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I was searching the forum for previous Post-doc threads, and noticed there was not one for this year. Here's the one from 2015-2016.

I was thinking this could be useful for discussion of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), as well as the new Uniform Notification Date (February 27, 2017) according to 2017/2018 APPIC Postdoctoral Selection Guidelines and Universal Psychology Postdoctoral Directory (UPPD).

So, here we go! I'm happy to edit this post updating the FAQs as time permits.

Here is a great FAQ from APPIC directed at applicants. I will try to not duplicate questions too many questions from there. Unless there is significant discussion and varied answers.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

How many postdoc sites should I apply to?

APPIC says "There is no magic number. Although we don't have data on how many applications will maximize the likelihood of obtaining a postdoc we know that the modal application number is around eight." However, previous postdoc threads have listed anywhere from 5-14, obviously depending on the specific field.
I think it depends on a lot of things. First, how competitive are you? Second, how competitive are the sites that you're applying to? I think 8 seems fine provided they're not all ridiculously competitive sites and you're a good fit at those eight sites. It is important to keep in mind that the post doc process (with maybe the exception of research-heavy sites) is less competitive.

Who should I get a letter from?
Previous threads discussed getting at least 1 from your internship program (usually TD) and at least 1 from your doctoral program (usually DCT or research chair). The reason appears to be the postdoc sites want to know that a) you are in good standing with your doctoral program and scheduled to graduate on-time/dissertation to be completed on-time, and b) you are in good standing with your internship program. Obviously the 3rd letter can be your choice depending on postdoc sites, etc.
In terms of letters, I would read what each site requires. There are some sites that don't require a letter from your DCT (they're fine with your advisor detailing your status in the program). Definitely get a letter from internship, preferably someone who can write you a strong letter and has worked with you directly. This is oftentimes not the TD. I would definitely have a letter from your advisor. The third letter should be someone else who can write you a very strong letter, such as a clinical supervisor from graduate school.

Do letter writers have to write different letters for each site? Or just type of site? I do not want to put undue burden on them.
Previous thread regarding letters and APPA-CAS. Looks like it still requires one letter per site in APPA-CAS. Also it recommends putting the site name in the comments when you email the letter writer.
From my brief look at APPA-CAS, each letter is submitted individually (unlike internship). You also have to keep in mind that there are some sites not even on APPA-CAS. It will be important at this point once you have your list to let your letter writers know the deadline and how to submit (for example, will they get an email from APPA-CAS) the letter for each site.

What do they mean by writing sample?
Depends, sometime sites specify certain types of writing samples (neuropsych or psychoedu evaluation report, treatment plan, consultation note, intake note, etc.) If they do not specify, then it's up to you, but should be relevant to the specific site. MAKE SURE TO DE-IDENTIFY YOUR WRITING SAMPLE AND PROOFREAD/SPELLCHECK!!!

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Is it bad I'm already freaking out a bit about this? I find it so hard to look for post-doc's and jobs in addition to being on internship.

Edit: also being more geographically limited now than I was for internship doesn't help either..
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Is it bad I'm already freaking out a bit about this? I find it so hard to look for post-doc's and jobs in addition to being on internship.

Edit: also being more geographically limited now than I was for internship doesn't help either..
I felt like being geographically limited helped me - made me feel less overwhelmed because I could quickly narrow it down to just about 7 sites. But I also had the backup option of staying on as a postdoc at my internship site where I would have also been extremely happy for another year. But if you're geographically limited you could also consider unofficial postdoc avenues in that area as well. Good luck!
I was searching the forum for previous Post-doc threads, and noticed there was not one for this year. Here's the one from 2015-2016.

I was thinking this could be useful for discussion of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), as well as the new Uniform Notification Date (February 27, 2017) according to 2017/2018 APPIC Postdoctoral Selection Guidelines and Universal Psychology Postdoctoral Directory (UPPD).

So, here we go! I'm happy to edit this post updating the FAQs as time permits.

Here is a great FAQ from APPIC directed at applicants. I will try to not duplicate questions too many questions from there. Unless there is significant discussion and varied answers.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

How many postdoc sites should I apply to?

