Contacting schools that have ghosted you

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Full Member
Jul 30, 2018
Reaction score
So far this cycle, been rejected to 5 schools, waitlisted at 1 and still waiting for the others. I would like to contact the rest of the schools that are still offering post December interviews but not sure exactly what to say? What do you guys recommend? Should I contact them and write a letter of interest? Really at a loss right now, I know I'm a terrific candidate its just my DAT score thats holding me back from pursuing my dreams.

Your help is MUCH appreciated.

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I would say go ahead and send a letter of interest as well as an update of things you have done since you submitted your ADDSAS application. Write each school a short letter of interest on why you are a great candidate and how you'll fit into their school. You honestly have nothing to lose at this point so shoot your shot! Good luck!
Can't hurt to show that you're interested. Just don't be annoying. Say my name is _______ & I am currently applying to ___________. And then state the reasons why you like the school.

Also, what is your DAT score? I'm sure you are a terrific candidate, but the DAT is very important
First time 17 AA retook it and got 18AA. I will likely retake it again if I don't get in this cycle.
Just in case you have to reapply, I would contact the schools that rejected you and ask them how you can improve your application.
It might just be your DAT or it could also be something else?