Anyone else being ghosted?

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2+ Year Member
Feb 7, 2019
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Hi guys,

I applied this cycle to 18 schools and only heard back from 3. Is anyone else having the same problem? By this point last cycle I had heard back from most places :nailbiting:

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I applied to 19 and I've heard back from 7 at this point! Still a lot that haven't gotten back to me
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You're not the only one. I applied to 10 and have only heard back from 2 (both rejections), other than that — complete silence :sorry: . I've heard many people already getting rejections from the schools that I've applied to (and haven't heard back from), so that's the only thing keeping me sane at this point! Honestly, just keep reminding yourself that this cycle is unlike the ones in the past due to COVID and all the considerations these committees have had to take into account. Best of luck!
Oh totally! I was fully verified back in early August and haven't heard a peep from BU, Tufts, Harvard, or NYU. Committed to Penn already though but it is still kind of interesting to see who ghosted and who didn't 🙄
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I have the EXACT same group of schools totally ghosting me. I am also a non-trad as well. Interesting...
I email Nyu and they said they started interviewing in october and it goes until march! So you never know 🤞
Oh totally! I was fully verified back in early August and haven't heard a peep from BU, Tufts, Harvard, or NYU. Committed to Penn already though but it is still kind of interesting to see who ghosted and who didn't 🙄
wow with your stats i'm surprised to hear that! congrats on Penn though thats awesome 🙂
I've been receiving more and more rejections but I lost all hope a while ago so it's whatever at this point
I've been receiving more and more rejections but I lost all hope a while ago so it's whatever at this point
Honestly I haven’t heard anything still from 15 schools so I’m assuming its all rejections lol. I’m a reapplicant so this sucks buuut probably gonna apply to a postbac at this point and you should too if you end up not hearing anything! Almost everyone I interviewed with was doing some kind of masters. I never realized how competitive it is to get into dental school :/
Honestly I haven’t heard anything still from 15 schools so I’m assuming its all rejections lol. I’m a reapplicant so this sucks buuut probably gonna apply to a postbac at this point and you should too if you end up not hearing anything! Almost everyone I interviewed with was doing some kind of masters. I never realized how competitive it is to get into dental school :/
I'm currently doing a post-bacc, I've become accustomed to rejection emails
I'm currently doing a post-bacc, I've become accustomed to rejection emails
Wtf? Thats so weird did you do ok on your DAT? Whats your gpa if you dont mind me asking? I wouldnt lose hope if I were you did you receive pre dec interviews?
Huh I’m shocked my Dat score was lower but my gpa was slightly higher and i only got posr-dec interviews. Are you sure your teachers wrote you good letters??
I waived my right of access to them and I've only had one pre-December interview. I'm just gonna move on with my life
I waived my right of access to them and I've only had one pre-December interview. I'm just gonna move on with my life
Ohh ok if I were I wouldn’t even worry you’re in a good position then! Just because you’re waitlisted doesn’t mean its over especially if its pre dec 🙂
is it just me or does it feel like this cycle ended earlier than usual... I thought schools would push back due to covid but it feels like most of the seats are full earlier than previous cycles and there hasnt been much post december interviews. anyone else feel the same way??
i was ghosted for a while but then 5 additional schools invited me in January alone
I applied to NYU december 28th and got an invite the next week for yesterday. Also LECOM, Touro, Boston, and Maryland reached out in January for February interviews. (stats are 23 AA and 3.7 GPA)
ok well that explains it look at your stats vs mine 🤣
ok well that explains it look at your stats vs mine 🤣
I think you'll be fine quite honestly. This cycle is weird and as I mentioned even with my stats I only had 2 interviews until January. I predict you'll get a ton in the next few weeks if not in February.
I've been receiving more and more rejections but I lost all hope a while ago so it's whatever at this point
trust the process GIF by NBA
is it just me or does it feel like this cycle ended earlier than usual... I thought schools would push back due to covid but it feels like most of the seats are full earlier than previous cycles and there hasnt been much post december interviews. anyone else feel the same way??
Me and a couple of friends were discussing that yesterday and we think the exact as you. Seats are almost full, and I"ll tell you what I think is the reason based on me. I did not plan to apply this cycle, I wanted to take a gap year to refresh from undergrad, but then covid happened. I was at home doing almost nothing so I decided to take my dat early June and apply, did not have to spend money traveling. I'm pretty sure other applicants did the same, applying to 10+ schools with above-average stats. That's why I think also a lot of waitlist movement is going to happen this year, keeping in mind there are people still holding at least two seats.
Hard pass
Salty GIF by memecandy

In all seriousness, keep your head up and call around to see if any admin can give you pointers on your application package. Maybe it's solely your grades (which seems like you are already trackin' on 👍) or maybe it's something you haven't considered. If you don't get in this year, better yourself and come back that much stronger next year.

Man you disliked this before i could finish...
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Me and a couple of friends were discussing that yesterday and we think the exact as you. Seats are almost full, and I"ll tell you what I think is the reason based on me. I did not plan to apply this cycle, I wanted to take a gap year to refresh from undergrad, but then covid happened. I was at home doing almost nothing so I decided to take my dat early June and apply, did not have to spend money traveling. I'm pretty sure other applicants did the same, applying to 10+ schools with above-average stats. That's why I think also a lot of waitlist movement is going to happen this year, keeping in mind there are people still holding at least two seats.
I think you’re right cause a lot of people got to interview at many places since they didn’t need to travel because of zoom. Some people definitely put down multiple deposits until they have to give up their seat. Hopefully it works out for those of us who are waitlisted :/
I think you’re right cause a lot of people got to interview at many places since they didn’t need to travel because of zoom. Some people definitely put down multiple deposits until they have to give up their seat. Hopefully it works out for those of us who are waitlisted :/
I wish I possessed your optimism
I wish I possessed your optimism
Honestly I’m not that optemistic about the situation but worst comes to worst I’ll apply again until I get in. I’m looking into postbac programs and hopefully next time I get in lol. Gotta understand that if this is truly the route you want to go eventually you’ll get it just don’t give up :horns:
I'm currently doing a post-bacc, I've become accustomed to rejection emails
You should copy and paste some of your responses and send them to adcoms. I’m sure they’d be really impressed with how your handling disappointment and rejection. You’re not going to receive sympathy when you’re just rude and act like a teenager when they don’t get their way. Get off of SDN, figure out your application’s weak points and improve. It’s only more difficult from here.
You should copy and paste some of your responses and send them to adcoms. I’m sure they’d be really impressed with how your handling disappointment and rejection. You’re not going to receive sympathy when you’re just rude and act like a teenager when they don’t get their way. Get off of SDN, figure out your application’s weak points and improve. It’s only more difficult from here.
Don’t tell me what to do, I recommend that you go kick rocks
@The Negotiator alright i admit that was to far. Best of luck in the future. Hope you hear something positive back soon.
I applied to 15 schools and got invited for interview from 9 schools so far, but, I got ghosted by programs such as BU, NYU, Case western.... It was interesting for me too cause as an international applicant I thought my chances are the highest at NYU 🙂))
(3.9 gpa, 21AA)
I applied to 15 schools and got invited for interview from 9 schools so far, but, I got ghosted by programs such as BU, NYU, Case western.... It was interesting for me too cause as an international applicant I thought my chances are the highest at NYU 🙂))
(3.9 gpa, 21AA)
Wow congrats!!