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5+ Year Member
May 4, 2017
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Hi all,

I am just coming to the end of my freshman year and I have had an extremely rough time. Just before school started I had mono which lasted most of the first semester, at the beginning of second semester I had to have my tonsils taken out, and now between April/May I have had two family deaths. My gpa at the end of my first semester was a 2.8 which I wasn't too upset about given the circumstances but now I have had another bad semester and I'm worried. I have A's and B's in my bio and chem classes and lab but I just found out that I got an F In my math class (the final I took the day after my grandmother passed away because the professor said I didn't have a valid excuse to take it early so I could fly home to be with her). I plan on retaking this class again next semester but I'm worried about entering my sophomore year with below a 3.0 and having an f on my transcript. Any advice/do I still have a chance?

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That sounds like a jerk of a professor. You missed out on seeing her again because he thought his "math final" was more important? smh. so much wrong with this.

You still have a chance (especially if you also want to consider DO). Ace the rest of your classes. Calculate how many credits of an A you need to bring your GPA up to a 3.2 or higher and aim for this (ideally 3.6, if possible). If you're okay with DO school, a 3.0+. As has been stated on here, when it comes time to apply you should be considering schools with an average GPA that reflects your last 60 credit hours of school. A steep upward trend is often rewarded in the application process, because it demonstrates that you can indeed work hard and handle med school classes.

Don't worry about it. Worry about healing and coming back strong for sophomore year, build up your EC's, kill the MCAT. You'll be just fine :)