I got AP credit for Psychology and Calculus. On my official transcript, it lumps them together at total transfer credit accepted: 16.0. However, on my unofficial transcript it shows that I got credit for 7 different math classes and 1 psychology class for Spring 2010, the semester before I started. Should I enter it the way it's listed in my unofficial transcript? Should I separate each math class?
Example for unofficial transcript
Year: 2009-2010
Term: Spring 2010
Year in school: Freshman?
Course Number: MATH 117
Course Name: Calculus BC Score of 4++
Classification: Math
Grade: *blank* (this is listed as TS on my unofficial transcript, but it's probably safer to leave it blank)
Credit Hours: 1.00
Or should I do it more like the video:
Year: 2010-2011
Term: Fall 2010
Year in school: Freshman
Course Number: *blank*
Course Name: Advanced Placement Program: Calculus
Classification: Math
Grade: *blank*
Credit Hours: 13??
Or should I do a mix of the two?
Example for unofficial transcript
Year: 2009-2010
Term: Spring 2010
Year in school: Freshman?
Course Number: MATH 117
Course Name: Calculus BC Score of 4++
Classification: Math
Grade: *blank* (this is listed as TS on my unofficial transcript, but it's probably safer to leave it blank)
Credit Hours: 1.00
Or should I do it more like the video:
Year: 2010-2011
Term: Fall 2010
Year in school: Freshman
Course Number: *blank*
Course Name: Advanced Placement Program: Calculus
Classification: Math
Grade: *blank*
Credit Hours: 13??
Or should I do a mix of the two?