2015-2016 APPIC Internship Interview Thread

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Does anyone know of Northwestern (the Psychopathology & Psychotherapy track, specifically) extending invites? Or the San Francisco VA?

Good luck all!

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Site name & Match ID number: University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital Psychology Internship Program
-Track (if applicable) Adult Neuropsychology and Adult Behavioral Medicine/Rehabilitation Psychology
-Invite or rejection INVITE :love:
-Date notified
-How notified (mass email, personal email, phone) Personalized
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Has anyone received an invitation from Emory University SOM General track?
So I see Appalachian state interviews on here, and a mass rejection email, but I've gotten neither. Hmmmm. What might this mean?
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Anyone know if CHOP sent invites for only ASD track or other tracks as well?
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Only four more sites to hear from.....it's almost over!

Hope everyone is having a good Friday!

Still have a bunch to hear back from :/

Wish this process would move quicker!!!!
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The Canada process is killer... seven emails in the last three hours, ugh!!! Three interviews (Calgary, St Joes, Regina) and four rejections (CAMH, Ottawa Hospital, Fredericton, and Winnipeg) so far...

Thanks for posting this! I got rejected from ALL my Canadian sites today - too much rejection on a Friday :(
Thanks for posting this! I got rejected from ALL my Canadian sites today - too much rejection on a Friday :(
I'm really sorry to hear. Sounds like a good night for a drink and some chocolate. Maybe even a bubble bath.
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Still have a bunch to hear back from :/

Wish this process would move quicker!!!!
I'm with you. It seems like it's taking a long time....and I probably won't hear from my last sites until the 15th.

Most of mine have been rejections, which hasn't been fun; however, I'm treating myself to a nice glass or two of wine tonight. I deserve it. :)
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Thanks for posting this! I got rejected from ALL my Canadian sites today - too much rejection on a Friday :(

Ugh, I'm so sorry for that. I'll be having a drink or two to celebrate my rejections, so feel free to e-join me.
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Ugh, I'm so sorry for that. I'll be having a drink or two to celebrate my rejections, so feel free to e-join me.

Thank-you, that is my plan. Did you have success with your Canadian applications?

I am in a weird predicament in that I am Canadian but go to school in the US. It is troubling b/c I can't apply for many of the US sites but I have a feeling that the Canadian sites favor CAD universities......or at least that's what I'm telling myself lol
This is how I feel about this part of the internship application process:

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So I see Appalachian state interviews on here, and a mass rejection email, but I've gotten neither. Hmmmm

If it makes you feel better, I was wondering about not hearing from this site as well and I got a phone call a few days after the first person initially reported they heard back about an interview. The training director mentioned it's really busy there, so she's playing phone tag with people and trying to make personal calls in between a full day of sessions. So likely your call has just been delayed by that of all :)
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Site name: Tuscaloosa VA
-Date notified: 12/4
-Invite or rejection: Invite
-Track (please specify even for general tracks): General
-How notified (mass email, personal email, phone): mass email
-Interview dates offered: 1/15, 1/22, 1/29
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If you're sitting on rejections for me, just send them already! Harumph.
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It's difficult to remember this, but a lot of the training committee members are just US in a few more years. Can you honestly say that you, and your classmates, typically achieve and submit work a week before it's due? Most of these deadlines are not till the 15th. Just imagine, they are carefully reviewing apps, putting them in piles and re-categorizing them until a PERFECT group of applicants is achieved based on the VOLUMES of nuances of that site that go unpublished in the brochure.
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Site name: Tuscaloosa VA
-Date notified: 12/4
-Invite or rejection: Invite
-Track (please specify even for general tracks): General
-How notified (mass email, personal email, phone): mass email
-Interview dates offered: 1/15, 1/22, 1/29

roll tide
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It's difficult to remember this, but a lot of the training committee members are just US in a few more years. Can you honestly say that you, and your classmates, typically achieve and submit work a week before it's due? Most of these deadlines are not till the 15th. Just imagine, they are carefully reviewing apps, putting them in piles and re-categorizing them until a PERFECT group of applicants is achieved based on the VOLUMES of nuances of that site that go unpublished in the brochure.

if it is US in a few years. Hope we can change the process to a degree lol
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Thank-you, that is my plan. Did you have success with your Canadian applications?

I am in a weird predicament in that I am Canadian but go to school in the US. It is troubling b/c I can't apply for many of the US sites but I have a feeling that the Canadian sites favor CAD universities......or at least that's what I'm telling myself lol

This is really too bad. I know that Canadian sites favour (note the u) Canadians due to immigration constraints/barriers, they it is a bit unfair if they also require (or prefer) that you went to a CDN school. My feeling is that it is still easier to go south as opposed to north, but this is only based on anecdotal evidence. I really hope the best for you in this predicament.
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I want to leave everyone for the weekend with this. I hope you all have a relaxing, fun-filled weekend!
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This is really too bad. I know that Canadian sites favour (note the u) Canadians due to immigration constraints/barriers, they it is a bit unfair if they also require (or prefer) that you went to a CDN school. My feeling is that it is still easier to go south as opposed to north, but this is only based on anecdotal evidence. I really hope the best for you in this predicament.

