Worth retaking GRE?

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Apr 3, 2013
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Hey everyone! I took the GRE on 9/20 for the first time (I waited til the last minute, I know) and just received my official scores: 162V, 154Q, 6W. I'm not super satisfied with my quant score, and I'm trying to figure out if it's worth it to retake for schools with apps due 11/1 and later. Here's a breakdown of my other stats, for context:

Uni: UC Davis (Bio anthro major, exercise bio minor)
Overall GPA: 3.66
pGPA: 3.49-3.64, depending on the school
LOR: 2 from PTs, 1 from anatomy prof, 1 from exercise bio prof/thesis advisor
Observation: 327 in outpatient clinic, 75 with outpatient pediatric PT, 80 in hospital outpatient, 40 in inpatient
Extracurriculars: 4 years of varsity rowing, 2 as treasurer, 4 quarters of lab aiding (basically teaching the course) in the university anatomy cadaver lab course, honors program all 4 years, completed honors thesis project

I feel like my app as a whole is pretty well-rounded, but this is my first time applying so I'd really appreciate any advice. Is retaking the GRE for a (hopefully) higher quant score worth it? Let me know your thoughts!

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Pretty average numbers, but you'll probably be o.k.
Hey everyone! I took the GRE on 9/20 for the first time (I waited til the last minute, I know) and just received my official scores: 162V, 154Q, 6W. I'm not super satisfied with my quant score, and I'm trying to figure out if it's worth it to retake for schools with apps due 11/1 and later. Here's a breakdown of my other stats, for context:

Uni: UC Davis (Bio anthro major, exercise bio minor)
Overall GPA: 3.66
pGPA: 3.49-3.64, depending on the school
LOR: 2 from PTs, 1 from anatomy prof, 1 from exercise bio prof/thesis advisor
Observation: 327 in outpatient clinic, 75 with outpatient pediatric PT, 80 in hospital outpatient, 40 in inpatient
Extracurriculars: 4 years of varsity rowing, 2 as treasurer, 4 quarters of lab aiding (basically teaching the course) in the university anatomy cadaver lab course, honors program all 4 years, completed honors thesis project

I feel like my app as a whole is pretty well-rounded, but this is my first time applying so I'd really appreciate any advice. Is retaking the GRE for a (hopefully) higher quant score worth it? Let me know your thoughts!
I was roughly in the same boat (Bio undergrad, 3.57 cGPA, 3.48 pGPA, GRE: 163V, 158Q, 5.5W). I feel like many programs value verbal and writing more than quant. I took the GRE in 2016 and again in 2017 with the intent of raising my quant score only. I actually did worse in quant when I re-took after preparing entirely for quant. My verbal went up and my writing stayed the same. You have a perfect writing score, which presumably should stand out. My writing score was a 5.5 both on both attempts, so you could definitely score a 6 again, but clearly, that isn't always possible. As far as retaking, it can't hurt, though I would look into the avg posted PTCAS stats for the specific programs to which you wish to apply. It is also worth noting if your school(s) of interest accept mixed scores. I was admitted (early decision) to my first choice school.
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Pretty average numbers, but you'll probably be o.k.


Your GRE scores are stellar, it'd be a waste of time and money to retake. The quantitative score usually carries the least weight out of the three, if you had to pick one to falter in (as long as it meets a minimum of 50th percentile, which it does).
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Your scores are great! I'm getting interviews with a 146V 149Q 3.5W
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Really? You're fine, lol. I got into multiple schools with scores of 150V 150Q 3.0W. Don't worry about it.
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