APPIC says "There is no magic number. Although we don't have data on how many applications will maximize the likelihood of obtaining a postdoc we know that the modal application number is around eight." However, previous postdoc threads have listed anywhere from 5-14, obviously depending on the specific field. Waiting for more discussion/feedback.

Who should I get a letter from?
Previous threads discussed getting at least 1 from your internship program (usually TD) and at least 1 from your doctoral program (usually DCT or research chair). The reason appears to be the postdoc sites want to know that a) you are in good standing with your doctoral program and scheduled to graduate on-time/dissertation to be completed on-time, and b) you are in good standing with your internship program. Obviously the 3rd letter can be your choice depending on postdoc sites, etc. Waiting for more discussion/feedback.

Do letter writers have to write different letters for each site? Or just type of site? I do not want to put undue burden on them.
Previous thread regarding letters and APPA-CAS. Looks like it still requires one letter per site in APPA-CAS. Also it recommends putting the site name in the comments when you email the letter writer. Waiting for more discussion/feedback.

A couple of things....I agree that there's no magic number. I think it depends on a lot of things. First, how competitive are you? Second, how competitive are the sites that you're applying to? I think 8 seems fine provided they're not all ridiculously competitive sites and you're a good fit at those eight sites. It is important to keep in mind that the post doc process (with maybe the exception of research-heavy sites) is less competitive.

In terms of letters, I would read what each site requires. There are some sites that don't require a letter from your DCT (they're fine with your advisor detailing your status in the program). Definitely get a letter from internship, preferably someone who can write you a strong letter and has worked with you directly. This is oftentimes not the TD. I would definitely have a letter from your advisor. The third letter should be someone else who can write you a very strong letter, such as a clinical supervisor from graduate school.

From my brief look at APPA-CAS, each letter is submitted individually (unlike internship). You also have to keep in mind that there are some sites not even on APPA-CAS. It will be important at this point once you have your list to let your letter writers know the deadline and how to submit (for example, will they get an email from APPA-CAS) the letter for each site.
Is it bad I'm already freaking out a bit about this? I find it so hard to look for post-doc's and jobs in addition to being on internship.

Edit: also being more geographically limited now than I was for internship doesn't help either..

I guess it depends where you are geographically, but my understanding is that being geographically limited for post doc is less of a kiss of death for post doc (compared to internship).
I had made my own thread for the following question, then found this thread that might be more useful.

"The postdoc sites i'm applying to are college counseling centers. One of the application materials required is a "brief writing sample". Anyone have any ideas what they are likely looking for? I'm not sure if this is an assessment report, termination report, progress note, intake?

I had emailed the site to ask and got an out-of-office reply that the postdoc director will be out of office through November, so I thought I would see if anyone here has any insight."
I had made my own thread for the following question, then found this thread that might be more useful.

"The postdoc sites i'm applying to are college counseling centers. One of the application materials required is a "brief writing sample". Anyone have any ideas what they are likely looking for? I'm not sure if this is an assessment report, termination report, progress note, intake?

I had emailed the site to ask and got an out-of-office reply that the postdoc director will be out of office through November, so I thought I would see if anyone here has any insight."

I've seen those too. I would say that means it's your choice, since some sites specify evaluation, neuropsych evaluation, treatment plan, consult note, etc.

I would say whatever is most useful for CC. I would say maybe a treatment plan and initial note maybe? I don't have any CC experience FYI.

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A couple of things....I agree that there's no magic number. I think it depends on a lot of things. First, how competitive are you? Second, how competitive are the sites that you're applying to? I think 8 seems fine provided they're not all ridiculously competitive sites and you're a good fit at those eight sites. It is important to keep in mind that the post doc process (with maybe the exception of research-heavy sites) is less competitive.

In terms of letters, I would read what each site requires. There are some sites that don't require a letter from your DCT (they're fine with your advisor detailing your status in the program). Definitely get a letter from internship, preferably someone who can write you a strong letter and has worked with you directly. This is oftentimes not the TD. I would definitely have a letter from your advisor. The third letter should be someone else who can write you a very strong letter, such as a clinical supervisor from graduate school.

