Boston University vs. University of Michigan vs. Case Western SMPs

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Jun 5, 2017
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Hi everyone! I've been accepted into these 3 SMP/academic enhancer programs and I really need some help deciding which program to attend, if anyone (especially individuals attending/have attended) would be able to offer some insight into your experiences and knowledge (at your earliest convenience of course!)

- Boston University MAMS
- University of Michigan MS in Physiology
- Case Western MS in Pathology
- Case Western SMP Physiology
- Georgetown SMP Physiology

I realize that are all fantastic universities and each of these programs would provide solid foundations for my future work in medical school and as a physician. But the obstacle for me right now is getting in to medical school and so what I am really looking for is which program would help the most with those chances including things such as advising/mentorship/letters, linkage, etc.

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Hi everyone! I've been accepted into these 3 SMP/academic enhancer programs and I really need some help deciding which program to attend, if anyone (especially individuals attending/have attended) would be able to offer some insight into your experiences and knowledge (at your earliest convenience of course!)

- Boston University MAMS
- University of Michigan MS in Physiology
- Case Western MS in Pathology
- Case Western SMP Physiology
- Georgetown SMP Physiology

I realize that are all fantastic universities and each of these programs would provide solid foundations for my future work in medical school and as a physician. But the obstacle for me right now is getting in to medical school and so what I am really looking for is which program would help the most with those chances including things such as advising/mentorship/letters, linkage, etc.
im in the same situation, i wonder what did you end up choosing....
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How are you liking it? Have you been accepted to med school yet? I am looking at BU MAMS..they invited me to the open house...should i go to prove that i really want a shot? TY