2023-2024 Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine (Middletown Campus)

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Is there an accepted students GroupMe?

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Super thankful to get the A off the waitlist last Friday! Wishing everyone the best of luck! Also I would like to join the accepted students GroupMe @premed_paramedic if possible.
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Anyone interviewed on 3/18 and still waiting to hear back? It’s 42 days since the interview so 4-6 wks have passed
I would like to say so? Though I suspect there will be a larger movement later this week or next week.
I also got the A off the waitlist this last Friday, was very surprised as I got my waitlist decision merely 11 days before getting off!
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Thankful I got an A off the waitlist this past Friday! I interviewed March 11, waitlisted April 15th, Accepted May 3rd. Did not get a high ranked email!
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Interviewed 2/26. WL 3/11.Nothing yet. I’m really concerned I’m at the bottom of the WL :(
I feel like over the next few weeks, especially in the summer more movement should happen, fingers crossed
withdrew my A, good luck you guys!
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What is the possibility that someone from one touro NY campus could go to the other one instead?
Anyone get the email with information about the the waitlist movement and the requirements if we’re accepted?
I removed myself from the waitlist today. good to you all :cool:
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Just withdrew my A, hope it goes to one of you guys :) good luck!
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Just as a PSA to everyone, I heard around half of the first year DO class at Middletown failed anatomy this past year and that's why they're eager to change the curriculum to make it "easier" for students - but they weren't able to make changes for this incoming year yet for whatever reason
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Just as a PSA to everyone, I heard around half of the first year DO class at Middletown failed anatomy this past year and that's why they're eager to change the curriculum to make it "easier" for students - but they weren't able to make changes for this incoming year yet for whatever reason

I don't know where you heard this from because it's absolutely not true. The exam medians for anatomy I were between 82-83 and the medians for anatomy II were ~90. Failing is <70 so that's not even close.
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Got the A today! Interviewed 2/12, waitlisted 3/14

Does anyone have the link to the accepted GroupMe?
A off the WL yesterday. Interview in November. Can I also get the link to the GroupMe?
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