COMP Class of 2010

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Okay, is everyone married?!?!

Am I the only one who doesn't have a ball and chain?


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I just wanted to congratulate all of you on getting in! Good luck and have fun! I'm a couple years ahead of you and about to start rotations on Monday... can't wait! This is what you guys have to look forward to!! I'll be an OMM Fellow starting this fall, so I'll see ya guys then! =)

... and if anyone needs to rent a room until they find housing, let me know... my roommate is renting hers out for July and August. 4 bed/3bath house with a pool and spa. $491/mo. =) Can't get any better than that!

Keasha Hoffman, OMS III Fellow
[email protected]
COMP DO 2009 (former 2008, but now Fellow, so 2009) ... you'll find out how that works soon enough :)
Junkster said:
Okay, is everyone married?!?!

Am I the only one who doesn't have a ball and chain?


yeah thats a good question! i am not married, but it seems like everyone else is married! oh well, the average age of entrance is ike 26 or 27!! i am 20...i hope people will still be my friend?
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emeraldcity said:
Anyone know how they are going to "credit" my 2K deposit?
Are we allowed to use that towards Health Insurance/ Health Club memberships?

Thanks guys!

I believe the $2k is credited to you 30 days after school starts - basically, you get a 2nd disbursment (but that may have just been for ISAC). You can have your loans increased to cover Health Insurance, Health club membership, & the cost of a laptop - you just have to ask and you can talk to Fin Aid before school starts so that you don't end up waiting for multiple disbursments.

FYI - Disbursement is Aug 11th - I called Ed Fletcher in Fin Aid to ask. It's the same for MS1's and MS2's.

Good luck with all the transitions before school starts!
How flexible is the "2 guests only" rule at the white coat ceremony??
gogo110182 said:
How flexible is the "2 guests only" rule at the white coat ceremony??

I'll sell my '2 guests' spots for a price... :D
gogo110182 said:
How flexible is the "2 guests only" rule at the white coat ceremony??

Not sure, but I think they should let us bring as many people as we want. it's taken a long time to get this far. I understand its kinda a formality, in that we still need to pass four years of curriculum but still.

What's everyone doing for the 4th?
wazzudoc said:
What's everyone doing for the 4th?

Packing... possible BBQ. Possible 'last drinks with friends' in Denver.
Junkster said:
Packing... possible BBQ. Possible 'last drinks with friends' in Denver.

Packing is on my list too, we're just hanging out on lake sammamish and watching fireworks. There will also be many " last drinks " :) After the fourth, I have two more weeks of work left and then can make the long drive to california. my bosses are pretty cool because they are letting me cash out my vacation time, so i'll get paid through August. Looking forward to the move. So how much of orientation week is mandatory and how much is optional, i'd much rather spend the week at the beach?
wazzudoc said:
Packing is on my list too, we're just hanging out on lake sammamish and watching fireworks. There will also be many " last drinks " :) After the fourth, I have two more weeks of work left and then can make the long drive to california. my bosses are pretty cool because they are letting me cash out my vacation time, so i'll get paid through August. Looking forward to the move. So how much of orientation week is mandatory and how much is optional, i'd much rather spend the week at the beach?

Same thing here, except my last day is this Friday!!! I have my regular paycheck coming on the 30th, plus a month of vacation pay. Its going to be SWEET. I am driving down on the weekend of August 5th. We have orientation on the 9th, right?

My girlfriend is driving down with me and hanging out that week, we are definitely going to the beach. Anyone else want to lgo to the beach before class starts?
Are single people allowed to come to this beach party? :D

One more week to go for moi... well, techincally, it's only like 3 days, since it's 4th of July weekend. Seems like everyone is getting their sickday/vacation comp. Only one month for me to cash in on. Then, I'm hanging with the parental units for a week and a half till I'm in Pomona.

See you all around July 20th in Cali.
AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I just got accepted to COMP!!! I applied late, but I got in. I can't wait to meet everyone & start this crazy adventure!
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Red Beard said:
Same thing here, except my last day is this Friday!!! I have my regular paycheck coming on the 30th, plus a month of vacation pay. Its going to be SWEET. I am driving down on the weekend of August 5th. We have orientation on the 9th, right?

