WVSOM 2010 Anyone?

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went and looked at computers today. i think that i am leaning towards an HP of fujitsu, most likely an HP. still on the fence about getting another DELL.

how much do ya'll plan on spending?

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Canuck99 said:
went and looked at computers today. i think that i am leaning towards an HP of fujitsu, most likely an HP. still on the fence about getting another DELL.

how much do ya'll plan on spending?

I think I'm getting a Toshiba for $850 at bestbuy. Hey, are you gonna spend the money on the additional warranty? I'm still trying to decide about that one. I heard the tech support at WVSOM is not that good, and I'm not the best with fixing computers....but I'm still cheap.
I have IBM R40 but the thing is so heavy. I am considering buying another one but this one has everything required by WVSOM.
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wake920 said:
Hello fellow white water rafters!!! Here's the deal, I have been several times and have gone with several outfitters and USA Raft has the best rates. Their web site is http://www.usaraft.com

I am thinking we should shoot for either the lower New River or the middle or lower Gauley River. Depending on how many people want to come, we may get a $5-10.00 discount. The cost ranges from $60-70 for a Saturday trip and $45-60 for a Sunday-Friday trip. Trips range from 4-6 hours, which will be decent since we will doing a lot of paddeling and getting soaked!

The Gauley trips may book up fast, especially if we do a weekend trip, but the new River stays pretty open. So if people can let me know which trip you all want to do and which day of the week would be best I can e-mail USA raft and reserve our spot. I am thinking either the second of third week of July, but everyone let me know what you think and don't forget to check out the website!!!

Sorry I know this post was from awhile ago but I've been crazy busy and haven't found much time to be on SDN. Count me in! But I'd prefer a weekday, and most likely towards the end of July since I'll be moving to Lewisburg mid-July (probably some other people will be doing the same). How many people do we have so far?

Come on guys, it'll be a great experience! And a chance to unwind before we have to start harcore-studying.
I probably come down there, stills wait for more school. However, my close friend is debating b/w WVSOM and SGU? (he get accepted last Fri). He told me that both schools are very expensive ( 300k vs 240k) but have similar match results. Plus an MD for SGU. I'm not trying to convince him b/c this is a personal matter. What you do think about this? I'll pass this thread to him.
DrBMX said:
I probably come down there, stills wait for more school. However, my close friend is debating b/w WVSOM and SGU? (he get accepted last Fri). He told me that both schools are very expensive ( 300k vs 240k) but have similar match results. Plus an MD for SGU. I'm not trying to convince him b/c this is a personal matter. What you do think about this? I'll pass this thread to him.

If he has his heart set on a MD, go to SGU. If he doesn't care what title is behind his name but only wants to be a physician, stay in the states and come to WVSOM. Thats all I can advise your friend on this matter.
DrBMX said:
I probably come down there, stills wait for more school. However, my close friend is debating b/w WVSOM and SGU? (he get accepted last Fri). He told me that both schools are very expensive ( 300k vs 240k) but have similar match results. Plus an MD for SGU. I'm not trying to convince him b/c this is a personal matter. What you do think about this? I'll pass this thread to him.

there is absolutely no question that any US school, whether it be DO or MD, is far better than SGU. and i find it hard to believe that SGU's match list is similar. i have a friend that is there right now and she says that she has made the wrond decision in going there and is really not that happy at all. you have to remember that if you go to SGU you will be living in a third world country. she sent me some pictures of the campus and the surrounding area, watch out for the cows when you go grocery shopping. i will post the pictures later.
From what I understand SGU's match list is kind of artificial because you cant move on to the next level until the school knows you will make it on. So if the school doesnt' think your ready for step 1 you dont take it, and so on. This means only the better students keep moving forward so by the time you get to the end the filter effect has ensured that those students will have the grades and scores to match.
so...this is the first time i've posted on this thread....

looking forward to meeting everyone in the fall :)

quick question: i've noticed this last semester that my grades (and my brain functioning!!) have kinda gone downhill. i am suffering from what some might call a bad case of senior-itis--and it is apparent in my GPA. SO...my question is whether or not WVSOM could do anything about it since i've already been accepted and sent in my deposits. could they tell me i can't come in august, based solely on my grades this spring??
so...where is everyone from? I'm from Dallas, Texas. The weather change is going to be tough...I'm not even sure i know what snow is! :p
jclark3 said:
so...this is the first time i've posted on this thread....