It's hard the other way as well - I'm a US applicant at a Canadian school applying only to US sites, and a lot of them don't want to accept students from CPA accredited programs (even though APA and CPA have signed a document saying they view the accreditation as equivalent). In fact, US citizens from Canadian programs, at present, can't apply to any VA sites AT ALL because APA is no longer dual-accrediting CPA programs in Canada (they used to do this), and VA hasn't changed their requirements yet to reflect this change (even though they've been aware of it for five years - I have documentation of this). Point being, I feel your pain :(
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I'm eating Duncan Hines chocolate frosting now. I just did my first interview today and have no idea how I did. I thought I was doing well until the director started yawning during my case presentation ... He yawned several times and it was kind of hard to not let that affect me.
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If you're sitting on rejections for me, just send them already! Harumph.

I know, right? I feel the same way. Even though those rejection e-mails sting it's so much better to have it over and done with rather than being in limbo and holding onto a glimmer of hope.
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This is really too bad. I know that Canadian sites favour (note the u) Canadians due to immigration constraints/barriers, they it is a bit unfair if they also require (or prefer) that you went to a CDN school. My feeling is that it is still easier to go south as opposed to north, but this is only based on anecdotal evidence. I really hope the best for you in this predicament.
I got three rejections out of four CA sites that I applied. Still waiting to hear from one. I'm an international student at an APA accredited US program, something tells me my nationality got in the way (although none of the sites indicated CA citizenship requirement, I do believe they take it into consideration).
One of the sites that I applied sent out rejections and I haven't received one (They have not sent out invites yet, assuming SDN thread is accurate). Here's to hoping!
One thing I'd point out to people, too: there's lots of folks reading and updating this thread (which is great!) but there's also TONS of applicants out there who either don't check the thread or don't post/submit their info about offers. For example, I'm waiting on several sites that have no info on them on the thread yet, but it's possible that's because folks who applied to those places (and might have heard already!) might not be posting here. So take everything with a grain of salt, and remember, it's not over til it's over. A recent Match-News email pointed out that APPIC policy requires sites to notify applicants one way or the other by the deadline, so you WILL hear something, it just might take awhile (at least for sites that are APPIC members).
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I got three rejections out of four CA sites that I applied. Still waiting to hear from one. I'm an international student at an APA accredited US program, something tells me my nationality got in the way (although none of the sites indicated CA citizenship requirement, I do believe they take it into consideration).

Yeah, I would hope that wouldn't be an issue, but I think it might subconsciously influence reviewers at sites, insofar as an international student requires more paperwork/logistics to accept than a non-international student (particularly for sites that are smaller/not as familiar with this issue). Canadian students in my program were advised to be careful when looking at US sites, for example, and to try to apply to sites that have either had an international/Canadian student before, or who are part of large medical centers where they probably have a whole office dedicated to visa issues.
-Site name: McGuire VA, 206911
-Date notified: 12/4/15
-Invite or rejection: Rejection tonight at 8:18pm... little late for a rejection
-Track (if applicable): General
-How notified (mass email, personal email, phone): Mass email
Yeah, I would hope that wouldn't be an issue, but I think it might subconsciously influence reviewers at sites, insofar as an international student requires more paperwork/logistics to accept than a non-international student (particularly for sites that are smaller/not as familiar with this issue). Canadian students in my program were advised to be careful when looking at US sites, for example, and to try to apply to sites that have either had an international/Canadian student before, or who are part of large medical centers where they probably have a whole office dedicated to visa issues.

