Arizona Interview Feedback

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Its because they ask obsurd questions regarding poitics, geography... and other nonsense that has nothing to do with dentistry. Its a typical stress interview to see what you are made of. When I found out about it, I didnt even bother to send in the secondary. I met several people at my interviews and they all had the same impression...
Toothdoc2b said:
Its because they ask obsurd questions regarding poitics, geography... and other nonsense that has nothing to do with dentistry. Its a typical stress interview to see what you are made of. When I found out about it, I didnt even bother to send in the secondary. I met several people at my interviews and they all had the same impression...

The questions they ask are different, but it's not at all stressful (at least not in my case). They ask questions about current events so if you read the paper or watch the news a few days before the interview you will be fine!

The school is great if you want to be a general practitioner.
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i download the 'meet the press' podcast every week! i would have rocked that interview :laugh:

omg i'm a loser :cool:
Yeah, AZ suppressed the feedback because they want the "Shock and Awe" effect on the interviewee. I guess they feel they get a better result if they put people off balance. There is an argument in that regard but my other interviews were so much more pleasant.

It's the whole warm fuzzies over cold pricklies debate. I prefer the former :)
I think that it is good that Arizona asks questions to see if you know anything outside of school. Since the school is training general practitioners, you will have to deal with people, and talk with them. Everyone knows that patients can easily strike up a conversation! So for a school so emphasized on general practice, this is actually a terrific idea!
cdpiano27 said:
I think that it is good that Arizona asks questions to see if you know anything outside of school. Since the school is training general practitioners, you will have to deal with people, and talk with them. Everyone knows that patients can easily strike up a conversation! So for a school so emphasized on general practice, this is actually a terrific idea!

Keeping up with current events is great and Im sure most do... but if the questions they ask are just that... simple questions about current events, they would be updated every few days. Whats the point in keeping people from seeing the questions previously asked?
ItsGavinC said:
That makes sense, considering we haven't even had a class graduate yet.

well, the school focuses a lot on clincal exposure, there are NO specialties at the school, NO substancial research, so yeah it is ideal place for those who know they want to do gen. dent.

don't get all offended, i never said there is anything wrong with being a general dentist, plus I enjoyed spending the day at Arizona.

Peace :) !
It always amazes me when I read the many comments about the ASDOH interview process; how horrid, scary or stupid it is. What's stupid is not sending in your secondary app because of what you've heard about the interviews! Unless you grew up under a rock, the interview is NO BIG DEAL! Good grief, if you have ANY experience interviewing for jobs, schools or whatever, it is no different. No one there was rude, intimidating or asking impossibly difficult questions. While I was there, no one was taken out back and executed for giving a wrong answer. And, some of those questions included SIMPLE oral anatomy questions that some people really did get wrong!

Interviews are not designed to make you feel good, they are designed to show the interviewer if you are the type of person they are looking for. ASDOH is apparently interested in people who don't live under rocks. It is possible that they are looking for people adaptable and "well-rounded" enough to handle odd or unexpected situations with professionalism. You will certainly be required to do that everyday in dental practice!

I think that if a different approach to an interview throws you off or freaks you out, you need to get out and get some real life experience. Best that I can remember, for any job interview, I've never been given a choice on my preference of interview styles! :rolleyes: