3.3 cGPA 3.1 sGPA Unknown MCAT DO odds?

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7+ Year Member
Apr 5, 2016
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Taking my MCATs in a few months, currently almost halfway through junior year
Medical Diagnostics Major with Bio minor
3.3 cGPA 3.1 sGPA
20 hours as waiter at little sisters of the poor nursing home
80 hours at Camp Possibilities sleep away camp for children with diabetes
100 hours in outpatient infusion center at hospital
40 hours spent volunteering in hospital pharmacy
Planning on shadowing ~50 hours this winter at Emergency department

Self taught CPhT, worked 400+ hours in pharmacy and counting. Was interested in being a CNA/EMT but had a beautiful baby girl fall of sophomore year, didn't have time for a 6 month course and needed money, might as well get a job involving medicine.
Not necessarily relevant but Sold ~40,000$ of product through ebay/amazon over 1500 transactions during college, even more if you count high school but don't have the numbers.

Eagle Scout for what its worth

Was originally interested in chiropractic but decided on a DO pathway because money, job security, and the thought that I'd be able to help more people.

I'm interested in PCOM, WVSOM, or really any DO school that will take me. (What significant difference is there between them besides geography?)

Let's assume for the sake of argument that I get a 500 on the MCAT, what are my odds of getting into any DO school? What are some schools I should look at? Should I take a gap year and apply at the end of my senior year? Any way I can readily improve my application?

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Also White Delaware resident. No med schools here. Got a 494 on a free 1 hr kaplan pre-MCAT test about a year ago.
Make sure you ace your classes this/next semester. Your MCAT will make or break you. Study for it and take some more practice tests. Don't take it until you're ready even if it means cancelling or voiding your score. If you wind up scorning 504+ consistently on the practice exams, take the real thing before June and apply assuming everything else goes well.

Chances aren't fantastic with those GPAs and a 500 MCAT, but it's possible especially if you apply early and broadly target the newer schools.

Between now and app time, you could retake any science classes you got a C or lower in and obtain a DO letter of recommendation. Continue with volunteer work so long as it doesn't negatively impact your grades/MCAT prep.
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Apply broadly, especially targeting the newest schools: UIW, RVU-UT, NYIT-AR, ARCOM. Skip AZCOM, the Touros, CCOM, KCU, CUSOM, and Westerns. Skip PacNW since you're not from the PacNW.

Taking my MCATs in a few months, currently almost halfway through junior year
Medical Diagnostics Major with Bio minor
3.3 cGPA 3.1 sGPA
20 hours as waiter at little sisters of the poor nursing home
80 hours at Camp Possibilities sleep away camp for children with diabetes
100 hours in outpatient infusion center at hospital
40 hours spent volunteering in hospital pharmacy
Planning on shadowing ~50 hours this winter at Emergency department

Self taught CPhT, worked 400+ hours in pharmacy and counting. Was interested in being a CNA/EMT but had a beautiful baby girl fall of sophomore year, didn't have time for a 6 month course and needed money, might as well get a job involving medicine.
Not necessarily relevant but Sold ~40,000$ of product through ebay/amazon over 1500 transactions during college, even more if you count high school but don't have the numbers.

Eagle Scout for what its worth

Was originally interested in chiropractic but decided on a DO pathway because money, job security, and the thought that I'd be able to help more people.

I'm interested in PCOM, WVSOM, or really any DO school that will take me. (What significant difference is there between them besides geography?)

Let's assume for the sake of argument that I get a 500 on the MCAT, what are my odds of getting into any DO school? What are some schools I should look at? Should I take a gap year and apply at the end of my senior year? Any way I can readily improve my application?
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Make sure you ace your classes this/next semester. Your MCAT will make or break you. Study for it and take some more practice tests. Don't take it until you're ready even if it means cancelling or voiding your score. If you wind up scorning 504+ consistently on the practice exams, take the real thing before June and apply assuming everything else goes well.

Chances aren't fantastic with those GPAs and a 500 MCAT, but it's possible especially if you apply early and broadly target the newer schools.

Between now and app time, you could retake any science classes you got a C or lower in and obtain a DO letter of recommendation. Continue with volunteer work so long as it doesn't negatively impact your grades/MCAT prep.

What are some good sites for practice MCATs? All the resources I currently have won't give me an actual score and its making it very difficult to assess myself.