2016-2017 "What are my Chances?" thread

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Step 1: 245
Step 2 CK/ CS: haven't taken yet
School: Top 20
Class Rank: no idea, school does not publish
Grades in Clerkship: Honors: Psych, OB, Family med. High pass: Peds, IM, Neurology, Ambulatory med. Pass: Surgery
AOA: no
Research/ Publications/ Extracurriculars: 2+ year minor psych research project. Submitting a pub soon where I will be like 3-4th author. 4th authorship from undergrad neuro research. 2 local posters and a local oral presentation. 1 club leadership and then basic volunteer experiences.
Red Flags: (step failures, etc): none
Letters: PI, IM attending, Psych attending who gave me honors, and a Psych elective attending
Overview of where you want to end up: I really want to go to University of Pittsburgh, Michigan, Mass Gen, Yale, or other schools in the north east. Only looking at programs that have in house Child and Adolescent fellowships because that is what I want to end up doing. I love the 5 year track options available at Pitt, Mass Gen, Yale, and Brown!

Minor bit of advice, but one I wish I had gotten. Do CS as soon as possible. 10% because if you fail mysteriously (and increasingly it is mysteriously) you have time to retake it, but also 90% because the marks take forever to come back and you spare yourself a lot of agita if you don't have to worry about it.

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Minor bit of advice, but one I wish I had gotten. Do CS as soon as possible. 10% because if you fail mysteriously (and increasingly it is mysteriously) you have time to retake it, but also 90% because the marks take forever to come back and you spare yourself a lot of agita if you don't have to worry about it.

I actually took CK like a week ago and just don't have scores back so hopefully that went ok. CS is scheduled for the fall because our school gives us a week off for that purpose (like 80% of our class is doing it that week) can't really do it earlier because of AIs and having to travel for it
I actually took CK like a week ago and just don't have scores back so hopefully that went ok. CS is scheduled for the fall because our school gives us a week off for that purpose (like 80% of our class is doing it that week) can't really do it earlier because of AIs and having to travel for it

I recognize it is not something you control at all, but man, I am always left scratching my head when hear about medical schools that make it hard to take Steps or interview. It's not like medical students are doing so much useful/billable work...
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Step 1: 212
Step 2 CK/ CS: 214/Pass, both second attempts
School: east coast MD school
Class Rank: very low/maybe last
Grades in Clerkship: mostly all Passes; HP in OBGYN, EMed, Peds AI
AOA: no
Research/ Publications/ Extracurriculars: A lot of extracurriculars including peer teaching, president of psychiatry interest group, volunteer at our school's free clinic. Some research in undergrad and hoping to work at a research position this year. No publications but hoping for some this year.
Red Flags: (step failures, etc) Failed 3 pre-clinical courses in first year and one in second year, led to repeating second year. Failed both step 2ck and cs on first attempt. Didn't match this year.
Overview of where you want to end up: Anywhere, I just want to match this year. Would appreciate help.
It sounds like you've had a tough lot. I'm sorry. Can you give NBME a call? From the website, "NBME Disability Services will acknowledge receipt of your request by e-mail within a few business days of receiving your request for test accommodations. If you do not receive an acknowledgement within that timeframe, please contact Disability Services at 215-590-9700."

I'm just a fellow MS4, but I know a bit about Step 2 from tutoring others. It's impossible to answer this question without knowing what your chances of passing are (a passing score can only make it onto ERAS if you pass in the first place).

How are you doing on the NBMEs? They are the single best predictor of how you'll do on the real deal, especially if you take them under strict test-like conditions (which should also simulate some of the distractions you might be sensitive too). UWorld timed random mixed is decent prognostically.

Is there any way to keep these comments out of your MPSE?

I apologize for the late reply. They did acknowledge receipt back when I submitted the request less than a month ago. I also gave NBME Disability Services another call on Friday but they only give ambiguous responses and reemphasized that they ask their applicants to give AT LEAST 60 days for processing. The longest wait I've heard is 4 months. So at this point there's a good chance if I wait for their response I will then definitely be entering ERAS with a Fail on CK & CS.

