2015-2016 APPIC Internship Interview Thread

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Didn't see this on the thread, so I figured I'd post here:

Oklahoma Health Consortium (12/1): Invite
Temple University Counseling Center (12/3): Invite

All of my many rejections have already been listed :(

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Didn't see this on the thread, so I figured I'd post here:

Oklahoma Health Consortium (12/1): Invite
Temple University Counseling Center (12/3): Invite

All of my many rejections have already been listed :(

Thanks so much for posting this. I was waiting to hear from Temple last week and when I didn't I thought I might still have a chance. This kind of confirms that I probably don't. (And yes, people, I know, I know, sometimes invites don't all get sent out at the same time.)
People who heard from Houston (MEDVAMC) - looks like the person who heard from here was on the general track. Anyone hear from Neuro?
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Thanks so much for posting this. I was waiting to hear from Temple last week and when I didn't I thought I might still have a chance. This kind of confirms that I probably don't. (And yes, people, I know, I know, sometimes invites don't all get sent out at the same time.)

Sorry to hear that. For what it's worth, it appears that it was a mass email.
People who heard from Houston (MEDVAMC) - looks like the person who heard from here was on the general track. Anyone hear from Neuro?
Yes, someone in my internship cohort is neuro and heard from them at the same time as the general track.
2297 MetroHealth
Invite; mass
Interview dates 1/18, 1/21, 1/22
What I've done to deal with it: drink and eat waffle house
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Still waiting on 16, so far I have 2 rejections and 2 invites. I was so relieved to get my first invites (both this past Friday). I think the hardest part is watching a good portion of my colleagues (who applied to VAs) plan interviews and travel all before I even heard back from my first UCC site. phew! I'm just glad the ball is rolling. Next week I'll be hearing back from 12 sites all on the same day. Gonna be an emotional rollercoaster... bring it on! :soexcited::oops::nod::mad::rolleyes::(:shrug::dead:
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It's so frustrating that being "overqualified" can even be a consideration. In school psychology, you can complete your internship and obtain a license without ever being supervised by someone with a Ph.D. in psychology, so, I've completed by Ed.S. internship and am a licensed school psychologist, but still need to complete my Ph.D. internship. I thought indicating that I'm already licensed could only help me, instead it seems that the schools don't want me because I'm "overqualified" and the clinical places don't want me because I don't have enough experience outside of the schools. We signed something agreeing to take the positions and we applied so clearly we are willing to take the position for the price they're offering to pay us, so the typical concerns regarding hiring someone overqualified shouldn't seem to not apply to this process....
That IS a tough bind. You could consider finding a way to describe this dilemma you think is affecting your prospects and ask a desired school site if your license WAS a disqualifier and explain why you feel you could still be a good fit and what you want to learn there. Sometimes a direct appeal to the right place might get through because you are demonstrating the degree to which you would commit to them--or at least it would give you more information about this dilemma?
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Site name: Mt. Sinai Beth Israel, Site ID: 146411
-Invite or rejection:
-Date notified: 12/7/15, 12:33 pm
-How notified: mass e-mail
-How coped: I had chocolate for breakfast this morning, Trader Joe's Brandy Beans, highly recommended
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Medical College of Georgia - Charlie Norwood (Augusta) VA Medical Center (1233) - Rejection (mass email); I know the invites have been up for a while so just wanted to post this in case someone like me was holding out hope.
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Anyone else dealing with mainly rejection and only have 1 interview?
I'm there with you! Applied to 14 sites- so far 6 rejections and 1 interview. And several of the places I thought I was a good match to have sent rejections. I'm worried, but trying to believe that if I got 1 interview, I will get more. Here's hoping that for both of us there are more interviews to come!
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I'm there with you! Applied to 14 sites- so far 6 rejections and 1 interview. And several of the places I thought I was a good match to have sent rejections. I'm worried, but trying to believe that if I got 1 interview, I will get more. Here's hoping that for both of us there are more interviews to come!

Yep, only 1 interview (which is Thursday). The lack of other interviews makes me feel even more pressure re: this one. Right now this is my only shot...I hope it changes but it feels bleak right now.
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-Site name & Match ID number: Michigan State University UCC
-Invite or rejection: Rejection
-Date notified: 12/7/15
-How notified (mass email, personal email, phone): mass email
Yep, only 1 interview (which is Thursday). The lack of other interviews makes me feel even more pressure re: this one. Right now this is my only shot...I hope it changes but it feels bleak right now.

