AADSAS Question: Should I submit my application early and update my experience section later?

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2+ Year Member
Mar 25, 2020
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I qualify for financial aid on my ADEA AADSAS application. However, I would have to submit my application in 4 days, or I would lose the aid. I'm done with everything except for the experience section. I have a lot of ecs, shadow, volunteer, etc that will most likely require more time to be completed. I'm aware that adea allow us to "update" and add more experience after our initial submission.

Would it hurt my chance if I submit my initial application as it is (~4-5 experience) and go back to update/add more experience (~30+) later? I'm just trying to use the financial aid I qualified for. However, if it would hurt my chance - I'd rather just wait it out or try my best to complete everything within the next few days.

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I qualify for financial aid on my ADEA AADSAS application. However, I would have to submit my application in 4 days, or I would lose the aid. I'm done with everything except for the experience section. I have a lot of ecs, shadow, volunteer, etc that will most likely require more time to be completed. I'm aware that adea allow us to "update" and add more experience after our initial submission.

Would it hurt my chance if I submit my initial application as it is (~4-5 experience) and go back to update/add more experience (~30+) later? I'm just trying to use the financial aid I qualified for. However, if it would hurt my chance - I'd rather just wait it out or try my best to complete everything within the next few days.
when is the update period?
when is the update period?
I believe we can update/add more experience whenever we desire after submission. But I'm not sure how that will reflect when the dental school receive the updates

"You may update the information in this section at any time prior to submission. Once you have submitted, you will be able to add more Experiences, but you will not be able to update or delete completed Experiences."
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I believe we can update/add more experience whenever we desire after submission. But I'm not sure how that will reflect when the dental school receive the updates

"You may update the information in this section at any time prior to submission. Once you have submitted, you will be able to add more Experiences, but you will not be able to update or delete completed Experiences."
if that's true, then you should submit and use your financial aid...
You can add experiences after you submit your application, but just make sure everything is exactly how you want it when you save each experience.

Once you’ve submitted your application you can’t edit any of the experiences you’ve saved on there, including ones you add afterwards. Hope that makes sense.

I think it’d be fine to submit now, but just make sure you get your experiences in ASAP!