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2+ Year Member
Aug 11, 2018
Reaction score
okay so I’ve struggled with RC the whole time while practicing the DAT RC and taking the DAT my first time.

i was ranging from 17-19 on all practice test and i made a 13!! My first time taking the DAT.

I used the method where you list numbers on the page and write keywords next to the number of the paragraph, i was getting tocpassage 3 with a little bit under 10 minutes left

Side note: i am NOT an avid reader at all and never have been

(Cont) So i took the DAT today, and i used a new strategy for reading while practicing. All i did was read the first question and highlight key events/words/etc. until i found the answer to the first question. After that i kept doing the same thing through the whole passage. I literally finished reading with 5 minutes to spare. I am telling you right now if you are a horrible reader and are making low scores on the RC practice test, use this method. Read and highlight. Writing stuff down and looking back and forth at your paper takes about ~7 minutes of your time. Highlighting is the same, if not better method, and without wasting time. It showed on my DAT today, as i went up 8 scores.

Definitely try this method out, read highlight read highlight read highlight repeat. I never thought of using the highlight method until about 5 days before my DAT and i practiced 3 RC test and made 19-21 on all of them. I highly recommend doing this, if not at least try it.
As i only studied for 4 weeks due to class and work all day until graduating in the summer allowed me to study every day after that.
I took the DAT in that amount of time bc I’m going to get my masters degree and i know i won’t have time to take it then.

AA: 18
But for inorganic chem it ask basic questions, nothing insane at all

Organic chem: same thing, basic questions

Biology: HARD AF, know embryology, i studied a lot of ecology/evolution and i have yet to have an ecology Question on both of my DATs

Overall i will be taking DAT again and if someone could give me the BEST source for bio, it would be greatly appreciated because that’s what brought down my T/S score

Also for orgo and gen chem study chads videos and DAT destroyer

This test is extremely doable with a 20+, (coming from a 3.3 student gpa) you just have to put in the time and consistently study biology and chemistry

As for QR, lost cause, i guess DAT destroyer

Anyways, goodluck to all and if you don’t get the score you want, don’t give up, just keep grinding, learn from mistakes, and continue pushing to get to the profession you want.

I will be back on this forum to let you know how i do the next round within the next 3-8 months.

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okay so I’ve struggled with RC the whole time while practicing the DAT RC and taking the DAT my first time.

i was ranging from 17-19 on all practice test and i made a 13!! My first time taking the DAT.

I used the method where you list numbers on the page and write keywords next to the number of the paragraph, i was getting tocpassage 3 with a little bit under 10 minutes left

Side note: i am NOT an avid reader at all and never have been

(Cont) So i took the DAT today, and i used a new strategy for reading while practicing. All i did was read the first question and highlight key events/words/etc. until i found the answer to the first question. After that i kept doing the same thing through the whole passage. I literally finished reading with 5 minutes to spare. I am telling you right now if you are a horrible reader and are making low scores on the RC practice test, use this method. Read and highlight. Writing stuff down and looking back and forth at your paper takes about ~7 minutes of your time. Highlighting is the same, if not better method, and without wasting time. It showed on my DAT today, as i went up 8 scores.

Definitely try this method out, read highlight read highlight read highlight repeat. I never thought of using the highlight method until about 5 days before my DAT and i practiced 3 RC test and made 19-21 on all of them. I highly recommend doing this, if not at least try it.
As i only studied for 4 weeks due to class and work all day until graduating in the summer allowed me to study every day after that.
I took the DAT in that amount of time bc I’m going to get my masters degree and i know i won’t have time to take it then.

AA: 18
But for inorganic chem it ask basic questions, nothing insane at all

Organic chem: same thing, basic questions

Biology: HARD AF, know embryology, i studied a lot of ecology/evolution and i have yet to have an ecology Question on both of my DATs

Overall i will be taking DAT again and if someone could give me the BEST source for bio, it would be greatly appreciated because that’s what brought down my T/S score

Also for orgo and gen chem study chads videos and DAT destroyer

This test is extremely doable with a 20+, (coming from a 3.3 student gpa) you just have to put in the time and consistently study biology and chemistry

As for QR, lost cause, i guess DAT destroyer

Anyways, goodluck to all and if you don’t get the score you want, don’t give up, just keep grinding, learn from mistakes, and continue pushing to get to the profession you want.

I will be back on this forum to let you know how i do the next round within the next 3-8 months.
I tried to look at your peofile but it says error? Sorry i dont use this a lot im not too sure how to work things!
I tried to look at your peofile but it says error? Sorry i dont use this a lot im not too sure how to work things!

I just made my SDN account today to post this so i am still getting the hang of things as well, idk why it says that but this was my first post on the website.