I have 1 interview and 6 rejections as well. I am waiting on 10 (most of which are on this forum as already having sent out acceptances). I definitely know what you mean with the pressure, I wish you luck!
Miami VA
Health Psych track
Mass email
I've had 5 rejections so far and 0 interviews :(
12 more sites to go, so still hopeful. I keep thinking of that one story someone here posted about 8 rejections followed by 8 invites. *fingers crossed*
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I've had 5 rejections so far and 0 interviews :(
12 more sites to go, so still hopeful. I keep thinking of that one story someone here posted about 8 rejections followed by 8 invites. *fingers crossed*

Exact same boat, except I'm waiting on 10 sites. Really, really hoping to get some good news this week.
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I have 1 interview and 6 rejections as well. I am waiting on 10 (most of which are on this forum as already having sent out acceptances). I definitely know what you mean with the pressure, I wish you luck!

Same to you Gully...this has got to get better
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1 interview, 9 rejections, only 5 left.....
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Has anyone heard from the Jesse Brown VA neuro track?
Last edited:
Southeast Louisiana Veterans Health Care System in New Orleans, LA (general/health)
Personalized, but stock email
Interview dates are 1/4, 1/5, 1/11, and 1/12.
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I know this is an interview thread. After the 15th people tend to stop checking this forum. I want to propose offering housing among applicants while there are still viewers. It sure saves on money! It can also give you an idea of what that person has learned having completed practicums/coursework in that geographic area.
I know this is an interview thread. After the 15th people tend to stop checking this forum. I want to propose offering housing among applicants while there are still viewers. It sure saves on money! It can also give you an idea of what that person has learned having completed practicums/coursework in that geographic area.

I think this is a good idea! I myself probably won't take advantage of it (already have most of my logistics figured), but I support any reasonable idea that saves us $$$$.
There is also the SSCP Internship hotel match-up (where students interviewing in the same vicinity on the same dates can share rooms)--I think it was posted here earlier, but I'll post the link again just in case.

"If you are interested in participating in the SSCP Internship Hotel Match-Up, please complete a SEPARATE FORM for each interview date and location. The form can be accessed here: http://tinyurl.com/2015sscphotelsignup."
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Has anyone heard from the University of New Hampshire College Counseling Center? Looks like they've emailed applicants about interviews on 12/4 in past years, so I want to figure out if that ship has sailed, or if I still have a chance.
Eight of the sites I applied to list notification dates after December 15th. They range all the way until 1/11/16. That is a lot of waiting! I'm not sure my self-distraction tactics will work for that long. Anyone else in the same boat?

Yes! Not that many, but I have two that are delayed until after the first of the year. January 4th and January 5th :/. So frustrating! I say relax during the holiday and take it easy!
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I've had 5 rejections so far and 0 interviews :(
12 more sites to go, so still hopeful. I keep thinking of that one story someone here posted about 8 rejections followed by 8 invites. *fingers crossed*

We're in this together....3 rejections and 0 interviews here. That just means good news is on its way- stay positive!
Has anyone heard from the University of New Hampshire College Counseling Center? Looks like they've emailed applicants about interviews on 12/4 in past years, so I want to figure out if that ship has sailed, or if I still have a chance.

I have not heard anything either!
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Has anyone heard anything positive from LSU Health Sciences Center? Someone else in my cohort just got a rejection today...I'm hoping no news is good news because this is one of my top sites :p.
I see that Mt. Sinai Beth Israel Medical Center has sent out rejections, but no invitations. Is this one of those situations where it's likely happening in waves? I haven't received an invite or rejection from them.
We're in this together....3 rejections and 0 interviews here. That just means good news is on its way- stay positive!
Exact same boat, except I'm waiting on 10 sites. Really, really hoping to get some good news this week.

Looks like all I needed was a little bit of well-wishing as I just got my first invite! So thank you! I hope you both hear back soon too :)

Site name: California State University, Long Beach Site ID: 1127
-Invite or rejection:
-Date notified: 12/7/15, 4:02 pm (EST)
-How notified: mass e-mail
Interview dates 12/16 and 12/17
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Anyone receive a rejection from the Central Arkansas VA? I saw that invites went out, but not rejections, and the notification date in APPIC is 12/4.

Which leads me to my next question: are the notification dates in APPIC for interviews or for any either interview or rejection. I believe I read somewhere that the date listed is not an absolute "set in stone" for sites.
Howdy, all: anyone heard from the following sites?

Allegheny General Hospital
Central Regional Hospital (in Butner, NC)
Albany Psychology Internship Consortium
Napa State Hospital
Manhattan Psychiatric Center

The finish line is in sight!

