Chemistry Questions (Do I have to start all over?)

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Oct 17, 2017
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Hi all,

I am currently in my sophmore year of college, and I am finishing the chemistry for my program. However, my program is "advanced" I guess you could say. It is supposed to be done in a year and a half, instead of two years like med schools require.

Instead of the classes saying organic chem/ gen chem, they say intro to organic chem I/II/III. They teach the same material but they are not split apart. (Ex. for the second semester, we did half orgo 1 and half gen chem 2)

Does this mean I have to retake chem all over again because it doesn't specifically split as Gen Chem 1, 2 etc.?

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I am currently in my sophmore year of college, and I am finishing the chemistry for my program. However, my program is "advanced" I guess you could say. It is supposed to be done in a year and a half, instead of two years like med schools require.

Instead of the classes saying organic chem/ gen chem, they say intro to organic chem I/II/III. They teach the same material but they are not split apart. (Ex. for the second semester, we did half orgo 1 and half gen chem 2)

Does this mean I have to retake chem all over again because it doesn't specifically split as Gen Chem 1, 2 etc.?
Why not ask your premed advisor how med school applicants from your school have managed this issue in the past?
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Why not ask your premed advisor how med school applicants from your school have managed this issue in the past?

That's a great idea! I am actually meeting with my advisor today and the dean on Friday, which should give me some insight. I will also see my premed advisor when possible. :)
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Please let us know the answer you get.

Slight update. I am currently a Clinical Lab Science major, planning to switch to biomedical sciences. The meeting with my advisor was pretty negative, but she was saying the only thing I would have to retake was organic chem II (which is sort of good). This has me wondering if I should drop it if I end up making the switch.

She's also telling me that I would be a year behind in graduation if I switch, and that my GPA is not cutting it for med school (thanks for telling me what I already know, lol.). I am meeting with my dean on Friday, who I think will be just a bit more accommodating and understanding.
Slight update. I am currently a Clinical Lab Science major, planning to switch to biomedical sciences. The meeting with my advisor was pretty negative, but she was saying the only thing I would have to retake was organic chem II (which is sort of good). This has me wondering if I should drop it if I end up making the switch.

She's also telling me that I would be a year behind in graduation if I switch, and that my GPA is not cutting it for med school (thanks for telling me what I already know, lol.). I am meeting with my dean on Friday, who I think will be just a bit more accommodating and understanding.
Is this the same chemistry that chem majors and bio majors take at your school? If not, do they use the same text book and have the same instructors? I ask because some health science majors, like nutrition, nursing, and clinical lab science use a more clinical approach in their texts that may not provide the rigor necessary to do well on the MCAT.
Is this the same chemistry that chem majors and bio majors take at your school? If not, do they use the same text book and have the same instructors? I ask because some health science majors, like nutrition, nursing, and clinical lab science use a more clinical approach in their texts that may not provide the rigor necessary to do well on the MCAT.

Hi there,

It is the same material I am pretty sure, and most of the same instructors, but it is just a shortened amount of time, which means it has a lot more packed in.

The bio and chem majors have two years to finish chem, but our program has us do it in a year and a half. I am thinking that if I do switch majors, I can withdraw from the orgo I am taking now and just finish it in the spring. (I did really bad on the first test and it is looking pretty grim.)
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