looking forward to meeting everyone in the fall :)

quick question: i've noticed this last semester that my grades (and my brain functioning!!) have kinda gone downhill. i am suffering from what some might call a bad case of senior-itis--and it is apparent in my GPA. SO...my question is whether or not WVSOM could do anything about it since i've already been accepted and sent in my deposits. could they tell me i can't come in august, based solely on my grades this spring??

i highly doubt it, but i guess anything is possible when it comes to the medical school admissions game. i would think that as long as you dont get any D/F's you will be alright.
jclark3 said:
so...this is the first time i've posted on this thread....

looking forward to meeting everyone in the fall :)

quick question: i've noticed this last semester that my grades (and my brain functioning!!) have kinda gone downhill. i am suffering from what some might call a bad case of senior-itis--and it is apparent in my GPA. SO...my question is whether or not WVSOM could do anything about it since i've already been accepted and sent in my deposits. could they tell me i can't come in august, based solely on my grades this spring??

I know exactly what you mean about senioritis! Finals are next week and it's so hard to focus and study now that I'm sitting on an acceptance. Undergrad just seems so pointless now that I'm going to go on to med school and be taking classes that will actually help me in my career. Call WVSOM just to make sure, but as long as you don't fail (D/F) I think you'll be fine. But keep in mind (from what I've gathered here on SDN) that when applying for residencies they do see your undergrad GPA (and MCAT score! :eek: ) so don't let your grades fall TOO much.
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I just called the financial aide people yesterday, and they told me what kind of loans I qualify for. One loan that I'm not all too familiar with is the Grad Plus loan. The rate is locked at 8.5% with a 3% origination fee. She said this is better than alternative loans because the rate is locked at 8.5%. My questions is that if you get an alternative loan, isn't the rate of the alternative locked at the rate you get approved on for the life of the loan? I'm thinking of seeing what kinda rate I can get with T.H.E. with a cosigner. However, I think I might not be understanding something. Any help on this whole loan understanding process would be greatly appreciated.
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HoosierDoctor said:
Hey Everybody,

I have just discovered this board, and I am glad that I have. Anyways, I'll be attending WVSOM in the Fall and I am currently looking for housing and roomates. Anyone need to fill a bedroom? Now that I have discovered this board I'll be posting very frequently, so I look foward to chatting with y'all.


I am looking for housing as well, preferably within a few miles of the school. My income will (hopefully) be Army HPSP, so there's stability in that regard. If anybody's interested, let me know:
Aim: EventHorizonGWH
Hey all........Saw a couple of postings for people looking for roomates. My friend James and I found a 3 bedroom house ($400 month/per person and then split utilities 3 ways). Only problem is we need a third roomate. The house is less than a mile from the school so you could easily bike there or walk if you wanted. Less than a two minute drive(always a plus....since I hate getting up early) Anyone interested just send me a message and Ill try and get back to you with more details as soon as possible...

P.S. Cant wait to meet everyone in the fall!

Later guys,
Duchess said:
I know exactly what you mean about senioritis! Finals are next week and it's so hard to focus and study now that I'm sitting on an acceptance. Undergrad just seems so pointless now that I'm going to go on to med school and be taking classes that will actually help me in my career. Call WVSOM just to make sure, but as long as you don't fail (D/F) I think you'll be fine. But keep in mind (from what I've gathered here on SDN) that when applying for residencies they do see your undergrad GPA (and MCAT score! :eek: ) so don't let your grades fall TOO much.