You're my kindred applicant with AGH and CRH! I heard from CRH today (adult track, I let sms06h know) but not Allegheny yet.
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This is the text I got in an email to the APPIC-Match list about what to do with interview notifications, for reference:


We would like to remind applicants and Training Directors about the APPIC Match Policy regarding interview notification. This policy is designed to make the interview notification and scheduling process considerably easier and less stressful for applicants.

Match Policy #4 states:

4. For Phase I of the Match, internship programs that conduct
on-site or telephone interviews must make a reasonable effort
to notify every applicant who submits a complete set of
application materials as to his/her interview status.

a. Sites that conduct open houses to which all applicants are
invited and conduct no other interviews are exempt from this
interview notification requirement (this process should be
clearly stated in the APPIC Directory Online and/or sites'
publicity materials).

b. Notification of interview status for Phase I of the Match
must occur no later than the interview notification date
that appears in the program's APPIC Directory Online listing
and/or other publicity materials, and may be communicated
via e-mail, telephone, regular mail (to be received no later
than the interview notification date), or other means.

c. For Phase II of the Match, notification of interview status
is not required.

While APPIC continues to recommend a December 15th interview notification date, some internship sites are unable to meet this recommended (i.e., optional) date. Thus, applicants should consult the APPIC Directory Online to determine the specific interview notification date for each APPIC-member program to which they applied.

It is important for applicants to understand that Training Directors work very hard to meet this notification date, and notifications can sometimes arrive at the last minute. Furthermore, some sites don't send all of their notifications out on the same day. Applicants should contact a site to inquire about their interview status only if they haven't heard from that site by the end of the day on its published interview notification date. Applicants should never make assumptions about their interview status with a site until they have received the notification from that site. In the event that you don't receive an interview notification in a timely manner, then (1) check your "junk mail" or "spam" folder to see if it ended up there, and/or (2) contact the site the day after that site's interview notification date to inquire about your status.

It is imperative that all Match participants be very familiar with the APPIC Match Policies. The complete Match Policies may be found at http://www.appic.org/Match/Match-Policies .

I interpret this to mean that, if you haven't heard from a site before their notification deadline, it doesn't matter what shows up here, you should wait. If you haven't heard and it's the day AFTER their deadline, email the training director or admin to follow up (and check your spam filter). So, if your site said 12/4/15 as the notification date on APPIC and you haven't heard, you're well within your rights to follow-up.
Anyone receive a rejection from the Central Arkansas VA? I saw that invites went out, but not rejections, and the notification date in APPIC is 12/4.

Which leads me to my next question: are the notification dates in APPIC for interviews or for any either interview or rejection. I believe I read somewhere that the date listed is not an absolute "set in stone" for sites.

I haven't received anything from them either.
Has anyone heard from the Battle Creek VA neuro track or the Jesse Brown VA neuro track?

I applied to the Jesse Brown general track and haven't heard a thing - and others have. I don't know what their deal is. My guess is it's a rejection for me. Hope you have better luck there than I did!
Has anyone heard anything positive from LSU Health Sciences Center? Someone else in my cohort just got a rejection today...I'm hoping no news is good news because this is one of my top sites :p.

Is that the consortium with the counseling center?
I applied to the Jesse Brown general track and haven't heard a thing - and others have. I don't know what their deal is. My guess is it's a rejection for me. Hope you have better luck there than I did!
Hey I havent heard from them either. Let's keep our fingers crossed and maybe we'll meet in chicago :)
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You're my kindred applicant with AGH and CRH! I heard from CRH today (adult track, I let sms06h know) but not Allegheny yet.

Ah, shoot, yep, there's a CRH invite buried in my inbox! *high five* :)
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Anyone receive a rejection from the Central Arkansas VA? I saw that invites went out, but not rejections, and the notification date in APPIC is 12/4.

Which leads me to my next question: are the notification dates in APPIC for interviews or for any either interview or rejection. I believe I read somewhere that the date listed is not an absolute "set in stone" for sites.

Has anybody contacted the Central Arkansas VA about this? If so, we won't need to inundate them with questions. One of the other posts found the APPIC guidelines, which said we are able to contact the training director the day after the identified date.
Has anybody contacted the Central Arkansas VA about this? If so, we won't need to inundate them with questions. One of the other posts found the APPIC guidelines, which said we are able to contact the training director the day after the identified date.
I did not contact them. I'm assuming rejection, so I'm okay with putting that off.