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Dec 28, 2018
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Well, as a blanket rule, since you do not currently hold any acceptances, you should be focused on next year's application cycle -- which is NOT to say you still won't get admitted this year. Fingers crossed for you...

So for next year -- 4 interview invitations suggests your PS was pretty good and that you'll just need to tweak it a bit -- then turn it in early next year!

I think the downward GPA trend you mentioned might be a point of concern. But you also mentioned acing 10 credits worth recently? I'm curious how your GPA/sGPA look semester by semester, and am inclined to think acing a few more upper division science classes could help. Is your local university fairly reputable? It might not be helping you much if it's 'East Podunk Community'... An SMP is an option, but really, the only thing they're good for is medical school. Otherwise, it's a waste of time and a whole lot of money and more UG coursework is the more affordable option that also factors into your GPA/sGPA.

You didn't mention volunteering, shadowing and clinical exposure. Could those be weak points?

I would definitely add DO schools next time and apply very broadly!
Hi all this is my second cycle applying. I've received 4 MD interviews with two rejections and two waitlists (these two schools seem to waitlist everyone they don't accept post II so may not say much). I am a NY resident URM with a 510 MCAT 127/126/128/129. I have a ~3.40 GPA with a ~3.20 science. I have a declining grade trend with less than a 3.0 science the last two years. I graduated 2016. During my first cycle I only received one II as I applied with a sub 500 MCAT. What should I do now? I took 10 credits worth of upper division science courses at a local undergraduate school and aced all of them. It's a small sample size I know but I felt that my approach to studying now is more effective than it was 3-4 years ago. I think working upon my GPA like I did with my MCAT could push my application further. Does an SMP followed by a final application to MD and DO schools (which I had not applied to previously) seem appropriate? Jan 2018 MCAT for 2021 matriculation would seem to just make the cutoff for not expiring to most schools according to MSAR.

Also do I necessarily interview poorly or is my application scrutinized more closely upon being looked at by an entire committee instead of however many members are necessary to get me the interview (I don't know if this is even how it is done)?

Also, submitted my secondaries in October. I know this is late. I just did not feel comfortable with the direction my personal statement was going in.

Thanks in advance!

Here is my story in case you care. I applied to medical school during my senior year of undergrad with a 3.60 Cum, 3.50 science and 511 MCAT. Not really great stats, but not god awful either. I received 1 MD interview and then wound up getting immediately rejected. I then wound up doing an SMP thw following year where I got a 3.80 GPA. In the end I wound up with 8 interviews (7 MD and 1 DO) during my second cycle while at the SMP. I wound up getting into that DO school immediately and wound up sitting on 7 MD waitlists until May. I then got off the waitlist for my last choice MD school in May and committed to there. Just when I thought I would settle, my top choice MD school (where I currently attend) gave me an offer in mid-June. The point to this story is that an SMP can help you if you go and do well. Also, the other take away is that you can do everything right and still barely make it in to med school.

Best of luck on your journey!
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Here is my story in case you care. I applied to medical school during my senior year of undergrad with a 3.60 Cum, 3.50 science and 511 MCAT. Not really great stats, but not god awful either. I received 1 MD interview and then wound up getting immediately rejected. I then wound up doing an SMP thw following year where I got a 3.80 GPA. In the end I wound up with 8 interviews (7 MD and 1 DO) during my second cycle while at the SMP. I wound up getting into that DO school immediately and wound up sitting on 7 MD waitlists until May. I then got off the waitlist for my last choice MD school in May and committed to there. Just when I thought I would settle, my top choice MD school (where I currently attend) gave me an offer in mid-June. The point to this story is that an SMP can help you if you go and do well. Also, the other take away is that you can do everything right and still barely make it in to med school.

Best of luck on your journey!

HI just jumping in on here. I feel similar to you OP. Currently waitlisted. But DoctorDragon, I'm new on SDN (well new to understanding the lingo) what exactly is an SMP, and how do you qualify whether they are a good program or not? Is it too late to look into that route? Sorry I don't understand it all. (Don't even get me started on all the acronyms in people's signatures- those don't make any sense to me, lol)
HI just jumping in on here. I feel similar to you OP. Currently waitlisted. But DoctorDragon, I'm new on SDN (well new to understanding the lingo) what exactly is an SMP, and how do you qualify whether they are a good program or not? Is it too late to look into that route? Sorry I don't understand it all. (Don't even get me started on all the acronyms in people's signatures- those don't make any sense to me, lol)

SMP = special masters program.

Good luck, keep pushing forward, you got this.