Well it's been 2 years since I studied for and took the CK (prior to my leave of absence). I haven't started studying for the 2nd try yet but had scheduled July as study month without a test appointment in place. I also plan to put together a study plan and start studying later this week.

As for the MSPE, the dean was able to pull most of the negative stuff out from clerkships but it sounds like some of it will still enter the final letter. She's waiting for me to complete my August psych AI, and hopefully it will go much better this round and I'll be able to demonstrate improvements on the evals.

Thank you so much for your help! :)
I recognize it is not something you control at all, but man, I am always left scratching my head when hear about medical schools that make it hard to take Steps or interview. It's not like medical students are doing so much useful/billable work...

But with a 245, a top 20 school, honours in psych, demonstrated interest... seems like a strong applicant regardless, no? How crucial is Step 2CK/CS for ERAS in that case?
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But with a 245, a top 20 school, honours in psych, demonstrated interest... seems like a strong applicant regardless, no? How crucial is Step 2CK/CS for ERAS in that case?

Sure, this is a strong application otherwise, but probably the people who are conscientious enough to make a 245 are also the people most likely to worry themselves about CS.

Also, with a late CS, you might end up in a situation where you are asking programs to rank you before the results are back. That by itself does not make matching impossible, but you will probably fall down some rank lists as a result, since programs will naturally prefer equally strong candidates who will be legally allowed to start residency in July for sure.
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But with a 245, a top 20 school, honours in psych, demonstrated interest... seems like a strong applicant regardless, no? How crucial is Step 2CK/CS for ERAS in that case?
I had a similar application stats-wise. There were several interviews I didn't receive until I had a CK score in (December), and by then of course there were very few dates left, not to mention being burned out by the interview season. I recommend everyone take CK (and even CS asap).
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I had a similar application stats-wise. There were several interviews I didn't receive until I had a CK score in (December), and by then of course there were very few dates left, not to mention being burned out by the interview season. I recommend everyone take CK (and even CS asap).

Yeah, I definitely got several of my best interviews after updating programs about my CK score, although it was perhaps more important for me because it was 2 SD above national median whereas my Step 1 was slightly below. So that makes n = 1 + some fraction?
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Where are all those people who recommend that people delay taking step II? I guess they have given up telling us how wrong we are. It used to feel like telling vaccine declinators the facts, maybe the evidence finally overcame the denial.
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like I said. I actually took CK in early June so I will have a score for that in a couple weeks, well before submission time. Moving up CS is not exactly an option as there are 0 dates available before Halloween in the entire country and my date is already before that. I will have a passing status before rank ordered lists open as long as there isn't a delay and you know, I pass. I didn't want to delay CK. That seemed more stressful to me than just getting it done.
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Step 1: 240
Step 2 CK/ CS: 262 / taking CS soon
School: Northeast top 40 allopathic
Class Rank: not provided by school
Grades in Clerkship: honors: psych, neuro, family med, surgery; high pass: medicine, ob/gyn, peds, radiology
AOA: school hasn't selected AOA members yet
Research/ Publications/ Extracurriculars: research assistant for psychology study in undergrad, and psych-relevant study in med school / co-author on 1 published paper from undergrad, co-author on 2 submitted papers from med school, will be writing paper as 1st author this fall during research elective, 3 poster presentations / leadership roles in 2 advocacy organizations, Gold Humanism Honor Society
Red Flags: none
Overview of where you want to end up: I'm planning on applying to around 30 programs all in the NE. I'm wondering what are my chances at the more competitive programs?
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Step 1: 240
Step 2 CK/ CS: 262 / taking CS soon
School: Northeast top 40 allopathic
Class Rank: not provided by school
Grades in Clerkship: honors: psych, neuro, family med, surgery; high pass: medicine, ob/gyn, peds, radiology
AOA: school hasn't selected AOA members yet
Research/ Publications/ Extracurriculars: research assistant for psychology study in undergrad, and psych-relevant study in med school / co-author on 1 published paper from undergrad, co-author on 2 submitted papers from med school, will be writing paper as 1st author this fall during research elective, 3 poster presentations / leadership roles in 2 advocacy organizations, Gold Humanism Honor Society
Red Flags: none
Overview of where you want to end up: I'm planning on applying to around 30 programs all in the NE. I'm wondering what are my chances at the more competitive programs?

