Best NYC Electives and Residencies in OB/GYN

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5+ Year Member
Mar 30, 2017
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I am a 2nd year medical student. I am interested in pursuing my residency training (+ fellowship + eventual career) in NYC. At this point, I think I am interested in OB/GYN (to eventually pursue REI or MFM).

I was considering some of the residency programs in NYC including Cornell, Columbia, NYU, Mount Sinai... I had hoped to get current residents take on the strengths/weaknesses of each of these programs.

In addition, I had wanted to organize my eventual electives at some of these schools and was wondering where residents and/or med students would recommend I go if say, I only have the chance to do 2 electives?Which electives in ob/gyn would you recommend to help with meeting important people in the residency application process?

For people who have applied to residency and/or matched at these schools, can you speak to anything you believe were particular strengths in your applications (USMLE Step 1/2 scores, research, letters from electives, etc.)?

Thank you!

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I have a similar question - are there any decent/good programs in New Jersey area to rotate at for 4th year electives? I was looking at NJMS, having worked there for research before.
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