My girlfriend is driving down with me and hanging out that week, we are definitely going to the beach. Anyone else want to lgo to the beach before class starts?

I'll be down to hang at the beach as well. Once time gets closer, we should exchange cell #'s so we can meet up before orientation starts. FYI, I'm driving down from Seattle the last weekend of July. So whoever is down there starting the 1st of Aug., we should try and meet up and go out and even play a few rounds of golf. :)
bruin731 said:
AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I just got accepted to COMP!!! I applied late, but I got in. I can't wait to meet everyone & start this crazy adventure!

Congrats ! Enjoy your summer. See you later.
Is anyone else getting annoyed at how many mass emails we get in our westernu email box?

I keep getting messages from the system admin that I am over my limit for emails...its because the 120 junk emails in my "deleted items" folder!

Red Beard said:
Is anyone else getting annoyed at how many mass emails we get in our westernu email box?

I keep getting messages from the system admin that I am over my limit for emails...its because the 120 junk emails in my "deleted items" folder!


hehehe... yea, it is kinda annoying. I almost deleted the GradPlus email while deleting all the '______ for sale/rent/free' emails.

I solemnly swear that I, Jun Kim, will never send out mass emails for our class unless it involves hilarity and/or free drinks.
If you use Outlook, not Outlook express, you can filter your emails. I filter out words like 'rent' 'apartment' 'tickets', etc. I even use it to filter out stuff from my own class. Heh.
Red Beard said:
I keep getting messages from the system admin that I am over my limit for emails...its because the 120 junk emails in my "deleted items" folder!

right click on the Deleted Items Folder and hit "empty deleted items"

DO 2009
I'm totally down.
except my body is a pasty, sickly yellow color from being up in Seattle.
except for this first GLORIOUS WEEK of summer...

I heard that it's about 100 degrees in Pomona right now. great.
Sooo excited to see you all!
I'm thinking we should have a BBQ before everything starts.

grilled meat and beer sound pretty good to me... :D
I think middle of July, we should start looking into a get-together before school starts.

I'm sure most of us will be in town by end of July. I'm shooting for July 20th.

So, party around the last week of July? Like 28th or 29th?

Beach... it's on like Donkey Kong.
Shoot, I'm not coming down until the weekend of August 5th...
emeraldcity said:
I'm totally down.
except my body is a pasty, sickly yellow color from being up in Seattle.
except for this first GLORIOUS WEEK of summer...

I heard that it's about 100 degrees in Pomona right now. great.
Sooo excited to see you all!
I'm thinking we should have a BBQ before everything starts.

grilled meat and beer sound pretty good to me... :D

I've been down at Madison Park Beach every afternoon for the last 5 days. Have to get that tan in gear so I don't stand out too much in LA LA Land :laugh:
Red Beard said:
I've been down at Madison Park Beach every afternoon for the last 5 days. Have to get that tan in gear so I don't stand out too much in LA LA Land :laugh:

I'll be playing tennis with my brother for the two weeks I have in CO after I'm done with work, so hopefully I won't be so pasty.

Aug. 5th isn't too bad, since orientation isn't till that following week.
Junkster said:
I'll be playing tennis with my brother for the two weeks I have in CO after I'm done with work, so hopefully I won't be so pasty.

Aug. 5th isn't too bad, since orientation isn't till that following week.

You won't be pasty, but you should have a kick-ass farmer's tan.
I'm thinking white sock lines, the works.

That might be one way to impress the ladies in our class... *haha*
emeraldcity said:
That might be one way to impress the ladies in our class... *haha*

Yea, all three of them who aren't married. :laugh:
Red Beard said:
I've been down at Madison Park Beach every afternoon for the last 5 days. Have to get that tan in gear so I don't stand out too much in LA LA Land :laugh:

That's been my attempt.
hahaha then I thought, does this mean I have to go on a perpetual diet too?
Will I have to give up beer? **nooooooo**

perhaps I will rebel against the industry standards.