Right, it might influence the selection process. It's kind of disheartening that the first thing the reviewers see in an international student's APPI2 after their name is their national origin. I'm worried that it creates a disadvantage because they review all other materials after this information.
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-Site name & Match ID number
-Track (if applicable): South Shore Mental Health
-Invite or rejection: Invite
-Date notified: 12/4/15
-How notified (mass email, personal email, phone): Mass Email
-Interview date: 1/15/16
-What you've done lately to cope with this crazy internship process: cried, talk to friends not in the match, said "yay!!!", all of the above
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So I see Appalachian state interviews on here, and a mass rejection email, but I've gotten neither. Hmmmm. What might this mean?
I'm waiting to hear from them still too!
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-Site name & Match ID number
-Track (if applicable):
South Shore Mental Health
-Invite or rejection: Invite
-Date notified: 12/4/15
-How notified (mass email, personal email, phone): Mass Email
-Interview date: 1/15/16
-What you've done lately to cope with this crazy internship process: cried, talk to friends not in the match, said "yay!!!", all of the above
Which track did you apply to??
Site name: Richmond VA Medical Center (McGuire VAMC)
-Date notified: 12/4
-Invite or rejection: Invite
-Track (please specify even for general tracks): General, PCMH, MH Across Lifespan
-How notified (mass email, personal email, phone): mass email
-Interview dates offered: telephone/V-tel; 1/4; 1/8; 1/11
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Thanks for posting this! I got rejected from ALL my Canadian sites today - too much rejection on a Friday :(
I hear you man. In the end I got accepted to the Saskatoon residency, and then rejected from Vancouver Coastal, London Consortium, Edmonton Consortium, NS Dartmouth, the Royal Ottawa, the list goes on and on. Four interviews of 14 applications. Heartbreaking.
I hear you man. In the end I got accepted to the Saskatoon residency, and then rejected from Vancouver Coastal, London Consortium, Edmonton Consortium, NS Dartmouth, the Royal Ottawa, the list goes on and on. Four interviews of 14 applications. Heartbreaking.

Just remember, in the end, you only need one to work. Clearly those four sites that you had what it took.
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I just wanted to say "thank you" to all the brave people who post about their rejections. I'm still smarting from the sting of mine - some of which really surprised me! It's nice to have a couple of invites, but like others, I have not heard from most of my sites yet at all. Getting support on this forum from people who are also on this emotional rollercoaster has been immensely helpful. Thank you, everyone, for banding together in these crazy times. xoxo
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Site name & Match ID number: UCONN
Invite or rejection: Rejection
Date notified: 12/3
How notified (mass email, personal email, phone): email
I feel your pain...this one was a bummer. I bet you're going to get a ton of other interviews at amazing sites!
I've really liked reading all of these posts, even though I swore I wouldn't look at this forum because it would make me more anxious. Instead, it's rather refreshing seeing the camaraderie among everyone. This process has, in all honesty, been hell for me so far....3 rejections (all coming within 3 hours of each other yesterday) and no interviews :(. And I still have 14 more sites to hear from. I think the hardest part is the waiting period - definitely wasn't prepared for it. Yesterday evening was spent crying, meditating, talking with friends, eating cookies, and watching Margaret Cho comedy videos (not all at once), but I feel ready for the next week.

Basically, having this forum here to check on a few times a day is pretty cool. I'm thrilled for everyone who has amazing interviews and I can't wait to experience that same joy! Thanks, everyone!
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I've really liked reading all of these posts, even though I swore I wouldn't look at this forum because it would make me more anxious. Instead, it's rather refreshing seeing the camaraderie among everyone. This process has, in all honesty, been hell for me so far....3 rejections (all coming within 3 hours of each other yesterday) and no interviews :(. And I still have 14 more sites to hear from. I think the hardest part is the waiting period - definitely wasn't prepared for it. Yesterday evening was spent crying, meditating, talking with friends, eating cookies, and watching Margaret Cho comedy videos (not all at once), but I feel ready for the next week.

Basically, having this forum here to check on a few times a day is pretty cool. I'm thrilled for everyone who has amazing interviews and I can't wait to experience that same joy! Thanks, everyone!

I also got 3 rejections yesterday so I know how that feels ... but I had two prior invites to cushion them ... so I can't even imagine what it would be like to not have gotten any invites at all by now...waiting is definitely hard. This is a difficult process for all of us. So glad we have each other! :hello::love:
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I also got 3 rejections yesterday so I know how that feels ... but I had two prior invites to cushion them ... so I can't even imagine what it would be like to not have gotten any invites at all by now...waiting is definitely hard. This is a difficult process for all of us. So glad we have each other! :hello::love:

I'm hoping Monday will bring some good news- until then, I'm taking it easy and relaxing as the semester winds down. Still have to hear from all of my top choices, so we will see!
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What track did you express an interest in at FHC?
-Site name & Match ID number
-Track (if applicable):
Franciscan Hospital for Children
-Invite or rejection: Invite
-Date notified: 12/5/15
-How notified (mass email, personal email, phone): Email
-Interview date: 1/12 & 1/19
-What you've done lately to cope with this crazy internship process: Repeated this mantra "My self worth and value as a psychologist is independent from the appic/apa internship rat race."

Was this a personal invite? And same question as above, what tracks? I checked the forum hoping for reassurance that I could take the weekend off from worry...guess not!
So I see Appalachian state interviews on here, and a mass rejection email, but I've gotten neither. Hmmmm. What might this mean?

I was in the same situation for another site (invites sent out days before and mass rejection posted) and much to my surprise, I got an invite! I thought people were just being nice saying that there was still hope but I guess it can be true!
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