The Official June 21, 2014 MCAT thread

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10+ Year Member
Oct 24, 2013
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Hey so I know a lot of us were posting on June MCAT'ers unite, but I want to get to know the progress of all of us 6/21'ers in particular. Let's do it.

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Deciding whether to retake the MCAT. AAMC and Kaplan averages were around 33. Five of the last six of my practice exams before the real thing were 34+. Verbal average was around 10-11 with nothing lower than a 9 since my diagnostic.

Took the MCAT on June 21 and got a 13 (ps) 7 (v) 10 (bio) for a total of 30.

I have a 3.75 c and sgpa from a top 10 school and have around 100 hours clinical volunteering and 1500 hours of research. Great LOR and pretty solid PS. Getting verified within the next day or two.

Im 90% sure I need to retake, just need some advice. Also, if I retake in September, is it too late to continue with my application for this cycle? Do I need to withdraw and apply next cycle? I only applied on AMCAS to one school in case I needed to withdraw to avoid reapplicant status.

Put things into perspective. It must feel disappointing to not score as high as you were averaging in your practice exams, but consider your target schools. If your score is in their range, then it might not be worth the major investment of time, effort, and money to retake. Also, keep in mind that, according to this AAMC chart, 36% of students who scored 30-32 on their first attempt and then retake in the same year as their first attempt get the same score or lower. Another interesting fact is that 85% of students only take the MCAT once, while 14% take it twice (and only 1% take it more than twice). This is all coming from a guy who's taken this beast of an exam three times over the past four years.

Your GPA is impressive, definitely in the ranges of a lot of great medical schools, especially coming from a top ten undergrad institution.

All I'm saying is don't make any rash decisions. Talk with loved ones. Think through every possible scenario. And best of luck.
Test Date: 6/21/2014
FL AAMC Average: 29.5
Post-test expected score: absolutely no clue
Actual Score: ( PS / V / BS) 31
Comments: very happy with this! way above the cutoff for in-province application at my top choice and even good enough to apply to schools that want at least 9s in each section (one 8 is acceptable and the 13 makes up for it). wooo! that said, i am most happy about the fact that i will never have to write this exam ever again. it was hell on my mental health.
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I wonder if the June 21 verbal was extra difficult or just a strict scale
I initially thought it was easier, but now that I think about it I'm pretty sure that I may have missed most of the questions on 2 passages due to mis interpretation. With that said verbal was my weak section and other than taking more philosophy and lit classes, I don't think I could have prepared more for verbal.
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Can anyone assure me that FL1-11 is not outdated. After hearing everyone complain about heavy calculations in Physics and more experimental passages, part of me had a nightmare that the 2014 MCAT has half-way evolved into a 2015 MCAT like a Charmeleon after a Charmander but before a Charizard.
Can anyone assure me that FL1-11 is not outdated. After hearing everyone complain about heavy calculations in Physics and more experimental passages, part of me had a nightmare that the 2014 MCAT has half-way evolved into a 2015 MCAT like a Charmeleon after a Charmander but before a Charizard.
I think the best way to think about the exam is to think about the heterogeneity among the AAMC practice exams. Each one was different and emphasized different concepts. This is a good way of thinking because the current exams differ from one another depending on the date. You never truly know what you are going to get. The July 2 did not seem to have anymore calculations than any of the AAMCs. Moreover, it is important to recognize that no matter how calculation heavy problems may appear, they can usually be solved conceptually much faster.
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Can anyone assure me that FL1-11 is not outdated. After hearing everyone complain about heavy calculations in Physics and more experimental passages, part of me had a nightmare that the 2014 MCAT has half-way evolved into a 2015 MCAT like a Charmeleon after a Charmander but before a Charizard.

My average on AAMC 8-11 Practice tests was a 28 and on the real thing I got a 31 (11ps/11verb/9bio). Super happy with that score but think that biosci would have been higher if I had studied orgo more lol since our exam was very orgo heavy
Hey guys, has anyone who took 6/21 exam heard back from any schools yet? Since they didn't get our scores til late July I'm wondering when we can expect to start getting interviews...
Hey guys, has anyone who took 6/21 exam heard back from any schools yet? Since they didn't get our scores til late July I'm wondering when we can expect to start getting interviews...
Did you already have your app in before the test ? I waited until I got my score and then sent in my app, at that point it showed about a month to verify, so I am not expecting to hear anything soon.
Guys don't judge me if this is a stupid question...but I'm getting invitations to apply to schools in my is this possible when we don't have our scores yet? Does this mean schools get it before we do?! I took the test again way would I get emails with the score on the june one.
I've been getting those emails too. My mom swears I'm like Albert Einstein and these schools are just "offering me a seat" but I knew they sent them to everyone -__- annnnnyway just got my first II of the season! Hope you guys start to hear things back too soon
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