Are you in the NWtrack?
Junkster said:
Yea, all three of them who aren't married. :laugh:

but you can have your pick of the PAs, PharmDs, the DVMs...
besides, if you're Korean (which I make the flying assumption because you said that you were Jun Kim) shouldn't your mother already be taking requests? :laugh:

*haha* my mother is lamenting because I am going to med school single. So there. we can be friends :)
emeraldcity said:
but you can have your pick of the PAs, the DMPs...
besides, if you're Korean (which I make the flying assumption because you said that you were Jun Kim) shouldn't your mother already be taking requests? :laugh:

*haha* my mother is lamenting because I am going to med school single. So there. we can be friends :)


It's funny you mention that. When I was in Korea this past month, my mom's friends kept pushing their daughters on me. Then, at a recent wedding, all the parents kept telling me about some nice niece they know...

As my friends say... I'm a serial dater.
Junkster said:

It's funny you mention that. When I was in Korea this past month, my mom's friends kept pushing their daughters on me. Then, at a recent wedding, all the parents kept telling me about some nice niece they know...

As my friends say... I'm a serial dater.

Welcome to MY world.
apparently, I'm a hot commodity amongst my mother's friends.
Except I don't get the dating option, I just get proposals. I'm not kidding. I think the count is up to 6 now. And all by future "shee-ummas" Oh Lord.

I love being Korean and all, but I don't think I can be "hard core" and marry a boater.
I hear it's easier for you men. :rolleyes:
At least you have the 'pick' of the litter out in the west coast...

Try Denver, CO, where most are:

1. Spoiled little brats
2. HS/college drop outs
3. 'gong ju/wang ja' syndrome
4. nerds with no social skills

Most carry more then one of the conditions listed above.
Junkster said:
At least you have the 'pick' of the litter out in the west coast...

Try Denver, CO, where most are:

1. Spoiled little brats
2. HS/college drop outs
3. 'gong ju/wang ja' syndrome
4. nerds with no social skills

Most carry more then one of the conditions listed above.

maybe in CALI. I'm in SEATTLE.
Let's just say I have never dated a Korean man.
I may be able to speak and hold my soju, but I'm pretty twinkie... :D
emeraldcity said:
maybe in CALI. I'm in SEATTLE.
Let's just say I have never dated a Korean man.
I may be able to speak and hold my soju, but I'm pretty twinkie... :D

Crap, so you're in the same boat as I am...

I dated a Korean girl for two weeks. That was about as much as I could take.

I think that's what worries my parents the most. The fact that I date mostly non-asian girls, and only one Korean girl.
Hey everyone! Soooo, i just got IN!!! Time to move from NY! Can someone PM me with suggestions for areas in which to find an apt?

see everyone in august! :)
Here comes the rush of the last round of acceptances...

Congrats to all.

ny2cali: There are posts within this thread with info on apartments in the area. Use the search this thread function.
ny2cali said:
Hey everyone! Soooo, i just got IN!!! Time to move from NY! Can someone PM me with suggestions for areas in which to find an apt?

see everyone in august! :)

most of the areas around Pomona are nice.
I'm living out in Claremont/Ontario.
A lot of people live in Chino, Rancho Cucamonga, etc. But it also entails commuting to school.
If you are coming from NYC, I highly suggest you bring a car. No, I don't suggest, you pretty much have to have a car in Cali.
A bit off topic but i was speaking to a physician who graduated from COMP back in '91. He said he had to purchase a microscope. Anybody heard of this? I'm think it was something they might have been doing back then....hopefully not any longer...
chris7b said:
A bit off topic but i was speaking to a physician who graduated from COMP back in '91. He said he had to purchase a microscope. Anybody heard of this? I'm think it was something they might have been doing back then....hopefully not any longer...

My class was the last one to actually use microscopes for micro labs, or bring in stool samples.

The smell of agar, Gram stains that would not stain.