From my brief look at APPA-CAS, each letter is submitted individually (unlike internship). You also have to keep in mind that there are some sites not even on APPA-CAS. It will be important at this point once you have your list to let your letter writers know the deadline and how to submit (for example, will they get an email from APPA-CAS) the letter for each site.

Thanks RejectClinical! I quoted you on my FAQ above with some trimming of your quotes. Hope this is okay!

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Thanks RejectClinical! I quoted you on my FAQ above with some trimming of your quotes. Hope this is okay!

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Absolutely! I also want to clarify that this is just my understanding and you may want to check with others just to be safe. In terms of the writing sample, if the site doesn't specify, I would contact the TD to see what they're looking for. That's my own personal style because I wouldn't want to risk being wrong.
I found the post doc app process a lot less stressful than the internship app process. I would suggest actually being somewhat picky at this stage--you can probably afford to be. So, yes, do think about things like location, specialized training, your desired setting, etc.
Absolutely! I also want to clarify that this is just my understanding and you may want to check with others just to be safe. In terms of the writing sample, if the site doesn't specify, I would contact the TD to see what they're looking for. That's my own personal style because I wouldn't want to risk being wrong.

Hey there, yeah that was my thought too. I did email the TD and got an auto response that she will be out of office through November =/
Hey there, yeah that was my thought too. I did email the TD and got an auto response that she will be out of office through November =/

Most TDs I have contacted have been very good about responding. Maybe there is a program assistant you can contact?

My only qualm currently is some sites having early December deadlines and their APPA portal still not open (either listed as future or not listed yet).

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I found the post doc app process a lot less stressful than the internship app process. I would suggest actually being somewhat picky at this stage--you can probably afford to be. So, yes, do think about things like location, specialized training, your desired setting, etc.

I had the opposite experience. I applied to maybe 8 or 9 counseling/VA postdoc sites and had 5 or so interviews, two of which I felt strongly about my chances. Ultimately I didn't end up getting any offers, but the reality is, I was applying to highly competitive sites in very high demand locations with limited openings. Because I knew where I wanted to be, my options were more limited, and the competition was higher. There was clearly more supply than demand. Several of my colleagues shared that postdocs were actually harder because there was no match process but with similarly high rates of applying. The reality is, there are less postdocs out there than internships, especially if you are in the counseling center niche.
I am quite anxious about the postdoc process, don't feel ready/don't want to be bothered, am overwhelmed with all of my Internship tasks, plus finishing doc paper, and am struggling with being geographically limited to a few cities. So far, I can only apply to 3 cites due to partner who is great and not the problem (2 different tracks at 2 of the sites so 5 total if you stretch it), which feels really scanty. And they are all popular enough sites to not exactly fill me with confidence about my chances. I kind of just want to get going with working and earning money, already, and am quite irritated with all of these hurdles. Rant done. ✅
I am quite anxious about the postdoc process, don't feel ready/don't want to be bothered, am overwhelmed with all of my Internship tasks, plus finishing doc paper...
Totally understand. It feels strange to already apply to the next step when I've barely started on internship (not really but feels that way).

My first app is due in 12/1, so I need to wrap up my draft(s) and start submitting!

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I am quite anxious about the postdoc process, don't feel ready/don't want to be bothered, am overwhelmed with all of my Internship tasks, plus finishing doc paper, and am struggling with being geographically limited to a few cities. So far, I can only apply to 3 cites due to partner who is great and not the problem (2 different tracks at 2 of the sites so 5 total if you stretch it), which feels really scanty. And they are all popular enough sites to not exactly fill me with confidence about my chances. I kind of just want to get going with working and earning money, already, and am quite irritated with all of these hurdles. Rant done. ✅

It can definitely seem overwhelming, particularly with how quickly it seems to come on during the internship year. It may vary by specialty, but even in neuropsych, I wouldn't necessarily say 5 sites is an exceedingly low number. I don't know a national average, but I would say most folks I've talked with applied to somewhere around 7 or fewer (I was an oddity).
I applied to 8, but was not geographically restricted at all. I don't think the number will be the limiting factor here, rather, a possible fit issue seeing as that the applications are for different tracks within some of the sites.
I am quite anxious about the postdoc process, don't feel ready/don't want to be bothered, am overwhelmed with all of my Internship tasks, plus finishing doc paper, and am struggling with being geographically limited to a few cities. So far, I can only apply to 3 cites due to partner who is great and not the problem (2 different tracks at 2 of the sites so 5 total if you stretch it), which feels really scanty. And they are all popular enough sites to not exactly fill me with confidence about my chances. I kind of just want to get going with working and earning money, already, and am quite irritated with all of these hurdles. Rant done. ✅

