Advice Heading into Interview Season

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10+ Year Member
Aug 14, 2013
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Hi folks! Had some questions regarding the level of applicant I am for Gen Surg, and the types of programs I could reasonably be a good applicant for.

Goals wise- I'd like to head into academics in the future, and do a residency in a bigger city (mostly as this provides my SO with good job opportunities in their line of work). Open to trying new places anywhere in the country though!

Stats wise-
- Step 1: 260+
- Step 2: taking soon
- Clerkship grades: 3 A's (Psych, Peds, Fam Med), 3 B's (Neurology, IM, Surgery, though I was < 1% away from getting Honors in both IM and Surgery), and awaiting my OBGYN grade.
- Elected to AOA
- Research: 2 publications, 3 presentations, working on some more research as of now
- EC: lots of teaching, mentoring, leadership, etc.
- State school that is fairly well known nationally for surgery

I guess overall, I'm pretty dissapointed with how my Surgery and IM grades turned out- was <1% away from getting A's in both and pretty much one eval in each rotation put me right below the threshold for an A. Shelf exams do not count in our grading system so essentially these grades are purely evaluation based. I understand that these are important rotations for General Surgery, and I wonder how this affects my application (and competitiveness) for programs moving forward. Am I still reasonably a good applicant for top-tier programs? Am I more of a less than top-tier candidate at this point?

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