ACS Final Exam?

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Oct 20, 2016
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I will be taking the ACS final exam for General Chemistry I and II. I was wondering what you all thought of it? It's a large chunk of my grade and I'm really scared about it. I was wondering what I could do to best prepare for it? I have ordered the book and plan to study for it nonstop. How did you all find it? I've heard nothing but mixed reviews about it. Some say it was hard and some say it was really easy. Please let me know. Thank you.

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If I remember right, the national average is around 55%, which means you would get a C if you got around 55%. Additionally, some schools curve it harder or softer than others. For instance, my school would curve the test based on your percentile within the nation (sorta BS if you ask me). I think I scored a 61/70 on it and scored like a 96% on the ACS test after the curve. Hope this helps!
If I remember right, the national average is around 55%, which means you would get a C if you got around 55%. Additionally, some schools curve it harder or softer than others. For instance, my school would curve the test based on your percentile within the nation (sorta BS if you ask me). I think I scored a 61/70 on it and scored like a 96% on the ACS test after the curve. Hope this helps!
How did you study??? Did you review from the ACS book? I recently purchased it
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I'll be taking it next week. From what I've been told, you should be able to do relatively well just by going through the study guide. Did you get the bundle that includes a practice test?
I'll be taking it next week. From what I've been told, you should be able to do relatively well just by going through the study guide. Did you get the bundle that includes a practice test?
No. I just bought the book my school never sold the bundle.
I didn't take the ACS gen chem exam, but I took the ACS OChem exam. At the time (senior in HS), it was the hardest exam I had ever taken. I used the ACS study guide religiously and I remember it covering the exam well. If you study, I'm sure you'll be fine. The test was exceedingly fair and I score in the low 90s for percentile and low 80s for absolute score. My prof used the absolute score to grade (% correct), but I'm sure your's isn't a sadist. Good luck!
How did you study??? Did you review from the ACS book? I recently purchased it
Yes I studied the ACS Review Packet for an hour or two each day for a couple weeks in advance. The problem most people have on this test is how broad it is. A normal test is a couple of chapters, but in depth. The ACS contains so much information on a broader sense.
I took the acs exam for gen chem 1 last spring (about the time this was posted). I took gen chem 2 over the summer. I was wondering the same thing so I thought I would share my findings over this summer.

For gen chem 2, I found an acs practice exam website that has videos for the problems and talks about the format. Just search for "chemexams acs practice" and you should find it.
I took the ACS General Chemistry 1 Exam last semester and scored a 96 after the inflation from national norms. I had the review book but it more often than not overwhelmed me and had extra information that I wasn't tested over on the exam. I recommend watching General Chemistry Exam reviews on YouTube. The Organic Chemistry Tutor puts out some awesome tutorials and walks you through them!
I took the ACS for Gen Chem 1 last week. I went through the entire ACS study guide book they sell (twice I think) and got a 97. I missed a decent amount, but overall I think the exam was a lot easier than I expected.
You've got it though! Don't stress so much 🙂

EDIT: just realized this is an old thread after replying
I took the ACS General Chemistry 1 Exam last semester and scored a 96 after the inflation from national norms. I had the review book but it more often than not overwhelmed me and had extra information that I wasn't tested over on the exam. I recommend watching General Chemistry Exam reviews on YouTube. The Organic Chemistry Tutor puts out some awesome tutorials and walks you through them!

Did you use the index in the front that tells you which problems to do for each semester, or did you just do all of them? I did all the problems for semester 1 and got a 99%.
I just studied my old chem exams. Didnt look at any ACS material. Came out of both gen chems with an A. Hope this helps
ACS analytical chemistry exam tho.. yikes
Yes I studied the ACS Review Packet for an hour or two each day for a couple weeks in advance. The problem most people have on this test is how broad it is. A normal test is a couple of chapters, but in depth. The ACS contains so much information on a broader sense.

You'll look back at this when you take the STEP 1 and have a nice laugh at what you thought was broad and a lot of information.
Hi, yes I did use the table of contents on the first few pages. Maybe it was just me and that the ACS explanations did not make sense according to the way I originally learned it.
I took the ACS for Gen Chem 1 last week. I went through the entire ACS study guide book they sell (twice I think) and got a 97. I missed a decent amount, but overall I think the exam was a lot easier than I expected.
You've got it though! Don't stress so much 🙂

EDIT: just realized this is an old thread after replying
Dang congratulations
Lol thanks to everyone who replied. I ended up with an A in the course and I actually only missed like three questions. The book heoes