Program-Specific Info / Q's Chicago OT schools - UIC or Rush?

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7+ Year Member
Jan 31, 2016
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Hi everyone. I am wondering if any of you went to/are attending UIC or Rush for OT and could tell me about your experience. I got into both programs and have been debating between the two for nearly a month, and it is getting very hard to choose!!! I liked Rush because it has a smaller cohort and you get experience in the hospital right away. I also would like to get my OTD, and at Rush I was admitted to the OTD program. At UIC, you get your master's but can be co-enrolled in the OTD program. The program seemed awesome because it really looked at Social Justice issues, but I worry about the MS to OTD program making it harder for me to get my OTD. Also, UIC has a higher ranking than Rush on US News and World Report, but I dont know if I should take that into consideration. Both have good NBCOT exam pass rates and are similar prices since I have to pay out of state tuition at UIC and private tuition at Rush. Any advice?

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I know this is a long shot by hoping for a reply, but I'm wondering which school you ended up choosing and how you are liking it. I am also looking into both schools and would love to hear how they differ!