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Mar 27, 2019
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Hi, feel free to post any questions here. I am currently a student on the 18 month track!

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Hi, feel free to post any questions here. I am currently a student on the 18 month track!
Hi, how do you like the program? Are med or dental, would you recommend the program to other students?
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Hi! I am on the medical track. Yes I would highly recommend it to anyone who is looking to do a masters program before entering a professional school. Yes, the classes can be challenging but no more difficult that what is to be expected in medical/dental school. The program has really helped me become a better student with more efficient study method. Students usually take up to 3 classes at a time and believe me, that is more than enough. These are graduate level courses so that’s the amount of time you’ll need to dedicate to each course in order to get the A. I can say that it is very possible to get the grades one wants as long as one is very dedicated to the schoolwork, modifies their study methods, and uses all of the resources provided. We have teaching assistants for the labs that have office hours to help students and the professors also have office hours. Please let me know if you have any other questions.
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Hi! I am on the medical track. Yes I would highly recommend it to anyone who is looking to do a masters program before entering a professional school. Yes, the classes can be challenging but no more difficult that what is to be expected in medical/dental school. The program has really helped me become a better student with more efficient study method. Students usually take up to 3 classes at a time and believe me, that is more than enough. These are graduate level courses so that’s the amount of time you’ll need to dedicate to each course in order to get the A. I can say that it is very possible to get the grades one wants as long as one is very dedicated to the schoolwork, modifies their study methods, and uses all of the resources provided. We have teaching assistants for the labs that have office hours to help students and the professors also have office hours. Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Thanks for replying. What is your daily schedule looks like, do you go to class every day?
Glad to help! So for example, in the 18 month track the first semester will consist of Anatomy lecture, anatomy lab, biochemistry and health law and ethics. 3 classes and a lab. I had class Tuesday through Friday because that semester anatomy lecture was on Tuesday/Thursday, the lab I chose was on Tuesday, biochemistry was only on Friday, and health ethics was in the evening on Tuesday. The longest class was Biochemistry it is a little less than 3 hours long because we only meet once a week. I did not work during that semester so I would either study in the building, at home or go to the main campus library. I tried to make my study materials right after lectures so that when quizzes and exams came along all I had to do was review my study guides and flash cards. Every class is different, every professors teaching style and exam style differs so it’s important to be dynamic with the way you study. Absolutely reach out to the TAs and professors for advice!
I recently got accepted to the 18-month program and already paid the deposit. I haven't received my schedule for fall yet. I am very excited about this program, I am hoping that it will help me gain acceptance once I apply to med school
Congratulations!! The program absolutely helps students get into medical school. Barry’s BMS program currently has a linkage with two schools: Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine (LUCOM) and ICOM (Idaho College of Osteopathic Medicine). Also, a quite a few students are accepted into LMU (Lincoln Memorial University) every year. Students are accepted into several other MD & DO schools as well.
Hi, feel free to post any questions here. I am currently a student on the 18 month track!

Hi there! Med track here! I am currently waiting for Barry to render a decision. I have a question regarding Barry's track options. I was told that everyone who's accepted are by default enrolled into the two-year track and if that student applies to medical school concurrently and is accepted they are then switched over to the one-year track. Is that true?

Additionally, can a student apply concurrently to medical school while in the program? I plan to retake the MCAT before the program starts in August (possibly July 20th). Furthermore, are professors at Barry receptive to the idea of writing recommendation letters while in enrolled in their course? Is there a premed committee who can help with LORs?

Lastly, you mentioned that Barry has linkage with two medical programs. Where did you hear this information? I do not see it anywhere on their website. Do they disclose that info when you're in their program? Would you still have to apply through AACOMAS to each program? Does the linkage offer guaranteed admission or interview?

EDIT: I found out more info on Liberty and Idaho Osteopathic Medical School's linkage info. They guarantee interviews. However, what are the specific requirements a BMS student must meet to qualify?
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1) Students would have given their preferred program at the time of applying. After that you can switch based on how well you are doing in the program. So if you are doing very well the first semester (how 3.7) and you are on the 2 year track, there shouldn’t be a problem with you taking an extra class the following semester (therefore changing you to the 18 or 1 year track).

2) yes you can apply to medical school while in the program but the more semesters of BMS you have under your belt at the time of application, the better your chances will be.

3) LOR are up to the professors to decide but in general they are receptive granted that you have a good relationship with them and are doing well in the class. I spoke to the director about committee letters and he said that Barry hasn’t done committee letters in a few years because dental/medical schools have expressed that they don’t really like them for BMS students because the letters are not personal and are, therefore, not very helpful.