If you come across as more personable than a baked potato, 30 applications is almost certainly far too many, even for the northeast. 20 is probably a more reasonable number with an aim for attending the 10-odd interviews you want most.

You have the great luxury of being choosier than most applicants. If you schedule 23 interviews I will haunt you from night float, hand-to-relevant deity.
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If you come across as more personable than a baked potato, 30 applications is almost certainly far too many, even for the northeast. 20 is probably a more reasonable number with an aim for attending the 10-odd interviews you want most.

You have the great luxury of being choosier than most applicants. If you schedule 23 interviews I will haunt you from night float, hand-to-relevant deity.
I think that what clausie might be trying to say here is that you really have nothing to worry about...
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I get that 20+ is obviously too many interviews, but it seems like a lot of people (even good applicants) went pretty far down their rank lists in the most recent match thread. What would be a more reasonable number of applications/interviews to plan on?
I get that 20+ is obviously too many interviews, but it seems like a lot of people (even good applicants) went pretty far down their rank lists in the most recent match thread. What would be a more reasonable number of applications/interviews to plan on?

The PD for psych at the institution where I go to med school gave us an "applying for psychiatry" match talk and he said for most people 20 apps for 12 interviews for 10-12 ranks is a good place to be
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I get that 20+ is obviously too many interviews, but it seems like a lot of people (even good applicants) went pretty far down their rank lists in the most recent match thread. What would be a more reasonable number of applications/interviews to plan on?

When the charting outcomes for the last cycle is released, calculating this will be easy. Find the contiguous ranks versus chance of matching, find where the function asymptotes, and schedule that many interviews plus, say, two.
Good candidates seldom go below 5 or 6 on their lists if you look at charting outcomes. There is a way to mess this up however. Let’s assume programs go half way down their lists. That means about half of people interviewed can get in and half cannot. If you apply to 20 places, get 12 interviews and go to 11 and list 10, you are probably fine. If you apply to 100 places, get 60 interviews and pick the 11 best programs to interview at, you could be in trouble with only “reach” places on your list. “Apply broadly” doesn’t mean just apply at a lot of programs, it doesn’t mean be wide geographically, it means make sure you have some that you are likely to get in at the bottom of your list. Don’t list anywhere you are unwilling to go to, but don’t assume that there can’t be 10 places that are willing to interview you and will place you to match. It would be interesting to know how many people who get interviews but don’t match could match if they could go back in time and change their strategy.
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The PD for psych at the institution where I go to med school gave us an "applying for psychiatry" match talk and he said for most people 20 apps for 12 interviews for 10-12 ranks is a good place to be

I might add "US MD, no red flags" to that so that nobody is confused by who it applies to, but I have advised this for the last couple of years, and it reflects more or less what I did as an average US MD senior (220 Step 1, mid 230s Step 2, passed all med school classes with no red flags). I applied broadly geographically and prestige-wise to 27 programs, was invited to 19, attended and ranked 12, and matched near the top of my rank list.

In hindsight, I would cut back a little on the interviews attended, to no more than 8 to 10, because most of the interviews I attended required plane trips - i.e., expensive. I never regretted any of the interviews I turned down, and by the time of interview #9 I was feeling pretty burned out, and tapped out financially.
I might add "US MD, no red flags" to that so that nobody is confused by who it applies to, but I have advised this for the last couple of years, and it reflects more or less what I did as an average US MD senior (220 Step 1, mid 230s Step 2, passed all med school classes with no red flags). I applied broadly geographically and prestige-wise to 27 programs, was invited to 19, attended and ranked 12, and matched near the top of my rank list.

In hindsight, I would cut back a little on the interviews attended, to no more than 8 to 10, because most of the interviews I attended required plane trips - i.e., expensive. I never regretted any of the interviews I turned down, and by the time of interview #9 I was feeling pretty burned out, and tapped out financially.

Oh absolutely US MD. This was the PD talking to just the people from my US school who were thinking psych and he made no commentary on IMGs because we will all be US grads. No idea how specific his talk was geared to us being from an upper teir MD school with strong psych and if it should be altered for people
With different circumstances
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I get that 20+ is obviously too many interviews, but it seems like a lot of people (even good applicants) went pretty far down their rank lists in the most recent match thread.
That's more a reflection of what you pick up on. My memory of folks on match day in psych is much more skewed towards first and second choice residencies. But when someone posts that they didn't match or matched low on the list, that triggers your attention a lot more.

There is NO need for any basic applicant without red flags to interview at 20 programs, assuming he is applying early and broadly.
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Thanks for all the replies! Sounds like ~20 applications and ~10 interviews is a reasonable plan.

When the charting outcomes for the last cycle is released, calculating this will be easy. Find the contiguous ranks versus chance of matching, find where the function asymptotes, and schedule that many interviews plus, say, two.

I'm not sure that there will be a charting outcomes this year. It doesn't seem like there's a definite pattern and they haven't put out an announcement saying they're working on it. It would be really nice to have though.
Thanks for all the replies! Sounds like ~20 applications and ~10 interviews is a reasonable plan.

I'm not sure that there will be a charting outcomes this year. It doesn't seem like there's a definite pattern and they haven't put out an announcement saying they're working on it. It would be really nice to have though.

2014 will probably be an acceptable substitute, then.
Can a US student from a low tier school who scores 200-210 in step 1 still match in psych? assuming that individual has an average application with no red flags.
Can a US student from a low tier school who scores 200-210 in step 1 still match in psych? assuming that individual has an average application with no red flags.
how many times have you posted this question? the answer isn't going to change.
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how many times have you posted this question? the answer isn't going to change.
I need someone to tell me that I am not going to be jobless after MS4 :p... I must admit that I am a little bit neurotic when it comes to the match.

I am trying to figure out whether I should go ahead and take step1 and risk having 200-210 on it or delay clerkship and take step1 later this year...
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I might add "US MD, no red flags" to that so that nobody is confused by who it applies to, but I have advised this for the last couple of years, and it reflects more or less what I did as an average US MD senior (220 Step 1, mid 230s Step 2, passed all med school classes with no red flags). I applied broadly geographically and prestige-wise to 27 programs, was invited to 19, attended and ranked 12, and matched near the top of my rank list.

In hindsight, I would cut back a little on the interviews attended, to no more than 8 to 10, because most of the interviews I attended required plane trips - i.e., expensive. I never regretted any of the interviews I turned down, and by the time of interview #9 I was feeling pretty burned out, and tapped out financially.
You do realize things have drastically changed. Psych is no longer the specialty that 'guarantees' any US student a spot regardless how their CV is.
I need someone to tell me that I am not going to be jobless after MS4 :p... I must admit that I am a little bit neurotic when it comes to the match.

I am trying to figure out whether I should go ahead and take step1 and risk having 200-210 on it or delay clerkship and take step1 later this year...

Unless you are in serious danger of failing, delaying clerkship to study longer for step 1 is a not a good move.
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Unless you are in serious danger of failing, delaying clerkship to study longer for step 1 is a not a good move.
I am between a rock and a hard place now... I can bring bring my score up to 210+(last NBME exam was 200 and I have 2 weeks left) but I would like to get 220+ because I am afraid that 210+ will not be good enough to secure a spot in the match since I am from a low tier school and my grades have not been great... Needless to say that I am in tough situation and don't know what to do...
You do realize things have drastically changed. Psych is no longer the specialty that 'guarantees' any US student a spot regardless how their CV is.

