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I would be complete with my application in late August early September due to DAT.
This may work against you if you get a 21.
I took this gamble last year, by studying all summer for my DAT (took it 8/9) and scored well enough to offset the lateness of my application (submitted 8/24). Applying in August is late already, and September is even later. I only received 2 pre-Dec interviews, but 6 post-Dec, so you will still probably get a few interviews, but acceptances after 12/5 will be even more competitive to get as people start putting deposits down = classes start filling up.
I'd say wait until you see how you do on the DAT before you decide to apply. If you score well, then definitely apply and see where it goes. If you don't score so well, then you might've saved yourself some application money and can study for a retake and apply next cycle in 2019. Good luck!
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So I am considering applying to dental school this cycle and I would like to know what are my chances of receiving an interview. I would be complete with my application in late August early September due to DAT.

Overall GPA = 3.42
Science GPA = 3.26
Non-science major but took 5 upper science courses
LOR = 1 bio, 1 chem, 1 psych, 1 dentist
DAT = Taking it in August. let's say I get a 21-AA, 21-TS, 21-PAT
Volunteering = 400+ hours
Shadowing hours = 100+ hours general, 15 hours periodontitis
Leadership skills= Resident Assistant, tutor (college students and elementary students), President for Pre-dental club
Research = 1 month summer research (bio-related)
Attended impression programs, open houses, symposiums at Dental schools (attended 4 schools in total)
Dean List (Last 2 years)

List of Schools:
1) Boston University
2) Tufts
3) NYU
4) University at Buffalo
5) Touro
6) University of Maryland
7) Western University
8) Las Vega (UNLV)
9) Temple
10) VCU

Why wait so long to take the DAT? If you have time to study almost full time for a couple weeks that is really all you need if you’ve taken at least to O Chem 2. It’s such an advantage to apply early, why wait?
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