ASWB Licensure Exam No Longer Needed For LSW in Illinois (At both a B.A. & M.A. level)

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Psychology PhD Student
2+ Year Member
Mar 25, 2021
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I was chatting with a friend of mine who is a graduate student in a Social Workers program in Illinois. They mentioned how taking the licensing exam is no longer required to become an LSW with your BSW or MSW starting in 2022 there due to SB1632.

I was somewhat torn on this. In one aspect, it allows for more social workers to practice in Illinois where there is a need for more mental health professionals. I imagine that the internship/practicum requirements are still required to graduate, so fresh graduates should have enough proficiency to perform their job functions.

However, as stated by the ASWB:
"...the Illinois legislature simply removed the examination requirement, effectively delegating entry-level competence to the education system."
Licensure in itself sets up a standard of the knowledge you should be proficient in before you're able to practice. It's meant to protect the public.

What are everyone's thoughts on this?
Do you think other states may follow IL's lead? Should this same exam removal be expanded to LPCs, LMHC, etc?

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Should this same exam removal be expanded to LPCs, LMHC, etc?
Excuse my French, but **** no. Our licensing exams are laughably easy as it is. I took both the NCE and NCMHCE with no studying and 3 hrs of sleep and got near full points. I'm not a smart individual either; nearly flunked out of college first go-around. We need MORE gatekeeping, not less.
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