Where did I use the word "guarantee"? There have never been guarantees in the match, only probabilities.

Nothing has "drastically" changed for US MD seniors with no red flags. You are overstating the recent trend for all applicants that is chiefly working against FMGs and weaker US MD and DO applicants. These trends are happening across the residency spectrum, not just in psychiatry.
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Unless you are in serious danger of failing, delaying clerkship to study longer for step 1 is a not a good move.
Go take your test. I promise a 200 is stronger than 220 with time off "to study". You didn't fail, don't draw attention.
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I am between a rock and a hard place now... I can bring bring my score up to 210+(last NBME exam was 200 and I have 2 weeks left) but I would like to get 220+ because I am afraid that 210+ will not be good enough to secure a spot in the match since I am from a low tier school and my grades have not been great... Needless to say that I am in tough situation and don't know what to do...
1. You can significantly improve your score in the last 2 weeks of Step 1 studying. As was already said, unless you're in danger of failing, delaying your clerkships is not worth it at this point. Go back to studying instead of wasting your time on SDN now.

2. More importantly, stop highjacking every "What are my chances", "Psychiatry is getting more competitive" etc thread with the same questions you've been asling for the past 2 years. If anxiety is an issue for you, seek some counseling - check out what your student mental health sevices offer. But seriously, stop highjacking threads - it's not just annoying, it's inconsiderate - you'll be applying next year, and you'll get all the attention you need in next year's "What are my chances" thread. This year's thread is for this year's applicants.
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If you come across as more personable than a baked potato, 30 applications is almost certainly far too many, even for the northeast. 20 is probably a more reasonable number with an aim for attending the 10-odd interviews you want most.

You have the great luxury of being choosier than most applicants. If you schedule 23 interviews I will haunt you from night float, hand-to-relevant deity.

Thanks, I will most likely aim for 20 applications then.

Could anyone comment on what it takes to get into the more competitive programs in Boston and NYC? Do I have a good chance for getting interviews with those programs?
Step 1: Only took Level 1: 455
Step 2 CK/ CS: Will take this summer
School: DO school
Class Rank: In the third quartile.
Grades in Clerkship: Most clerkship grades from preceptors were Honors or HP, shelf exams brought them down to HP or P.
Research/ Publications/ Extracurriculars: Published twice in Undergrad for Psych research as a third author. First author on a poster I presented. Lead TA for my medical school. Leadership in a national Psych organization
Red Flags: None other than not having Step

Looking at some AOA programs and some ACGME. Just want to be on a coast. Have 2 AOA auditions and 1 ACGME audition (met the PD and she seemed to like me so opened up a spot)
So I know that it is just one component of the application, but I was curious about where a 238 Step 1 would put me in terms of competitiveness. I am hoping they have a new Charting Outcomes out before the 2018 match but figured I would just ask to see where that could put me. I am in the midwest at a pretty average program without much name recognition but we match pretty well at good programs, several top 10-20 (whatever that means) by most rankings. I was just kind of curious how this was as a starting point with letters, third year grades, Step 2, and possibly research still to be done. Pitt or UofM would be amazing to me.
So I know that it is just one component of the application, but I was curious about where a 238 Step 1 would put me in terms of competitiveness. I am hoping they have a new Charting Outcomes out before the 2018 match but figured I would just ask to see where that could put me. I am in the midwest at a pretty average program without much name recognition but we match pretty well at good programs, several top 10-20 (whatever that means) by most rankings. I was just kind of curious how this was as a starting point with letters, third year grades, Step 2, and possibly research still to be done. Pitt or UofM would be amazing to me.

