Changing MCAT Date COVID 19

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7+ Year Member
Jul 8, 2016
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Hi everyone I'm a reapplicant. I received a 504 the first time on the mcat with 129 in CARS and 125 in everything else. I was going to retake the MCAT June 27th, but my practice exam scores are between a 507-509 and I'm trying to shoot for at least a 510. I was wondering if pushing my MCAT back to July 7th or 18th would make me super late in the application cycle especially with COVID 19 or if I would still be in good shape? I already submitted my app to one school for verification with my old score but I just wanted to make sure my july MCAT wouldn't be a huge disadvantage

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Hi everyone I'm a reapplicant. I received a 504 the first time on the mcat with 129 in CARS and 125 in everything else. I was going to retake the MCAT June 27th, but my practice exam scores are between a 507-509 and I'm trying to shoot for at least a 510. I was wondering if pushing my MCAT back to July 7th or 18th would make me super late in the application cycle especially with COVID 19 or if I would still be in good shape? I already submitted my app to one school for verification with my old score but I just wanted to make sure my july MCAT wouldn't be a huge disadvantage

You won't be late- be sure to submit your primary before you get your MCAT score and prewrite secondaries so that you can submit by mid-late August.

Kevin W, MCAT Tutor
Med School Tutors
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