Acceptance Rates into Post-Baccalaureate (Post-Bacc) Programs

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Mar 30, 2017
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Hey guys -

Does anyone have information regarding acceptance rates into post-bacc programs? I'm seeing recommendations (minimum GPA requirements, etc.), but I'm hoping to gain a better idea of my chance of admission.

Thank you!

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Depends on the program. Use the search button. There's a lot of info on this website. Trust me. What are your stats. I'll give you a rough idea. Are you looking at post-bac or SMP?
Basing this off of just dental post bacc and SMP geared towards dental students.

it seems like that post bacc programs are more selective due to it having some form of linkage to the dental school. For example, Temple, LECOM, Marquette, VCU, and a few others. 3.0 sGPA + for sure and a lot of the post bacc programs have interviews

there are tons of SMPs out there. The most popular for dents seem to be the programs at Rutgers and Barry. You don't need great stats for these programs. sGPA of 2.8+ will be fine along with a DAT score of ~18AA. An even lower sGPA may be fine if you have a higher DAT score. Just apply early