I thought they only looked at your med school grades, board scores and LORs.
tsdesai said:
I thought they only looked at your med school grades, board scores and LORs.
Me too! Although, there could be some isolated programs that do as there's one or two Osteopathic schools that ask for your SAT scores. In other words, it's possible but rare, at least I hope so? :confused:
FutureDocDO said:
Me too! Although, there could be some isolated programs that do as there's one or two Osteopathic schools that ask for your SAT scores. In other words, it's possible but rare, at least I hope so? :confused:

well hopefully they wont ask for undergrad grades or i'm screwed. MCAT score i'll gladly disclose.
oh wow....totally sinking in that school starts in august. kinda scary!! (but exciting nonetheless).

wondering--if anyone would be willing to share--how much you are planning on budgeting for living expenses each month. i found a place for $475 + electricity & internet (probably looking at about $575 each month...maybe more??) and am trying to figure out a round-about figure to budget. the breakdown the school gave us was a bit elevated--i'm not exatly planning on spending $90/mo. on clothing. .....would love to hear what you are thinking :)
jclark3 said:
oh wow....totally sinking in that school starts in august. kinda scary!! (but exciting nonetheless).

wondering--if anyone would be willing to share--how much you are planning on budgeting for living expenses each month. i found a place for $475 + electricity & internet (probably looking at about $575 each month...maybe more??) and am trying to figure out a round-about figure to budget. the breakdown the school gave us was a bit elevated--i'm not exatly planning on spending $90/mo. on clothing. .....would love to hear what you are thinking :)
I'm renting a sleeping room for $250 a month which includes internet, utilities, cables, etc... Tuition and rent/utilities should be around $50K. Living expenses and books should get me up to the upper $50,000. I plan to stay well below $60K. I don't plan to borrow from private lenders. I'll just borrow from both subsidized and unsubsidized stafford loans.

What school(s) did you guys/gals give up to attend WVSOM?
did anyone happen to notice or knows whether there is a piano on campus somewhere for anyone to use? i won't be able to bring one with me, for obvious reasons.
SuperDOgirl said:

I am interested in finding out who will be joining the class of 2010 at WVSOM. I got accepted a month ago and still waiting to hear back from a few schools. I have a gut feeling that I will be going to WVSOM this coming fall. I know the tuition is steep but I am excited for the change in environment, people and lifestyle. Anyways, I just want to have a good idea of who I will be sitting in class with. So gimme a holler! :)


I am going to WVSOM. Waited too long to look for living arrangements and now everything I called on the list they provided (that's reasonable) is rented out.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
labcoord said:
I am going to WVSOM. Waited too long to look for living arrangements and now everything I called on the list they provided (that's reasonable) is rented out.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Hey whats happening? Congrats on your acceptance. yeah places to live are getting really tight. IF you have not already tell angie to put you on the roommate list /needing a place to stay. Also call a few of the appartment complexes and ask if anyone is looking for a roommate. Some of the appartments complexs have a list of people looking for a person to share with. I know a couple of people found a place to stay this way. Anyways good luck and keep us posted and good luck.
tsdesai said:
I thought they only looked at your med school grades, board scores and LORs.

Okay, let me re-emphasize that this was what I had gathered from info on SDN. There was a thread about it in the pre-allo forum...I looked for it but couldn't find it. I'll call WVSOM to be sure, and I'll let you know.
I talked to the financial aid director yesterday and she said that I qualified for the max amount of loans. I'm not going to take the full amount though. She said we should be getting an email from the financial aid office in mid June in order to finalize our loans.
Hello, my name is Jonathan Taylor, and I'm addicted to myspace.com :(
jgl1980 said:
Hey whats happening? Congrats on your acceptance. yeah places to live are getting really tight. IF you have not already tell angie to put you on the roommate list /needing a place to stay. Also call a few of the appartment complexes and ask if anyone is looking for a roommate. Some of the appartments complexs have a list of people looking for a person to share with. I know a couple of people found a place to stay this way. Anyways good luck and keep us posted and good luck.

Thanks! I got in touch with another student heading to WVSOM this fall (through a post on SDN). He is on waitlist at Woodland Ackers and I am hopeful this goes through so I get a roommate.

I will call Angie and area apartments on Monday to ask for the roommate lists,etc.

