Best of luck, cheers.
Yeah its a bit of a road less traveled situation but its something I want to explore. Plus I do think I may be lacking a bit in volunteering so i definitely would like to take the time to do more where I can and maybe get involved in research as I currently have very little.
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Yeah its a bit of a road less traveled situation but its something I want to explore. Plus I do think I may be lacking a bit in volunteering so i definitely would like to take the time to do more where I can and maybe get involved in research as I currently have very little.
100%, sounds like you have a good route. Best of luck!