Buffalo Class of 2025 Interview/Acceptance Thread

do u think they r still sending out interview invites or if we havent gotten one yet we probably won't???
I Interviewed December 17 and they said they will be sending more invites... but they have not yet sent the status to anyone that interviewed on that day.

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What is the chance of getting off the waitlist for buffalo?😭😭😭
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Waitlisted on Dec 15 and accepted today, Jan 11!!! :'D
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just got an acceptance!!!! Interviewed December 17th. From Canada :)
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Just got an Acceptance today!!!!! I am screaming of joy!!!!! This is my top school! I am IS (from Buffalo) and interviewed in Oct-Nov and got waitlisted in dec.
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People who got off the waitlist did you guys write a letter for them?
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I interviewed December 17 and also got an acceptance today !!
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congrats to everyone who were accepted! I have my interview coming up and would be so THANKFUL if anyone could give me insight on the interview process. Was there anything daunting/weird? This is my top choice school so!
congrats to everyone who were accepted! I have my interview coming up and would be so THANKFUL if anyone could give me insight on the interview process. Was there anything daunting/weird? This is my top choice school so!
Hey congrats on your interview. When did you hear about it if you dont mind me asking? And when do you have it?
Hey congrats on your interview. When did you hear about it if you dont mind me asking? And when do you have it?
Hi! I heard back a couple of days ago. It is scheduled for the 21st. They gave me two options actually Jan 21st and Jan 29th.
Hi! I heard back a couple of days ago. It is scheduled for the 21st. They gave me two options actually Jan 21st and Jan 29th.
Congrats!! I'm still waiting on an interview invite and I know they do rolling admissions so my October 22 supplemental submission may be a bit late. May I ask when you submitted the supplemental application? Also, can you share your stats if you don't mind?
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I was originally an Alternate from 12/15, however I received an offer a few days ago! Are there any current students whom I could reach out to for more info on the school?
I was originally an Alternate from 12/15, however I received an offer a few days ago! Are there any current students whom I could reach out to for more info on the school?
Did you send in a letter of intent?
Has anyone who received the "continuing to review" status heard anything?
I was originally an Alternate from 12/15, however I received an offer a few days ago! Are there any current students whom I could reach out to for more info on the school?
Congrats! can i ask ur stats and if you are in-state
I completed my application pretty late and there was an issue w my DAT score that was not visible to them and I had an email that my application is under review on Jan 4th and haven't heard from them. But the admission staff told me I don't need to worry bc they still send invitations till March. However, I still haven't heard from them. Should I be worried?
people who wrote a letter of intent, to whom did you address it?
people who wrote a letter of intent, to whom did you address it?
I sent it to the admissions committee with that same email just so it goes to the right place and they can attach it to your application. I just addressed it as "to the admission committee"
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I sent it to the admissions committee with that same email just so it goes to the right place and they can attach it to your application. I just addressed it as "to the admission committee"
Thank you!!
Mainly about your interest in the school, are you on the alternate status? It's mainly for people on waitlist
Did everyone on the waitlist get the survey?
I just spoke to ub, I'm not sure its for everyone on the waitlist.
Is it a bad sign not getting that? I’m on the waitlist too
Honestly I dont know, I'm just so excited because I've been waiting for UB since forever. Did you send a letter of intent?
I got the survey, am going to tell them to take me off the waitlist bc I accepted a different offer. Good luck to you all!
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Has anyone gotten an interview invitation recently?
Hi all! I'm a D1 at UB. Last year I interviewed on Jan 31 and got in on Feb 5, so don't lose hope :) DM me if you have any questions.
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I just got a “continuing review” email 😒
I just got a “continuing review” email 😒
When did you apply? Don't worry too much...plenty of people have gotten interviews despite receiving a continuing review email
When did you apply? Don't worry too much...plenty of people have gotten interviews despite receiving a continuing review email
September 10th
did anyone else’s waitlist status change to invited to interview?