Thanks for the tip.
LOL Sorry Jonathan I guess I fueled your addiction by introducing you to myspace. :laugh: You can't say I didn't warn you though! Oh, by the way you can access my myspace page by clicking on "Duchess's World" link in my signature. Enjoy! ;)
Ummm...okay apparently SDN is being sketchy and only posting peoples' signatures once in awhile. Anyways.....in that case myspace is: http://www.myspace.com/joycedoc
Duchess said:
Ummm...okay apparently SDN is being sketchy and only posting peoples' signatures once in awhile. Anyways.....in that case myspace is: http://www.myspace.com/joycedoc
Your signature is only posted in your first post of each page. This is to save on bandwidth.
jgl1980 said:
Hello my name is James Lennon (AKA Jiggles) and I am also addicted to myspace! I am glad to see me and Theresa aren't the only ones. :D

Here's my page

I would have figured with a name like Jiggles you were a girl cause I read it as Giggles.
Megalofyia said:
I would have figured with a name like Jiggles you were a girl cause I read it as Giggles.

HAHAHAA :laugh:
Oops sorry I've denied some of you guys as friends on myspace because you don't have WVSOM listed as your school, so I thought you were just some random person. Sorry! Lots of cute pages, by the way. ;)

OH and I called WVSOM and they said that it's doubtful that most residencies go as far back as to looking for your undergrad GPA and MCAT in the application process. They're main interest is boards and med school GPA and class ranking. So there ya go....just goes to show you that you can't believe everything you read on SDN.
Hello All,
I just received my acceptance today and am very excited!!!! Seems like there is going to be a great group of people in our class. Can't wait to meet you all. Also, does anyone know if there is a 2nd look event provided to accepted students?
Am I the only one who prefers the facebook over myspace?
HoosierDoctor said:
Am I the only one who prefers the facebook over myspace?

I too once was a user of facebook, but a certain someone whose name starts with Duch and ends with ess got me addicted to myspace. But honestly, myspace allows you to do so much more than facebook--time is your only limit.
Since we celebrate independence day in July and its our last month of independence, I would like to see what everyone is doing with that last month.

Here is my tenative itinerary:
1. Take a vacation
2. Resign from my job :D
3. Golf
4. Fish
5. Eat alot/then exercise out of guilt of eating too much
6.Spend time with family and friends
7. Sit on my butt
8. Move to WV
SK8DOC said:
Hello All,
I just received my acceptance today and am very excited!!!! Seems like there is going to be a great group of people in our class. Can't wait to meet you all. Also, does anyone know if there is a 2nd look event provided to accepted students?

just wanted to say congrats to all of you that got accepted!

i used to go on sdn and get help from WVSOM students so i am here to answer some questions for yall as time permits... we have exams almost every week now... so bear with me.

enjoy your summer before you all come here... you will miss it if you don't. it's especially hard if you're from somewhere far, far away like me. (i'm from the lone star state and proud of it)

btw If anyone still needs a place to live please email me at [email protected]. I may be able to help :)
I have a question for you. Do you have any ideas how clinical rotations are scheduled at WVSOM? I talked to the school and it seems like the students are on their own in 4th years. Also, year 3 core rotation requires a lot family medicine, what do you think about this?
Thanks so much
ps: are u vietnamese? it looks like that ;)
DrBMX said:
I have a question for you. Do you have any ideas how clinical rotations are scheduled at WVSOM? I talked to the school and it seems like the students are on their own in 4th years. Also, year 3 core rotation requires a lot family medicine, what do you think about this?
Thanks so much
ps: are u vietnamese? it looks like that ;)

I'll answer the clinical rotations. I just got my rotations schedule a couple weeks ago (It rocks). I'm doing statewide campus and they pretty much schedule your 3rd year for ya if you do so. However, if you do traditional rotations, you're on your own putting everything together. Your 4th year is like that also, You are completely on your own. Then again it gives you freedom to pick and choose certain physicians and electives. (Important for getting that elusive match slot!) Ok I'm going to sleep. I have group in the morning!
CanuckDiana said:
just wanted to say congrats to all of you that got accepted!

i used to go on sdn and get help from WVSOM students so i am here to answer some questions for yall as time permits... we have exams almost every week now... so bear with me.

enjoy your summer before you all come here... you will miss it if you don't. it's especially hard if you're from somewhere far, far away like me. (i'm from the lone star state and proud of it)

btw If anyone still needs a place to live please email me at [email protected]. I may be able to help :)

Hey, you are not from houston are you?
CanuckDiana said:
just wanted to say congrats to all of you that got accepted!

so what is the significance of "Canuck" in your username?