4) The linkage is for a guaranteed interview if the BMS student has a minimum 3.5 gpa and minimum 125 on every mcat section. Yes you will have to apply to medical schools via AMCAS & AACOMAS.

1) Students would have given their preferred program at the time of applying. After that you can switch based on how well you are doing in the program. So if you are doing very well the first semester (how 3.7) and you are on the 2 year track, there shouldn’t be a problem with you taking an extra class the following semester (therefore changing you to the 18 or 1 year track).

2) yes you can apply to medical school while in the program but the more semesters of BMS you have under your belt at the time of application, the better your chances will be.

3) LOR are up to the professors to decide but in general they are receptive granted that you have a good relationship with them and are doing well in the class. I spoke to the director about committee letters and he said that Barry hasn’t done committee letters in a few years because dental/medical schools have expressed that they don’t really like them for BMS students because the letters are not personal and are, therefore, not very helpful.

4) The linkage is for a guaranteed interview if the BMS student has a minimum 3.5 gpa and minimum 125 on every mcat section. Yes you will have to apply to medical schools via AMCAS & AACOMAS.

Thank you so much for the info!
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Hi, feel free to post any questions here. I am currently a student on the 18 month track!
Hi, does the program offer opportunities like shadowing or research during the duration of the program? Also, were the loans you received enough to cover your housing and other living expenses after tuition was paid and around how much does your tuition range?
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Hi, does the program offer opportunities like shadowing or research during the duration of the program? Also, were the loans you received enough to cover your housing and other living expenses after tuition was paid and around how much does your tuition range?

I was also wondering the same when it came to the cost of attendance. On their website, they mention tuition costs, insurance, and fees but it doesn't tally up an estimated cost of attendance depending on each track (medical, dental, or research) including personal and off-campus housing costs.
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Each credit is 990 dollars. You won’t be able to live on campus since it’s in Hollywood and not in Miami
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I would assume that it’s the same for med and dental
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Hey! So yes both tracks you’ll need to complete 34 credits at $990 a credit so almost 34,000 for school. There are loans that will cover living expenses and school but I live with my family so I didn’t need it. Shadowing and research are available through the clubs like medlife and some others. There is some exercise science research going on that always wants barry bms students on board.
I have a couple questions:

1. Do you know anyone who had to take any courses from undergrad over because they received lower than a C? If so did they take it at a community college ( whats the name) or Barry?

2. Is this program as beneficial for medical track students as it is for dental track?

3. What advice would you give on changing study habits to succeed in this program?

4. How did you study for the MCAT while taking courses?

5. Is there work study positions available in this program?

6. what classes would you recommend taking together for the first semester?
Anatomy with lab- is that anatomy with cadaver lab? Or is it model based lab?

1) yes, if it is a premed/predent requirement then professional schools need to see a passing grade which is a C or higher. Each student in the Barry program is assigned an advisor which can give you personalized advice on what would be best for you because everyone’s situation is unique. :) but for example, I would say if you got Cs in gen chem 1 and 2 in undergrad, that might not be necessary. That’s just my opinion bc that’s what I did so ask around. Where you retake them may or may not matter, that might be a question to ask medical schools or your advisor. Miami dare college is the one we have down here

2) this program is absolutely beneficial to medical AND dental track students! I’m medical track and I will be going starting medical school in the fall. The program and the faculty have helped me immensely

3) very good question! In general, every teacher has different teaching styles and different testing styles. So the key is to be open minded and flexible in the way you study. My take always from the program are the following... stay on top of your coursework and study at least a little every day, that way you don’t need to cram. I made study guides (for most classes) by summarizing the info on the ppts in my own words and making mnemonics. I’m a visual learner so I referred to pictures heavily and sometimes went on YouTube videos if a topic was confusing to me. In a class like anatomy it is not enough to memorize what on the powerpoints, you have to understand the location of the structures and where they are in reference to other structures. So the key is MAKE CONNECTIONS! The first step might be memorizing info but then you have to apply the knowledge and make those connections. That’s what will get you a high grade. You want to try your best to get an A in your classes.

4) I took the mcat in undergrad during one summer that I did not take class. I know other students in this program do similar things like only take one summer class and study for mcat.

5) there are a few spots to become a teaching assistant but students have to have taken 2 lab courses and a 4.0 gpa.

6) my first semester they assigned me to take anatomy with lab, ethics, and biochemistry. It was challenging but definitely doable for me. I was not working at the time though. I was able to pull off a 4.0 but be prepared to work. Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself, medical schools want to see you be challenged and achieve. Focus and reach out to your professors/ TAs for help. Both have office hours meant to help you with your questions and confusions as well as give you more study tips! USE YOUR RESOURCES!
What medical school, if you don’t mind sharing?