BCPS Spring 2023 Exam Suggestions

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There is a slack group and Dropbox with materials. If you send me your email, I can add you to both. You’ll have to download the Slack app first.

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I would love to added as well! Plan on sitting in the spring of ‘23. Good luck everyone!
[email protected]. Thank you in advance!
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I’ve decided that I want to pursue becoming BCPS certified. For those that have taken it, I have a couple questions for you to decide the best way to study for it:
1) On a scale of 1-10, how hard is it?
2) What areas did you focus on the most and the least?
3) After the exam, what areas do you wish you focused on more or less, if any?
4) What resources did you use to prepare for the exam?
5) How long do you believe is an adequate time to study for before taking the exam, if not right out of residency? I have been a practicing pharmacist for 2.5 years in both retail and hospital.

I have the following resources: ASHP BCPS material, the ACCP Clinical Pharmacist’s Guide to Biostatistics and Literature Evaluation book, BCPS Bullets 2022 book, 2022-2023 BCPS Study Guide by RxPharmacist LLC book, and the online Med Ed 101 resources.

Your feedback is much appreciated ahead of time! Since I have a lot of resources, I want to spend my time wisely using the best materials and focusing on the most important areas to study. Also, if anyone else is studying for the Spring BCPS 2023 exam, we could potentially start a study group. Thank you, again!
Can you add me to the study group as well. My email is [email protected]. Thank you.
Can you add me to the study group as well. My email is [email protected]. Thank you.

Apologies. It’s [email protected] instead. Fat fingers! Thank you!!

Hey there,
Can you please add me to the study group. My email is [email protected]

Hi, Can you add me to the group as well. My email is [email protected]

Hello could you plz add me to the group . My email is: [email protected]

Hi, could you add me as well? Planning to take in Spring 2023. [email protected]
All have been added to both Slack and Dropbox! 🙂
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Hello, could you please add me to the group. My email ID is [email protected]. Thank you.

HI, Could you please add me as well. [email protected]. THANK YOU!!

HI, Could you please add me as well. [email protected] Thanks!

Hello, can you please add me to the group. Thank you very much! [email protected]

I'm also looking to prepare for BCPS in Fall 2023. If you can please add me to your group as well? Thanks!
[email protected]

May I be added to the group as well? Email is [email protected]

Afternoon. Can I please be added to the slack group as well? Email: [email protected]. Thanks!

Hi! Can you please add me to the Slack group as well- [email protected]
Sorry for the delay! All have just been added. I have been working a ton!
Is there anyone studying to take BCPS in Spring 2023 that would like to study together? I decided to change from fall to spring so I could enjoy my summer, even though I am already studying, just not at the rate I would be if I was taking it in the fall.
I'm planning on retaking in the Spring and would def like to have a study partner/group if you're still available!
Is there anyone studying to take BCPS in Spring 2023 that would like to study together? I decided to change from fall to spring so I could enjoy my summer, even though I am already studying, just not at the rate I would be if I was taking it in the fall.
H, I'm going to prepare for BCPS in Spring 2023. Could you please add me to your group as well? My email is [email protected].
Thanks a lot!
Is there anyone studying to take BCPS in Spring 2023 that would like to study together? I decided to change from fall to spring so I could enjoy my summer, even though I am already studying, just not at the rate I would be if I was taking it in the fall.
could you add me to the slack group?
my email address
[email protected]
Is there anyone studying to take BCPS in Spring 2023 that would like to study together? I decided to change from fall to spring so I could enjoy my summer, even though I am already studying, just not at the rate I would be if I was taking it in the fall.
Hi, I would like to take the exam in Fall 2023. Could you please add me to the Slack group as well? My email is: [email protected].
-Thank you!
There is a slack group and Dropbox with materials. If you send me your email, I can add you to both. You’ll have to download the Slack app first.
I got 485 the last two times and plan on taking the exam again in Spring 2023. Can you please add me into your Slack study group! Thank you much in advance! my email : [email protected]