I think that Step 1 score is fine for Pitt. Research also a huge plus, given the nature of the program, but it is genuinely okay to say "I see myself mostly having a clinical practice". It will not prevent you from matching there.
I think that Step 1 score is fine for Pitt. Research also a huge plus, given the nature of the program, but it is genuinely okay to say "I see myself mostly having a clinical practice". It will not prevent you from matching there.

Thanks! Even though there is a year I have just been kind of confused about where a score like that fits in psych and what top programs look for. I would ecstatic to match at Pitt though so good to hear for now.
Step 1: 178 (I don't even know) --> 215
Step 2 CK/ CS: 227/Pass
School: Top MD school, in California
Class Rank: Bottom 25%
Grades in Clerkship: All Pass, P/F system, decent evals except for obgyn (first rotation)
Research/ Publications/ Extracurriculars: possibly going to submit something from medical school, but not sure at this point/no other publications/lots of community service and teaching before med school, not too much during
Red Flags: Step 1 repeat :(, forced to take 12 weeks off to study for step 1 :cryi:, extended med school by one semester, applied last year +pissed+

I applied last year to 30 (mostly CA), got 9 interviews (8 in CA), ranked all 9, no luck. This year I want to apply to 60 programs. Can someone help me figure less competitive programs maybe? I am willing to go wherever as this is attempt number 2 for me. I have step 3 scheduled, expect score in third week of October. I couldn't take it earlier due to lack of spots (and I obviously suck at these tests, so I wanted more time). I **should pass.

Looking to get something submitted research wise to talk about during interview, maybe a case report too. Will work in a clinical setting for the year.

CA: applying to most (avoiding UCLA, Stanford, San Mateo, UCLA/SFV (I have my reasons), Kaweah Delta)


I can take an honest response, so it's ok. Thanks!!!

Are your OB MSPE comments negative or just meh? Are you willing to travel all over the country for interviews? If so I would apply to lower tier programs basically all over the country
My review was only "meh", nothing negative per se. It was basically, "the student rotated through."

I don't know what programs are even considered low tier honestly. And of course I will travel as necessary.

Target the Midwest and Southeast, as they are far less competitive relative to quality due to geographical location. If a program has mostly DOs and Caribbean grads, you are highly likely to be competitive there.

Now, programs with 100% FMGs, especially if they are not from Caribbean places, are probably not going to be interested in you because their model is to take experienced physicians trained overseas and work them to death for very little money.
Target the Midwest and Southeast, as they are far less competitive relative to quality due to geographical location. If a program has mostly DOs and Caribbean grads, you are highly likely to be competitive there.

Now, programs with 100% FMGs, especially if they are not from Caribbean places, are probably not going to be interested in you because their model is to take experienced physicians trained overseas and work them to death for very little money.


Thanks! Do you know of specific programs in the Midwest or Southeast? I expect to apply to 60 (most CA programs because I'm from here, Arizona, Nevada, and then I don't know). I'm a little naive about this.

Thanks! Do you know of specific programs in the Midwest or Southeast? I expect to apply to 60 (most CA programs because I'm from here, Arizona, Nevada, and then I don't know). I'm a little naive about this.


Very good - UNC, Emory, Vandy, MUSC, Duke if you love to work
A'ight - Louisville, UofA, Duke if you have outside interests
Meh - UK, UT, Wake Forest, USA, Palmetto
Not meant for you if you are a US grad - Morehouse, Meharry
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Step 1: Only took Comlex Level 1 -- 470's
Step 2 CK/CS: Passed Comlex PE (our version of CS) and took Comlex Level 2 - score pending. Plan to take USMLE Step 2 but debating it...
School: In NY
Class Rank: Middle 1/3rd
Grades in Clerkship: My evaluations were all honors in everything but our final Honors grade is dependent on shelf exams which has to be top 10% (missed it by a few points for several rotations... :/).
AOA: yup
Research/Publications/Extracurriculars: Got published twice back in undergrad but meh. Active in school organizations. My MSPE looks pretty full and enriching more than I feel...
Letters: Psych attending (whom I rotated with for 5 weeks) and GYN Onc attending (which is a really stellar letter) and still waiting for a few more...
Overview of where you want to end up: I want to be in the tri-state area but I'm not completely opposed to going away. I'll be rotating again at the hospital that I did my 3rd year Psych clerkship (where I also got the letter) and also one at Mt. Sinai.

