General Admissions & OTCAS Applying with observation hours in-progress

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7+ Year Member
Jul 23, 2016
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So far I have 23 hours and I have some hours coming up from about three different places. I will probably end up with somewhere between 80-100 hours. I called OTCAS and they said I can put hours in progress but won't be able to update that they are complete after I submit my apps. They said to call each school and notify them that those hours have been completed. I also have the option of submitting my apps and then adding new hours afterwards.

What should I do?

It takes so long for these sites to get you up and running to start, especially when they are hard to reach. I don't want to submit my apps with in-progress hours and then it turns out that I was not able to complete all of those hours that I put in. That's why I'm thinking about just adding them afterwards when they're complete. At the same time, it will look bad on my application to only have those 23 hours and they won't know whether or not I'll get more.

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So freaking frustrating. I could kick myself for not doing more observation hours sooner (I have about 40 in one setting), but with full-time school, part-time work, and extracurriculars, doing so would be nearly impossible.

I'm stressing about it, too, but just do as many hours as you can within the time that you have, and email the specific programs, as you mentioned. I'm sure thousands of applicants have done the same thing before us, so hopefully that won't affect the process too much. :/