2024-2025 Tennessee

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2024-2025 Tennessee Secondary Essay Prompts: (questions 1 and 4 are new) ***Heads up: 7 day deadline!!**

1. Have you previously applied for admission to any college at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center?
If you answered yes to the previous question, please indicate the entry year(s) and which UTHSC college you applied to (e.g., Dentistry, Graduate Health Science, Health Professions, Medicine, Nursing, or Pharmacy). (Optional, 200 characters)

2. List all courses you are taking or planning to take within the current academic year (e.g., Fall 2024 and/or Spring 2025). List course(s), title, and credit hours. (Optional) 1000 characters

3. Any additional information not previously provided in the personal comments of your AMCAS primary application?
(Optional) 500 characters.

4. Imagine you are a medical student in a clinic and encounter a patient whose cultural background and beliefs differ significantly from your own. The patient is hesitant about a treatment plan that is standard practice but conflicts with their personal beliefs. How would you approach this situation to ensure the patient feels heard and respected while also providing the best possible care?
(Required) 3000 characters

Good luck to all applying!
Interview Feedback:

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OOS, my undergrad is at Memphis, TN; research is at hospital associated with UTHSC, clinical hours at hospital associated with UTHSC. So, have some TN association.
I would give it a shot since you have connections, but just a warning that they interview and accept very few kids from out of state (probably between 10-20%).
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OOS "Primary Application Received" email received 7/17
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OOS "Primary Application Received" email received 7/17. My amcas is still unverified as well. It says they will be screening: is this a new practice or did they do that last year? does anyone have the questions from last year?
OOS "Primary Application Received" email received 7/17. My amcas is still unverified as well. It says they will be screening: is this a new practice or did they do that last year? does anyone have the questions from last year?
Last year there was screening as well. The questions included current and future coursework, any additional information not in primary, and impact of COVID.
OOS Secondary application received! kind of surprised as I have no association with the state-is it rare to receive an oos secondary?
OOS Secondary application received! kind of surprised as I have no association with the state-is it rare to receive an oos secondary?
Im pretty sure they send it to most people/everyone, but strongly prioritize interviewing IS
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+1 OOS and not looking forward to working this 7 day deadline into my schedule :sour:
Here are the essay questions! @wysdoc

1. Have you previously applied for admission to any college at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center?
If you answered yes to the previous question, please indicate the entry year(s) and which UTHSC college you applied to (e.g., Dentistry, Graduate Health Science, Health Professions, Medicine, Nursing, or Pharmacy). (Optional, 200 characters)

2. List all courses you are taking or planning to take within the current academic year (e.g., Fall 2024 and/or Spring 2025). List course(s), title, and credit hours. (Optional, 1000 characters)

3. Any additional information not previously provided in the personal comments of your AMCAS primary application. Please limit your response to 500 characters. (Optional)

4. Imagine you are a medical student in a clinic and encounter a patient whose cultural background and beliefs differ significantly from your own. The patient is hesitant about a treatment plan that is standard practice but conflicts with their personal beliefs. How would you approach this situation to ensure the patient feels heard and respected while also providing the best possible care? Please limit your response to 3,000 characters. (Required)
dude same boat lol
Haha yeah. I don't really know what to put for the "bona fide resident" question. I will have to file taxes in TN and have lived and worked here for 8 months, but haven't gotten my ID switched. My permanent address is in TN now, and I don't really have family, financial, or possession ties to my original birth state. What would you put?
Haha yeah. I don't really know what to put for the "bona fide resident" question. I will have to file taxes in TN and have lived and worked here for 8 months, but haven't gotten my ID switched. My permanent address is in TN now, and I don't really have family, financial, or possession ties to my original birth state. What would you put?

I’ll pm im in a weird spot too
+1 OOS/kinda IS and qualify for residency/I have domicile/gray area/help me
I think the cutoff is one year. You say in-state for another state's schools on your profile and they won't let you double dip. You do however have very strong ties, literally living in the state, which will be very favorable.
How is everyone answering Secondary Q4 (the one about the patient hesitant about the treatment plan)? I was just going to say that I'll listen to their concerns and try to develop alternative regimens that could be consistent with their beliefs. However, this is the only true secondary question and my current method wouldn't allow me to tie in any of my activities.
How is everyone answering Secondary Q4 (the one about the patient hesitant about the treatment plan)? I was just going to say that I'll listen to their concerns and try to develop alternative regimens that could be consistent with their beliefs. However, this is the only true secondary question and my current method wouldn't allow me to tie in any of my activities.
They have your primary app with your activities. I would just answer the question straight up
How is everyone answering Secondary Q4 (the one about the patient hesitant about the treatment plan)? I was just going to say that I'll listen to their concerns and try to develop alternative regimens that could be consistent with their beliefs. However, this is the only true secondary question and my current method wouldn't allow me to tie in any of my activities.
I think just answering honestly is the best course of action- at the end of the day med schools will train you how to deal with this sort of scenario. What they’re ultimately looking for is if you have empathy and compassion (something you cant really be taught to have).
I weirdly received that email before my application was verified...I was verified late (7/30) but rec'd the confirmation email on 7/17? Considering reaching out to them tbh
I weirdly received that email before my application was verified...I was verified late (7/30) but rec'd the confirmation email on 7/17? Considering reaching out to them tbh
I think they probably just havent gotten to your app yet. They screen every application and given your later verification it may come in the incoming couple of weeks.

Good news is they dont interview for the next several months, so you have plenty of time to get your app submitted 🙂
Haha yeah. I don't really know what to put for the "bona fide resident" question. I will have to file taxes in TN and have lived and worked here for 8 months, but haven't gotten my ID switched. My permanent address is in TN now, and I don't really have family, financial, or possession ties to my original birth state. What would you put?
if you are under 24, you are classified by your parent's residency. If over 24 you are classified by your own residency. Either way you can appeal the classification but you have to live in Tennessee for a year to be in state. Get your DL and appeal.

Tennessee takes in state students preferentially. They hold back 10 slots for out of state with preference there to children of Alumni. There is a VERY high likelihood that far more than 10 kids of Alumni will apply. If you are from out of Tennessee, do not live in Tennessee, and/or are not a Child of an Alumni--save your money!
I just got an email that my primary is under review for a secondary- even though I received a secondary months ago which I submitted already? Anyone else get this?

I wonder if they sent this to all applicants? Not many are reporting here.
Its a generic email to update all applicants about the status of their process and provide them with a link to their personalized URL for updates etc. Sounds like they will begin to send out interviews next month.