I know being a DO might hold me back and my comlex isn't fantastic but I don't have any red flags. I feel confident I improved on level 2 (hopefully more than 100 pts). I'm obviously trying very hard to secure a great rank spot in my home school but do you all recommend that I take USMLE Step 2 as well to boost my chances as well? I'm a student in NY DO school so there's a lot of Alumni from my school in psych programs around here but I still feel so uncertain considering my mediocre comlex score and lack of usmle step 1...
Step 1: 178 (I don't even know) --> 215
Step 2 CK/ CS: 227/Pass
School: Top MD school, in California
Class Rank: Bottom 25%
Grades in Clerkship: All Pass, P/F system, decent evals except for obgyn (first rotation)
Research/ Publications/ Extracurriculars: possibly going to submit something from medical school, but not sure at this point/no other publications/lots of community service and teaching before med school, not too much during
Red Flags: Step 1 repeat :(, forced to take 12 weeks off to study for step 1 :cryi:, extended med school by one semester, applied last year +pissed+

I applied last year to 30 (mostly CA), got 9 interviews (8 in CA), ranked all 9, no luck. This year I want to apply to 60 programs. Can someone help me figure less competitive programs maybe? I am willing to go wherever as this is attempt number 2 for me. I have step 3 scheduled, expect score in third week of October. I couldn't take it earlier due to lack of spots (and I obviously suck at these tests, so I wanted more time). I **should pass.

Looking to get something submitted research wise to talk about during interview, maybe a case report too. Will work in a clinical setting for the year.

CA: applying to most (avoiding UCLA, Stanford, San Mateo, UCLA/SFV (I have my reasons), Kaweah Delta)


I can take an honest response, so it's ok. Thanks!!!

Talk to your school to determine where to target. Look at the programs on FREIDA, go to the websites, look at the rankings, educate yourself on the process.

You applied this past year for the match but you graduated late? How were you planning to start in July? What year were you supposed to graduate? Do you have a home program? How'd your interviews go? Did you ask for any feedback? Where else did you apply but not get an interview? Maybe skip those this year?
Step 1/2: mid 230s
Step 2 CS: pass
School: school in mid-west
Class Rank: bottom 10%
Grades in Clerkship: mostly all Passes; HP in peds/psych, P in everything else
AOA: no
Research/ Publications/ Extracurriculars: decent extracurriculars (free clinic, some student group involvement/leadership), no pubs but multiple poster presentations.
Red Flags: none besides low rank?
Overview of where you want to end up: NYC. Originally from area and would really appreciate some good pointers into what is doable for me. I'm particularly interested in the Mt. Sinai system residencies (BI, SLR). Regarding that, is BI worth applying to since it is closing?

Thank you guys
Step 1: 238
Step 2 CS: Pass
Step 2 CK: 225
School: one of the newer MD schools (within last decade)
Class Rank: Doesn't rank
Grades in Clerkship: Honors in psych, pass in everything else
AOA: doesn't do
Research/ Publications/ Extracurriculars: 1 journal pub, abstract, and poster presentation at prominent conference; all in neuroscience and all during undergrad
Red Flags: Step 2CK score < Step 1 (focused on my rotations and underestimated the beast)
Overview of where you want to end up: Planning to apply broadly, I'd be very happy with solid mid tier programs (University of New Mexico, University of South Carolina, University of Cincinnati, University of Florida, Medical College of Wisconsin, etc.) Do I have a chance at some of the fancier places? (University of Michigan, UPitt, WashU, UPenn) Or should I apply to more lesser known community programs? Any advice is much appreciated.