I hear you! It's a tough process and irritating that after all the work you go through, you have to fight so hard to get an underpaid postdoc position. The reality is, not everyone gets an "official" postdoc, but after the round of counseling center/VA postdocs ended, I applied to everything I was qualified for. After a few months of applications/interviews post-internship, I received a few offers and picked the one that was the best fit. So while it can be a disheartening process, just remember you can keep applying to whatever pops up and ask job sites if they offer postdoc supervision for clinical positions if the first wave of postdocs doesn't work out for you. Hang in there!
Thank you guys for the support. Still annoyed but picking myself up and moving forward. Quick question about the whole different tracks at the same site issue. Does it look weird to apply for seemingly disparate tracks if I have experience in both? Also, when people are saying they applied for 8 postdocs do you mean 8 different sites or 8 different track totals (so maybe 4 sites two tracks at each)?
I applied to 7 or 8 different sites (some had multiple tracks, so it wound up being about 10 positions total), but other folks in my internship cohort applied to fewer and still landed positions where they wanted to be. I, personally, wouldn't apply to totally disparate tracks because reviewers might wonder what it is you really want to do. When I applied to multiple tracks, they were related (e.g., SUD and PTSD/SUD). Think about what job you eventually want to have more than what you've done in the past. If you can make a compelling case in your cover letter why both tracks will get you where you want to be, then go for it. If not, then I'd go for one strong application over two applications that contradict each other.

Also, I agree with cara susanna about postdoc applications being a lot less stressful than internship applications. A lot of people go straight for a job after internship, so there are far fewer applicants per position when it comes to formal postdocs. When I was reviewing applications last year, some tracks at my site only had 2 or 3 applicants, and I was at a large hospital in a major metro area. I got postdoc offers from places that didn't even offer me an interview when I was applying for internship.
I am applying to 5 sites/6 tracks. I am submitting all but one application this weekend.
I am applying to 15 sites and a part of me is feeling like that is not enough. I am applying to mostly va's and have limited myself to about 6 states. I completed a semester prac at the VA, but I've done other applicable work. I just hope that it allows me to be competitive enough
First APPA-portal application submitted today! Seemed to go smoothly. Look over the PDF to make sure all your formatting is correct!

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Most of my sites are not using the portal. All but one are using the recommended notification date.
When sites ask for additional writing samples...

Would it be ok to submit research that is not the focus of the site?
So happy there is a thread on this and some people are freaking out like i am. My first was due the 1st and i have several more due next week. Thankfully, i think only like 3 of mine are using the portal. Anyone applying to ped sites?
Hello everyone,

First off, it's so refreshing to hear that this process is smoother than internship 🙂 I'm in the process of submitting apps to VA post docs. Does anyone have any idea if sites review before deadlines or not? Can we expect interview offers/rejections before then? I know this process is different than internship so I just wanted to see if anyone has any info 🙂 thank you and good luck to everyone!
Hello everyone,

First off, it's so refreshing to hear that this process is smoother than internship 🙂 I'm in the process of submitting apps to VA post docs. Does anyone have any idea if sites review before deadlines or not? Can we expect interview offers/rejections before then? I know this process is different than internship so I just wanted to see if anyone has any info 🙂 thank you and good luck to everyone!
Having reviewed applications at VA sites, I can almost guarantee that nobody will be reviewing applications prior to the submission deadline. Generally, sites will wait for all of the applications to come in and then divvy them up among the training committee members. Also, keep in mind that sites will be interviewing and ranking internship candidates in the weeks leading up to postdoc application review. This is a hectic time of year for training sites, so the best thing to do is be patient. I know it's hard when you just want to know what your next step will be, but it'll all be over before you know it!
Having reviewed applications at VA sites, I can almost guarantee that nobody will be reviewing applications prior to the submission deadline. Generally, sites will wait for all of the applications to come in and then divvy them up among the training committee members. Also, keep in mind that sites will be interviewing and ranking internship candidates in the weeks leading up to postdoc application review. This is a hectic time of year for training sites, so the best thing to do is be patient. I know it's hard when you just want to know what your next step will be, but it'll all be over before you know it!