Good times. Good times. Not.
tkim said:
My class was the last one to actually use microscopes for micro labs, or bring in stool samples.

The smell of agar, Gram stains that would not stain.

Good times. Good times. Not.

Which class would that be?....NEVERMIND
Junkster said:
Crap, so you're in the same boat as I am...

I dated a Korean girl for two weeks. That was about as much as I could take.

I think that's what worries my parents the most. The fact that I date mostly non-asian girls, and only one Korean girl.

Yo Emerald and Junkster,

Another Korean dude from Seattle here. How many damn Han-gook sadams do we have in the NWT? :laugh:
uwalum said:
Yo Emerald and Junkster,

Another Korean dude from Seattle here. How many damn Han-gook sadams do we have in the NWT? :laugh:

All the one's UW didn't want?
Sad to say, my poor mother envisioned me to be a lawyer or with my MBA, and married at this point in life. I have become quite a dissapointment. ;)

Actually, I think Junkster's not in the NWT.
okay, i guess we have a lot of koreans over here, and, in the NWT..... but is being Chinese sort of rare nowadays??

anyway, anyone wants to get together before school starts??
gogo110182 said:
okay, i guess we have a lot of koreans over here, and, in the NWT..... but is being Chinese sort of rare nowadays??

anyway, anyone wants to get together before school starts??

I will for sure! I'm down there starting Aug 1 and probably living by myself so I will definately want to hang out alot before school starts. Check out the beach, bars, clubs, parks, etc. When time gets closer, we should make plans.

Who's in for a day at Six Flags?
gogo110182 said:
okay, i guess we have a lot of koreans over here, and, in the NWT..... but is being Chinese sort of rare nowadays??

anyway, anyone wants to get together before school starts??

there's talk and speculation about the beach and/or a BBQ once we all get down. Sometime, possibly the weekend before orientation?
I can just see the non-asian classmates shaking their heads reading this thread...
emeraldcity said:
That's been my attempt.
hahaha then I thought, does this mean I have to go on a perpetual diet too?
Will I have to give up beer? **nooooooo**

perhaps I will rebel against the industry standards.

Are you in the NWtrack?

Yes...I was posting in this thread earlier as "Harley"...I decided to change my screenname.

I am really curious what all these terms mean:

'gong ju/wang ja' syndrome
future "shee-ummas"
speak and hold my soju
etc. :laugh:

Help a caucasian brother out here! :laugh:

Looking forward to getting to know you all...

PS-Today is my last day of work...was at the pub at 8am with my coworker/buddy watching the game, lunch and beers at noon, then organize my files this afternoon and I am on to the next chapter.
Red Beard said:
Yes...I was posting in this thread earlier as "Harley"...I decided to change my screenname.

I am really curious what all these terms mean:

'gong ju/wang ja' syndrome
future "shee-ummas"
speak and hold my soju
etc. :laugh:

Help a caucasian brother out here! :laugh:

Looking forward to getting to know you all...

PS-Today is my last day of work...was at the pub at 8am with my coworker/buddy watching the game, lunch and beers at noon, then organize my files this afternoon and I am on to the next chapter.

YAY!!! Another soccer fan!!! WEEEE!!!

kekeke... I'll teach you all the terms when we have the BBQ, promise.
Just wanted to wish all of you good luck...from a NY'er that survived living in LA!
Red Beard said:
Yes...I was posting in this thread earlier as "Harley"...I decided to change my screenname.

I am really curious what all these terms mean:

'gong ju/wang ja' syndrome
future "shee-ummas"
speak and hold my soju
etc. :laugh:

Help a caucasian brother out here! :laugh:

Looking forward to getting to know you all...

PS-Today is my last day of work...was at the pub at 8am with my coworker/buddy watching the game, lunch and beers at noon, then organize my files this afternoon and I am on to the next chapter.

*haha* hey Harley!
Glad to hear your gf is coming with you!

yes. Junkster and I figured oh, about half way thru our postings that uh- we should probably not take over the thread. ;)

Bollucks to Germany. I reeeeeeally wanted Argentina to win.