Applied for 2024-2025, but offered a spot for 2023-2024.

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Jun 12, 2024
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I got a call from a dean who wanted to offer me admission into this year's class (D.O school). I had intended to apply for next year. I thought waitlists existed, so I had never heard of an applicant getting an acceptance for the previous year. Is this a sign of the school thinking I'm a great candidate or a red flag that people are dropping out of their incoming class?

Still debating whether I want to take the offer because it's extremely short notice and I wanted to see how my other D.O & M.D applications would play out.

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I suspect this is a school that hasn't been able to fill its class. This is occurring with the number of do schools, and I'm not surprised to hear about this. Is this a brand new school? If it is tread with care. If it's a for-profit brand new school, I can't recommend it.
I had a friend who this happened to last year- they took it and have been very happy. They had a WL but I guess he just topped everyone in their WL app wise. 1 extra year of physician income was his biggest pro but he also was not going for a competitive specialty so he was not picky.
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I got a call from a dean who wanted to offer me admission into this year's class (D.O school). I had intended to apply for next year. I thought waitlists existed, so I had never heard of an applicant getting an acceptance for the previous year. Is this a sign of the school thinking I'm a great candidate or a red flag that people are dropping out of their incoming class?

Still debating whether I want to take the offer because it's extremely short notice and I wanted to see how my other D.O & M.D applications would play out.
anecdotally, there are 1-2 people in my class (soon to be OMS3) at a pretty well established DO school that had been accepted to our school's SMP that got "pulled up" to our class a few weeks before matriculation in 2022. so the concept-ish is def not unheard of! they've both been very successful!
I suspect this is a school that hasn't been able to fill its class. This is occurring with the number of do schools, and I'm not surprised to hear about this. Is this a brand new school? If it is tread with care. If it's a for-profit brand new school, I can't recommend it.
It's a well-established, non-profit school that seems to have decent research, COMLEX pass rates, and match rates. They had matches in dermatology and vascular surgery, so I presume that means the program sets us up well for competitive specialties.
anecdotally, there are 1-2 people in my class (soon to be OMS3) at a pretty well established DO school that had been accepted to our school's SMP that got "pulled up" to our class a few weeks before matriculation in 2022. so the concept-ish is def not unheard of! they've both been very successful!
I'm honestly tossed between waiting it out to see how my MD app plays out and taking this offer. The vibe the dean gave was that I am a good fit for the school, so I would like to think they'd consider me for next year's class.
It's a well-established, non-profit school that seems to have decent research, COMLEX pass rates, and match rates. They had matches in dermatology and vascular surgery, so I presume that means the program sets us up well for competitive specialties.
Take the acceptance. You can always withdraw from the do school, to matriculate into the MD school. This happens all the time.

There's a nationwide decline in applicants to medical schools, and with the expansion of do schools they are probably reaching a shortage of students who are qualified enough to handle Medical school.
Hi. In a similar situation. I ultimately applied for the 24-25 cycle but was offered an interview and acceptance for the 23-24 cycle to start in a week. Despite the acceptance, I ultimately will not be able to attend. Would that be considered as me "previously being accepted to medical school" and something I need to mention in future secondaries? How will rejecting the offer affect my chances at this school for the cycle I actually applied for and also other schools? It was a really last-minute offer and interview, and I just got notified yesterday of my acceptance and have to decide by today.
Hi. In a similar situation. I ultimately applied for the 24-25 cycle but was offered an interview and acceptance for the 23-24 cycle to start in a week. Despite the acceptance, I ultimately will not be able to attend. Would that be considered as me "previously being accepted to medical school" and something I need to mention in future secondaries? How will rejecting the offer affect my chances at this school for the cycle I actually applied for and also other schools? It was a really last-minute offer and interview, and I just got notified yesterday of my acceptance and have to decide by today.
I would call and ask if you can defer to next year due to the short notice. If not, I can't imagine any reasonable person would fault you for being unable to move cross-country in under a week. 🤷‍♂️