Thank you so much for your response 🙂 although this process has been less stressful than internship, the waiting is by far the worst part.
More quick venting: am so freaking busy on Internship that I submitted 2 postdoc applications 3 hours before the midnight deadline. Never done that before!

A word to the wise, the program I just applied to wanted everything sent to them in a big PDF. That took 4 hours because the file size kept being too big. So, anticipate last minute problems like that!
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Submitted my stuff

But it shows as verifying...

Wtf does that mean. Will sites get my materials or not?
Submitted my stuff

But it shows as verifying...

Wtf does that mean. Will sites get my materials or not?

Sites can view even incomplete apps that you submit.

I believe the verifying status is when they are assigning the GPA to your official transcript. It may also be used to just check all your materials.

As long as you got your stuff in by deadlines, I think you should be okay.

We will see!

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Sites can view even incomplete apps that you submit.

I believe the verifying status is when they are assigning the GPA to your official transcript. It may also be used to just check all your materials.

As long as you got your stuff in by deadlines, I think you should be okay.

We will see!

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Received an email from the site and they said it was complete application!

Did notice a typo on my CV I thought I edited, but I uploaded the same version again. :/ (Nothing too major....I hope, forgot to add the name of conference where I submitted a poster to).

Has anyone ever been able to contact APPACAS and re-upload a document?
Received an email from the site and they said it was complete application!

Did notice a typo on my CV I thought I edited, but I uploaded the same version again. :/ (Nothing too major....I hope, forgot to add the name of conference where I submitted a poster to).

Has anyone ever been able to contact APPACAS and re-upload a document?

Once you submit your first application, the portal locks down many areas. That includes your CV unfortunately.

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Can we also stressfully use this thread for interview offers? I've gotten offers at Fordham and Pace counseling centers and would love to hear what other sites have already offered. I also heard Columbia sent out all their invites already as well.
Can we also stressfully use this thread for interview offers? I've gotten offers at Fordham and Pace counseling centers and would love to hear what other sites have already offered. I also heard Columbia sent out all their invites already as well.

Why not? lol

Although I think sites are really variable.

I'm applying for neuro fellowships and have heard back from one site already. I'm planning a trip home but am worried about taking days off, given interviews.

I hope the places I am applying to at home will give me the heads up soon.
Why not? lol

Although I think sites are really variable.

I'm applying for neuro fellowships and have heard back from one site already. I'm planning a trip home but am worried about taking days off, given interviews.

I hope the places I am applying to at home will give me the heads up soon.

That's the beauty of sticking to APPCN sites, all of those interviews take place at INS.
So i have 2 interview offers already. Unfortunately they are occurring in the same week and are in different directions. What is everyone's thoughts on asking if one can do a skype or phone interview? Traveling is expensive to do in one week and cuts into my time off and clinical hours. Thoughts??
Why not? lol

Although I think sites are really variable.

I'm applying for neuro fellowships and have heard back from one site already. I'm planning a trip home but am worried about taking days off, given interviews.

I hope the places I am applying to at home will give me the heads up soon.
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That's the beauty of sticking to APPCN sites, all of those interviews take place at INS.

I know of at least one site that is an APPCN member and does not offer conference interviews. So I'm assuming that this protocol isn't mandatory.
I don't like the traffic, or the people. I have family that live in LA, and I only visit when I have to.

Gotcha, Not a big fan of LA either. Its funny you mention traffic and people, being on the east coast for the first time, the biggest complaints I hear from people living in this area are Traffic and People. lol

Is it bad form to Interview at INS and then NOT present your research poster? I have two presentations, but one is scheduled for Saturday. I can save about $100-200 if I leave before hand, thinking I will have to eat it though
